13 ways to play games can facilitate stress

If you need to decompress after a long day, plan to reach a game!

With job expectations toCheck our email 24h / 24 and ourHealth suffering fromThere is no shortage of things to fear these days. So it's more important than ever to find ways toRelease your anxiety and your tension overly overwhelmed. Fortunately, there is a surprisingly easy and fun way to let go of all this frustration asked: playing a game. Whether it's a puzzle or aboard game, here are all ways of these activitiesstress And help you work better in all aspects of life.

They help you focus on something else.

Tetris {Conquer Negative Thinking}

One of the ways in manner to help reduce stress is by putting you in a state of flow, moving your brain from what you stresses you to become champion of all you play. For example, a 2018 study published in the journalEmotion Found that playing Tetris can serve as usefulAdaptation mechanism For people who are waiting for potentially changing news.

The researchers found that, while the classic game could not completely mitigate anxiety, it decreased negative emotions and improves positive levels. Other games requiring high concentration would probably have similar results.

They can mitigate panic attacks.

playing chess

Chess can put you in a similar flow state like Tetris, and psychiatrists have found that this focus can help reduce feelings of panic. In a 2017 case study published in theAsian Journal of PsychiatryA researcher started playing a game of chess on their mobile phone immediately after starting to feel symptoms of a panic attack and found that playing the game prevented a breathtaking attack.

They help us relax after work.

Online gaming Games Reduce Stress

PersistentFeeling of stress and tension After leaving the office has a name: work-home interference. The good news? Playing a game can help you get back.

According to a 2014 study published in theInternational Journal of Human Skills-ComputersPeople who used digital games to mitigate their stress-recovered work-work interference more quickly and more efficiently than those who have used other methods.

They teach us how to manage anticipated anxiety.

Black mother and father and young daughter play Jenga-like game

All games involve some degree of unpredictability, which means playing them can help us learn how to handle our fear of the unknown. "Children who live a high degree of anticipated anxiety ... can benefit games like theyLearn how to stay calm When the inevitable tower falls (Jenga), crocodile snaps (crocodile dentist) or the last president is taken (musical chairs), "writes psychologistNicole Beurkens tohis website. "They can experience a brief period of anxiety and practice management without having to stick to long periods of time."

They teach persistence.

playing cards, improve memory

That there is a video game level that you can not seem to conquer or a friend that you can not beat at spades, playing games will present you with obstacles that challenge your patience, your creativity and your skills of thought critical. The games are one of the few areas of life in which you can fail and still without consequences or critical, and some experts believe that it teaches players that they can persevere in any aspect of life as long as They do not abandon.

"I believe that many of us become the best version of ourselves", game designerJane McGonigal Said during his speech by 2020 Ted. "The most likely to help at a time, most likely to stick with a problem as long as it takes, to get up after failure and try again."

They help us improve our communication skills.

people talking playing a game

Few things are more stressful than trying to talk to someone when you want to talk a totally different language. Fortunately, play games can help with these feelings of disconnection.

Collaborative games like the pandemic, dungeons and dragons and call for duty can all help players learn to learn tocommunicate more effectively. Some games like Mafia and Hanabi even limit your forms of communication, forcing you to find creative ways to pass messages. When you can adapt, you become a better team player who can communicate their feelings with ease both during and after the match.

They leave your mind wander.

man playing video games

Games that are intensively focused on objectivesrelieve stress By focusing on something other than your problems. However, those who are more open are also useful in the fight against stress, because a lack of purpose can be a point of sale.

Take, for example, Minecraft, which has a creative mode in which players can simply build what they want. "The aspect of not being said what to do unconsciously in the player's mind," writerFulton Michael explained inTo the life.

They ride you from the couch.

christmas game

Games like skipping the rope, the tag and the Wii Fit all require yousofa and be active - and when you have fun playing, you do not even notice thatYou exercise. After all, any type of movement is good for your stress levels: studies have shown thatPhysical activity reduces tension and helps stabilize mood. Even a low intensity workout such as Wii Bowling UPS endorphins and helps you feel energized and rejuvenated.

They help us get binding with friends.

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Stress is easier to manage when you have someone else at your side. In reality,spend time with friends was shown toreduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. You do not even need to talk about your problems so that it works; Simply pull on a card game or scrabble board and play yourself to feel these benefits.

They increase our cooperation.

Group of Friends Playing Charades Truth or Dare Questions

The importance of cooperation could be obvious in games like Pictaire or Charoges, but what about the average video game? As it turns out, multiplayer video games lead to players presentingLess aggressive behavior and more pro-social behaviors in real situations, according to a 2015 study ofTexas Tech University. People capable of working together can accomplish more, reduce stress and frustration to solve a solo problem.

They teach us to be more resourceful.

Man playing video games on the sofa after calling in sick to work

A magician has just turned your friend into chicken - what are you doing? Although it is (hopefully) not a scenario that you will meet in real life, this potential virtual scenario could simply teach you an ingenuity that you can use to fight your daily problems.

A 2017 study published in the journalComputers and Education I showed that playing commercial video games improved adaptability and resourceing undergraduate students, even after 14 hours of gameplay. The resource people use all at their disposal to solve problems and prevent stress, then reinforce this skill could help you relax in the long run.

They can help reduce aggression.

man playing video games, smart person habits

While violentvideo games Tend to have bad rap, there is evidence that these games can act as a kind of pressure valve for stress and aggression. In fact, a 2010 study ofInternational University Texas A & M Found, they can even help mood management. In the study, researchers determined that violent games were more effective than those not violentReducer of depression and hostile feelings.

They generate laughter.

friends playing games Amazing Dinner Parties

Something fun is required to happen when you play a game with friends or a family - and that laughter is stress-buster, reducing heart rate andarterial pressure in the short term andIncrease your well-being in the long run, according to theMAYO Clinic. It's also the fastest way to release endorphins, so make sure you make fun of your next family game! And for more reasons, laughter is the best cure for everything you have, check these20 Goal Benefits for Laughter Health - No Joke!

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