10 ways to gain muscle quickly
Blow your musculature and turn your beach body dreams into reality.

Your body has about 650 muscles. It does not matter if you do not care about four or five of them. You need everyone in order to perform the normal functions of everyday life, breathing, walking, holding in your stomach at the beach. Certainly, you do not need to spend a lot of time thinking about most of your muscles. For example, the 200 muscles involved in walking do the job if you monitor them or not. But for the muscles, you would like to do more aesthetic pleasure (if you are in this kind of thing), as well as bigger and stronger, it helps to understand a little how they work. And for more ways to mature, consider adoptingJames McAvoy's Muscle secret.
1 Muscle fibers have different capacities.
Your skeletal muscles - those you check in the mirror - have two types of main fibers. Type I fibers, also known as Slow-Twitch, are mainly used for endurance activities. Type II or Fast-Twitch, start working when a task uses more than 25% of your maximum strength. A movement must not necessarily be "slow" for slow contraction fibers to take over; This must simply be an action that does not require much of your fast contraction force. And an effort does not necessarily be "fast" to call your fast contraction fibers at stake.
Most people are thought to have a more or less equal mixture of slow and fast contraction fibers. However, fast contraction fibers are twice as important as the slows, with the potential to become even greater. Slow contraction fibers can also grow, but not to the same extent. So a strategy immediately comes to mind ...
2 To grow, you have to lift big.
When you start a task, no matter if it's as easy as getting out of bed or as complex as swinging a golf club, your muscles operate on two basic principles of physiology:
The all-or-nothing principle declares that a muscle fiber enters the action, or this is not the case. If it's in, it's all the way. So when you get up to walk in the bathroom, a small percentage of your muscle fibers works as hard as possible to find you there. And, more importantly, all other fibers are inactive.
The size of the size Requires that smaller muscle fibers first enter into a task. If the task - a biceps loop, for example - requires less than 25% of the strength of your biceps, the slow contraction fibers will handle it themselves. When the weight exceeds 25% of their strength, type II fibers, fast pulsed fibers jump. The more you get closer to the limits of your strength, faster contraction fibers are involved. Here is why this is important: anyone who tries to build as much muscle as possible must possibly work with weights requiring something close to a total effort. Otherwise, the highest threshold fibers never stand out into action. In addition, the smallest fibers do not need their own special repetition program because the size principle also indicates that if large fibers are pushed to maximum, small fibers are also jostled.
3 You can save your bones by building your muscles.
For people with back and healthy knees, Squat is among the best exercises of strength, mass, sports performance and even long-term health. The heavy loads build the size and muscular strength, as well as bone density, and more thickening bones serve you well when you finally break up until you plunge. In the end, you will not be the person who fractures a hip and ends up in a retirement home, even if you probably pay visits to your unagugored friends.
To install:Define a bar in the brackets just below the shoulder height and load the weight plates. (Be preservative with these weights if you have never hooked before. There is a learning curve.) Take the bar with your hands just outside your shoulders, then: under the bar and rest on your back. When you pull your shoulder blades together and back, the bar will have a beautiful shelf to rest. Lift the bracket bar and take a step back. Define your feet to the shoulder to the shoulder, lightly bend your knees, pull in your lower abdominals, press your glutes and set your head in line with your spine, keeping your eyes forward.
Descent: To start squat, bend your knees and hips simultaneously to lower your body. Squat also deep as you can without allowing your trunk to advance more than 45 degrees of vertical. Make sure your heels stay flat on the floor.
Ascension:Tighten your sleeves together and push them forward to start climbing, which should reflect the descent. Keep your knees at the same distance (do not let them move or go out). Your hips and shoulders must move to the same angle - if your hips go up faster, you increase your trunk angle and that you risk extending your lower back. At the top, keep a slight fold in your knees.
4 The quality - not the amount of muscle is yours.
The day you have been designed, the gigne gignes made three decisions that you may want to quibble with adult, if you could:
- Your maximum number of muscle fibers.
- Your percentages of fast and slow contraction fibers.
