15 magic phrases and words that help relieve stress

To say that these things can reduce your level of anxiety instantly.

Everybodyis stressed sometimes. Starting a new job, moving in a new place, everyone ready in your household in the morning, or even simply enter a room filled with people you have never encountered before making your heart beat a little faster and Your sweaty forehead a little more. But what you do not realize is that you already have the best possibleTool for stress relief At your disposal: your voice. Yes, by pronouncing a few words and key expressions, you can calm down instantly to calm down and relax, to make these concerns disappear. Here are 17 of these magic words that will help you stay calm and continue.

"Thank you."

closeup of hands opening envelope to pull out a thank you note

We all know you are thanked is a huge mood atmosphere. But did you know that thanking someone else can have similar effects? According to a 2005 study published in the journalAmerican psychology,Express gratitude can result in increased increase in happiness. In their research,Martin Seligman, PhD and his team asked a group of participants to write and show letters of gratitude to the people of their past that had been particularly kind, but they had never really thanked. The study topics attributed to this task had a much happier attitude, which lasted at least a whole month later. Yes, it could be difficult to remember to show gratitude when you are stressed, but a little "thank you" can go very far - for all the people involved.


senior white man thinking while sitting on picnic table, with a half smile on his face

When you are under the pistol, it is too easy to be completely consumed by the problem by hand. That's why it's crucial to be able to look beyond the problem, and fortunately, a solution to a word that can help you do exactly that: nevertheless. AsStanley Hibbs, PhD, saysPsychology today, "Nevertheless" is amagic word that can help you kill stress in his heart. If you follow your thoughts stressed with a positive, separating the two with a "nevertheless" between the two ", it's good for your health, your self-esteem and can make you a more productive and more efficient," said Hibbs.

"I am kind."

older black couple smiling and laughing outside while leaning on fence

Relationships can lead to joy and stress in equal measure. When you treat with a problem involving a loved one, remembering that they love you and deserve that their love is crucial. "As a person who has anxiety in his close relationships, something that is often useful to you when anxiety begins to build sayings like:" You are friendly and / or merit of love ""Chantelle Doswell, an approved advisor and a speaker at the Columbia University Social Work School,HuffPost. These sentences can help the problem seem more manageable and can help ban your stress in kind.

"I like."

older couple hugging and smiling in the kitchen

Just like reminding you that you are worthy of love helps you calm down, you remember that you are also able that love helps fight against daily stress. "Sub out" love "for any word you feel described when you are your best me. Now, close your eyes and think about how it feels you've embed on this trait,"Heidi Hanna, PhD, written inStressaholic: 5 steps to transform your relationship with stress. So, the next time you wake up to feel stressed, take a few seconds and tell what kind of person you want to be that day. You will need the emphasis on the difficulty you might feel.


man sits on sandy beach as gun glares while meditating

Tell someone who pointed out to "calm" is an exercise of futility - we all know it. However, when you sayyourself To calm down, it's not as useless. According to Doswell, you said to calm down while performing conscious respiratory exercises that can have a significant impact on your stress levels. "Refirming the accounts of four to C-A-L-M [on breath at breath] and D-O-W-N [on the output breath] is my go-to physical anxiety," said DoswellHuffPost.

"I'm excited."

red headed young woman in red and white striped shirt grips fists in excitement as she smiles and closes her eyes

According toAlison Wood Brooks, an aggregated professor at Harvard Business School, there is in fact a completely different emotion that can fight stress except for the typical antonyms of calm and relaxation. In a 2013 study published in theExperimental Psychology Journal: General,Brooks found that participants who encountered stressful tasks with enthusiasm - rather than the relaxed attitude that is generally prescribed - were much more likely to see a decrease in stress levels. So the next time you feel the walls close, do you pump!


yes no maybe checklist with pen laying atop paper

Unfortunately, all things that do not cause you stress are things you can control. But if you are dealing with a task that is indeed something youcanOntrol, and that causes you a lot of stress, you may want to consider abandoning it completely.

