17 oldest charities that give creatively

Proof that doing good can be a total explosion, too

We generally think of charity as something like seeing your vegetables: good for you (and for the world), but not all you have fun. But in this soul of viral research, social media-media, qualified people who wish to do good have realized that, until then, calling for better angels might not be enough for the interest of the average person. SoMany successful benefits have found more unusual approaches and out of the box to get other people to behave in an altruistic way. Here are 17 bizarre charities that make immeasurable good while doing their own.

Shirts for a cure

For more information: sfac.merchnow.com

This charity literally tells. They sell t-shirts exclusively designed by dozens of different rock bands (bad religion, blink 182, used and many others), with the product will helpWomen fight breast cancer. Launched by Punk-Rock Scene Photographer Mark Beemer, whose wife, Syra Asha J. Savio, died of breast cancer, the organization sells the shirts at a reasonable price of $ 15 each. To learn more about breast cancer and how you can help, consult these women to reveal what it is to do breast cancer.

Clean cooking alliance

Gas range

For more information:CleanCookstoves.org

We often hear about impoverished people requiring food - but what about people with food that do not have healthy or safe ways to prepare the food they have? This is the mission of this organization, notes that three billion people depend on the pollution of open fires and inefficient (and dangerous) stoves to cook their food. This charity offers modern and secure stoves in poorly served communities around the world, Chinese farmers at Mayan villagers.

Yoga foundation

couple doing yoga on a beach

For more information: badbackyoga.org

Why should yoga be one thingOnly urban hipsters with green fruit juice? This organization seeks to provide yoga programs with underserved or marginalized communities, using healthy benefits of practice to improve the lives of a wide range of people, with programs such as the prison yoga project, Yoga of the recovery in 12 stages, yoga4cancer, etc. The eaten charity spirie program aims to help people with food disorders at a healthier body image, while their conscious yoga therapy is offered to veterans based on CPDS.

Monkey aids


For more information: monkeyhelpers.org

At this time when people try to bring "Service scrubs"Sous Planes," Singles Service "does not sound that it may have just a few years a few years ago. But do you believe that there is a charity dedicated to the provision ofThese animals to those who need. Adults with spinal cord injuries and mobility deficiencies can reach ways to help the hands: monkey aids, which leads to agile primates to help those who have needs in different ways.

Child's play

teddy bear and legos

For more information: Kidjouchaarity.org

Being in the hospital is a Bower, of course, for many reasons, but a person who is often neglected is that boring things likely to get - especially if you are a child to the need for entertainment . This is where this organization maintains, which works with 140 hospitals to provide video games (and other toys) to children who can use entertainment. The organization takes the two financial donations, with which it buys new video game consoles and toys, or supplieslist of wishesChildren in specific hospitals, to whom donors can send specific toys directly.

Patriot Paws

lab puppy lounging

For more information: patriotpaws.org

Based in Rockwall, Texas, this organization leads to puppies, which it then provides service dogs toDisabled veteransor messy post-traumatic stress disorder. Founded by a professional dog trainer Lori Stevens more than a dozen years ago, he also offers a penitentiary program in which his dogs remain in special dormitories in the prisons of the Texas Criminal Justice Department where they are trained andSupervise by selecting detainees24 hours a day.

The connection of the criterion

guinea pig

For more information: ctguineapigrescue.org

This non-profit goal focuses on smaller creatures in need, rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned and neglected guinea pigs. Based in Durham, Connecticut, the organization saved more than 1,800 grumpy creatures, abandoned by the owners or left undernourished. This organization rehabilitates them and corresponds to the adoptersPetfinder.


toolbox wisdom men over 40

For more information: Buildanest.org

Not be confused withThe Smart-Home system,This non-profit goal for "artisans" -Artisans to try to build a business or make a living with their trades-all over the world. It offers professional scholarships to ensure management and training, a supply network that provides materials without abusive price intermediaries and networking and event services to help its members communicate and learn one others.

Fivehope shelter on donkey back


For more information: longshopes.org

The website of this organization exposes its mission clearly: "? Can not keep your donkey want to be sure that your donkey is safe with people who know and long love donkeys accept the donkeys of owners who can no longer take care of their donkey. This organization, based in Colorado, the rescues of the donkeys of butcher's or negligence, form and offers for adoption to love, homes only.

Heifer International


For more information: heifer.org

Instead of simply giving beneficiary food, this organization helps combat hunger around the world by providing gifts that continue to give: livestock (including sheep, cows, hens and bees domestic) That families to raise, milk production, eggs, honey and other products that can be sold, exchanged or consumed. He does not stop there: the families who receive livestock over the first female offspring of their animals to another family in need and train others in their community, creating a virtuous circle of subsistence.

Afghans for Afghans

crafting hobby

For more information: Afghansforafghans.org

Not only a skillful word game, this organization hooks knitted and the United States to create blankets called Afghan than sweaters, jackets, hats, mittens and socks and sends them to people in Afghanistan who need it.

Cary Creative Center

recycle bin


At the service of the area around Cary, North Carolina, the trash of this non-profit tower a man in the treasure of another man. It accepts donations from materials disposed of households and local businesses relegate to the "Junk" and "upcycles" stack in art by workshops offering, sewing classes and other programs for children and adults to express their creativity without having to pay all the materials.

Linus project

throw blanket gift ideas

For more information: ProjectLinus.org

Named after thePeanutCharacter who went nowhere without his blue coverage, this organization provides "love, a sense of security, heat and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need through donations of news, covers Handmade and Afghans, created with love by volunteer 'Blanketeseers. This organization for 20 years donated 350 covers per month for children throughout the country, in the 50 states.

Modest needs

man taking money out of a wallet

For more information: ModestnedS.org

As the name suggests, this charity does not target serious cases of poverty, but for those who just need a little help to get back on their feet. It grants short-term subsidies for those who are in a temporary crisis, but whose needs are not so serious that they would otherwise be eligible for conventional social assistance. These subsidies are not paid directly to the beneficiary, but to the suppliers to whom they must serve the money of the money to ensure the right reasons.

Four Pound Burger Challenge


For more information: EDP24.CO.UK

Have you heard of competitive food challenges, but how about competitive food challenges for a good cause? This is the concept of this annual event, designed by Boucher Ali tooth, from Norfolk, Virginia, where participants enter funds for the Charity of Mencap Mental Health and trying to eat a four-pound hamburger. In the first competition, in 2012, 109 people participated and onlya Nobody finished the challenge (Rugby Player Paul Bridges, who took a little less than an hour to eat the thing).

Walk a mile in his shoes


For more information: Walkamileinhershoes.org

To help men better appreciate the challenges and dangers faced by women, while raising awareness about sexual assault and gender-based violence, this annual men's event walking in women's high-heeled shoes, get Friends and family to sponsor them and recovery money for the cause.

Great Gorilla Run

east lowland gorilla

For more information: Greatgorillarun.org

Another meeting was aimed at raising awareness of an important cause, but get the participants to get a little ridiculous. Great Gorilla Run, held in London, asked that every increase in participants £ 200 usingProtect threatened species.

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