- The shapes of your muscles when they are completely developed.
Few of us are approaching our full genetic potential, but with the right guy and good job, you can always be a little more of God, as you are now. The best way to do it is to learn how to use the juice machine of your muscles. Get an advantage by adding theseBest 10 carbohydrates for your ABS to your diet!
5 If you want more muscle, you need more testosterone.
Everyone has testosterone babies, little girls playing with tea sets, grandparents go beyond the laxative alley at CVS. Things are not relegated to the maturation of men. In addition, the testosterone / muscle-mass link is clear enough in general terms: the more you have one, the more you get from the other. Although the formation of force does not necessarily make your testosterone level permanently, it certainly makes a little Jiggy in the short term. We know four ways to create a temporary thrust in your most important hormone.
- Do exercises that use the most muscular mass, such as squats, death tall, pullups and dips. (You will learn three in this article alone.)
- Use heavyweights, at least 85% of the maximum that you can lift once over a given exercise.
- Make a lot of work during your exercises of several gym times gym; Several sets, multiple repetitions.
- Keep short periods of rest of 30 to 60 seconds.
Of course, you can not do all these things in the same workout. So change your workouts every few weeks, rather than doing the same thing from now that the geniam gods are reminiscent of the goods. In the meantime, a small supplement will not be injured in the bedroom.
6 The growing muscles need more than protein.
The mythology surrounding the protein and the building muscle could fill a book, even if science is quite simple. Your muscles are made of protein (except four-fifths of water), you must eat protein to grow. You must also eat protein to prevent them from contracting, so people trying to lose fat without sacrificing the muscle doing better when they build their diet around the high quality protein and respectful of the muscles. : lean meat, fish, eggs, poultry and low fat dairy products.
But if you are young, lean and try to gain solid weight, many extra proteins may not help as much as you think. The protein has qualities that help weight loss can reduce weight gain. First, the protein is metabolically expensive for your body to treat. Your body burns about 20% of each protein calorie that digest it. (It burns about 8% of carbohydrate calories and 2% of fat during digestion.)
Second, the protein creates a high level of satiety, both during meals and between them. In other words, it makes you feel faster and tired longer between meals. (This effect wears out while you usually grow up to a higher protein diet. It can not have an impact on long-term weight gain or weight loss.)
Finally, if you eat more protein than body needs, it will learn to use the protein for energy. You want your body to burns carbohydrates and grease for energy, of course, so a body that relies on the protein for energy is like a car that uses pieces of its engine for fuel.
The best weight gain strategy is to focus on calories first, the second protein. You must make sure that you eat at least 2 g of protein per kilogram (kg) of muscle mass. One kilogram is 2.2 pounds, so that a 160-pound guy weighs about 73 kg and should take at least 146 g of protein a day. But this is only 584 protein calories, the quantity you will find in 15 ounces of chicken, two salmon fillets or a 28 ounce steak. A shake protein-powder can also amplify your totals. If you need to eat more than 3,000 calories a day to gain weight, you'd better have sweet insulin potatoes with these steaks, which is perfect because this food is one of the10 healthy carbohydrates that will not derail your six pack.
7 Build the muscle that counts, do the raised.

Have you ever looked at a strong competition on television? They start with great men who choose something bigger on the floor. It is a Foretlift - the most fundamental and practical of all force strengthening movements. So, shoot a barrel bar: you can perform daily exploits of force-lifting of a sleeping child or a dying television.
To install: Load a bar and ride it to your shin. Support with your feet to shoulder-width of the shoulder. Position your shoulders above the bar when you catch it with a painful handle, your hands just outside your knees. Keep your back in a straight line of the pelvis head. Finally, pull your shoulder blades together and get off.
Just before the elevator: Straighten your legs a little to establish the tension on the bar. Pull in your lower abdominals and press your glutes.
First draw, soil with knees: Straighten your legs while keeping your trunk and your hips at the same angle. The bar should stay in touch with your skin at any time.
Second traction, knees at the Midthières: Standing, driving your hips forward. Complete the right, with your shoulder blades back and flat and flat down.