"When you want to live a life without stress, we must choose" No ", writesDarius Foroux, author ofWhat it takes to be free. "By blindly declaring yes to the invitations of our colleagues, friends or family us causes an American stress. We often regret to say yes for days. We are afraid to damage our relationships. We fear to burn bridges. We worry about what People would think that if we said that. ... saying no, you do not miss anything. The world is filled with opportunity and beauty. "

"This too should pass."

man sits back in chair, photographed from behind, with hands behind his head as he relaxes

It seems too obvious with a solution for something like the stress that can be encompassing, but reminding you that any problem is just a storm that passes is a sure way to help go on the other side. Neglect to look at the big inevitable image will only exacerbate feelings of anxiety. "Remember that this moment filled with panic will not last forever,"Sherry diane case, a coach of life and writing, saidHuffPost. "Enter this mantra. Repeat" that will also pass "at the rhythm with your breath".

"It's not about me."

young white man looking at himself in the mirror

A speech, a performance, a presentation - any activity that consists in front of a crowd is kept to cause stress. But if you choose to focus on the importance of what you do rather than the way people could judge you, stress will dissipate.

"Sometimes I'm worried about a new episode of podcast or a video, I'm going to relax because I'm worried about what the reception will be"JOY HARDEN BRADFORDthe founder ofTherapy for black girls, RecountHuffPost. "Let's remember that it's not about me, but more about who needs to hear what I have to say, is incredibly useful."

"All is well."

Black woman takes deep breath outdoors
Adamkaz / iStock

Who does not want someone to tell them that everything will be fine? The good news is that you do not need to find someone else to tell you - you can just do it yourself!Maryam Hasnaa, who leads workshops on spirituality and consciousness, saysHuffPost She uses the phrase "everything is fine" religiously during his daily life. After all, it's a bit more difficult to be stressed when you think everything goes well.

"I respect you."

closeup on handshake between two men

Trade relations can become great sources of stress. But tell someone you respect them in the workplace, you can end up long, not only to make this person happy, but also to reduce your long-term stress levels.

"Respect creates respect; the relationship increases. Conflict that would otherwise create a massive constraint are transformed into problems that you solve together"Inc. ReporterGeoffrey Jameswritten in an article forInternal business community. So, the next time a problem with a colleague or a business partner felt the pressure, try to say that you respect them and want to find a resolution together. You could be surprised by the speed with which the problem is solved.

"I forgive you."

two sets of hands grasp cup of coffee from across a table, photo taken from above

Rancune holding can result in a lot of stress. But forgive, on the other hand? This can make your stress level come down instantly. In fact, according to a 2019 study of theAmerican Psychology Associates, letting go hostility or resentment can reduce your risk of heart attack, relieve pain, improve your cholesterol levels andReduce anxiety and depression. All that just tell someone, "I forgive you" and works in the life of that.

"This is an active process in which you make a conscious decision to drop negative feelings if the person deserves or not", "Karen Swartz, MD, Director of the Adult Consultation Clinic of Mood Disorders at Johns Hopkins Hospital, explained inAn article for Johns Hopkins.

"I have enough."

hands shown cutting paper with scissors that reads

You fight to not meet your personal expectations is extremely prejudicial, but you probably do it probablyall the weather. So why not try to do the opposite next time and tell you that yes, are you actually enough? Repeat this sentence a few times and you will be ready to cope with your next stress-free challenge!

"Give ourselves positive messages to combat the negative discussion of oneself", writesKathleen Room, PhD, of theConscious living network. "You can choose to do this simple practice to create prosperity, balance and health of your life."

"I am in control."

control concept photo with black background shows hands with strings tied to them, like a puppet master

You may not believe it at the time, but try to repeat this positive affirmation to yourself. "Research at the University of California tells us that people who repeat an affirmation when they feel fear or stress have lower cortisol levels"Written Hall. "Cortisol is the stress hormone that makes our body have a fight or flight response in a period of fear." So, less than that, the better!

"I am stressed."

older man with face in hands
Shutterstock / Mrmocock

This sentence may seem silly, but we hear us. The company naturally conditions people to end up their negative feelings. And yet, expressing these negative feelings is the first time it is to solve them. According to a 2014 study published in Psychological Social Sciences and Personality , Participants who shared feelings of stress with others before giving a discourse found in a decrease in stress. So the next time you are stressed, do you recognize what you feel. It could simply make all the difference. And for more ways to minimize your stress, stop these 20 errors that will only be composed of your stress .

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