Lowering: No need to perfectly perfect the movement; Just slide the bar in the thighs and tibias on the ground. Do not impede your elevator colleagues by dropping the bar.
Next rehearsal: Repeat the configuration, let it go from the bar and reproach it if necessary. You want a perfect shape on each rehearsal and you will not get that if you hit representatives without stopping correctly before each elevator. Remember it's a forestlift. It means no momentum from one repetition to another.
If you use a perfect shape, your lower back should give you no problem. However, if you have pre-existing back problems, your muscles can not pull properly for this exercise. Try the Sumo Diamlift instead. Define your feet wide, sharp toes lightly outwards and grab the top bar with your hands inside your lap. Your back will be more standing at the beginning, removing part of the voltage potential.
8 For big triceps, drop the dumbbell and lift up.
If you have the time of a triceps exercise, make a plunge. It is the big basic movement that works all three parts of the muscle (so the name "triceps") and, because the thoracic muscles stronger and stronger are the main movers - those who make your body move a Dead suspension position -Your triceps to work against a load much heavier than in an insulating exercise of triceps.
How to dive: Hoist yourself on parallel bars with your torso perpendicular to the ground; You will keep this posture throughout the exercise. (Leaning forward, you will focus on your chest and shoulders.) Fold your knees and cross your ankles. Slowly lower your body until your shoulders are lower than your elbows. (Most exercisers stop from this position.) Push it until your elbows are almost straight but not locked.
Make progress: For most people, make stick places with their own body weight is difficult enough. But when you reach a point on which you can perform multiple sets of 10 dips, you want to add weight. The best way is to fix a weight plate or a dumbbell with a string or chain that is attached to a weight belt. Many gymnasiums have belly belts designed for weighted dip and caterpillars. Another solution, especially if you work at home, we wear a backpack with weight plates inside.
But the more you add weight, the more care you must be. Always more Lower slowly - You never want to resurrect quickly and quickly on a weighted dip, unless you think you know that you know how much of your pectoral muscles to come off your sternum. So follow these precautions: aside the heartbreaking thing, you want to protect your shoulders. If you have pre-existing shoulder problems or if you feel the pain, the first times you try soaking, you should jump them. A comparable but more friendly exercise on the shoulder is the connection press of the drop, using a bar or dumbbell.
9 If your goal is your goal, avoid shrinking exercises.
Running does not build muscle mass. If it were doing so, the marathoners would have legs like defensive Linemains. But run shrinks muscle fibers to make them more metabolically effective.
You would think you could get around by lifting weights in addition to running, but your body nies that crosses a mysterious "interference effect". Your biggest fibers-the largest - will always grow if you run and lift. But your type I fibers will not be, and even if they are smaller than the IIS type, they probably represent 50% of the muscle fibers of your body that have growth potential. Reduce your running program and you will see growth in your slow and fast contraction muscle fibers, and perhaps finally your body to look at how you think it should.
10 Do not cut calories; redistribute them.

Typically, when someone decides that it's time to lose weight, the first action plan is to cut calories. Although it looks like a good plan, it can be paradoxically counterproductive: your metabolism reacts to this perceived famine, slowing down: "When you eat less, your body will burn less calories to attempt to minimize weight loss," saysJay Kenney, Ph.D., R.D., Specialist in nutrition research in the center of PritiiKine Longévity. The way around this dilemma is to take the calories that you already consume and redistribute them throughout the day.
Eating early. "The vast majority of obese people observe at least half if not three quarters of all their calories after six o'clock in the evening," Kenneyney said. It's a mistake, he says, because "the body seems to be a little more efficient to store fat in the evening than before the day."
Eating often.Eat small portions throughout the day: a modest breakfast, a small mid-dummy snack, a modest breakfast, a small midaferon snack and a little dinner. What is nice about this method is that you do not necessarily need to eat much less than you eat before. The main advantage of small frequent meals: maintain insulin stabilized at lower levels in the blood. Remember that less insulin produced, minus stored fat and plus fat is free to be burned. Now check the Best way to stay fit for life .
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