40 health concerns women should monitor after 40 years

Be ready for these breaks, pain and pains.

Your wounded bones. Your view is turned. You can not choose a box without worrying about throwing your back. Of course, you knew things would be different once you've aged, but no one has prepared you for chronic conditions that seemed to come from nowhere after your 40th birthday.

And although many perils associated with aging can not be stopped, they can at least be managed - as long as you know what to watch, that is to say. In this document, we have gathered a list of common female health concerns after 40 years, so you can live a longer, happier and healthier life.


female health concerns after 40

Active Women - especially those of more than 40 years to pay attention toosteoporosis. This disease found in about one in two women and one man over four over 50 years old, decreases the bone density and significantly weakens the bones significantly, and therefore any slight movement or an intense workout could result in a break. serious.

Rheumatoid arthritis

female health concerns after 40

According toFoundation of arthritis, More than two-thirds of older women are diagnosed with this autoimmune disease. The good news? There are several drugs that can mitigate rheumatoid pain or polyarthritis and improve symptoms, as long as you ask for help at the beginning of the early stages and know what to look, including pain, stiffness, swelling and immobility joint.


female health concerns after 40

The vulvovaginite or inflammation of the vulva and vagina, occurs when something like a bacterium or yeast enters the vagina and triggers an infection. According toMEDSCAPE, This vaginal affliction is one of the most common gynecological problems in older women, although this is rarely something serious that can not be treated with antibiotics and topical ointments.

Genital prolapse

female health concerns after 40

Most often testified in older women, the genital prolapse occurs when one or more of the pelvic structures (such as bladder or uterus) goes down from its normal location to be in the direction of vaginal opening. On ato study Published in the newspaperAmerican family doctorThis condition is the result of a pelvic support loss because of things such as injuries, complications during delivery and chronic cough, and in severe cases, it can affect a woman's ability to urinate and defecate.

Breast cancer

female health concerns after 40

Women of all ages and ethnic groups should havebreast cancer On their radar, but it is a particularly urgent concern for women over 40 years old. In fact, a woman on eight in the United States will develop breast cancer during her life, while, according to theAmerican Cancer Society, A Caucasian male is almost 100 times less likely to develop the disease compared to his female counterpart, and a black man is about 70 times less likely to get the disease compared to his friends and family members.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

female health concerns after 40

COPD is a debilitating disease, caused by external substances such as smoke, which affects the lung and makes it difficult to breathe. Although the disease is frequently found in the geriatric community, ato study Published in the newspaperJama Noted that "the treatment of COPD aged patient is very difficult" thanks to comorbidities, such as osteoporosis, which are more widespread among individuals over 40 years old.COPD Rates COPD rates among women have not diminished significantly since 1999, which made it essential for all past or current smokers, or those who experience chronic respiration, to recover by a doctor.


female health concerns after 40

In your 40s and beyond, you can not count on yourMetabolism once-magic keep youslim and healthy. And yet, many seniors seem to have trouble adjusting their way of life to accommodate the metabolic slowdown. In fact, a 2009to study published in theOnline Journal of Nursing Questions found that the number of older adults in difficulty with obesitydouble Over the last 30 years - not a good indication that we exercise more or eat healthier in mid-life.

If you choose to ignore your enlargement in favor of your favorite fast foods, you can end up with health problems ranging from arthritis to diabetes, so be sure to try to deal with these problems Weight before not getting out of the hand.

Cerebral accident

female health concerns after 40

SpeakNational Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,Women have many unique risk factors that contribute to the traits being the third cause of death among women. Obviously, all of arterial hypertension during pregnancy at high stress levels can lead to a clipping of a woman - and add an insult to an injury, the more you are, the higher your risk of cardiovascular complication.


female health concerns after 40

Alzheimer is one of the most serious health concerns of health after 40 years and more women should be on the lookout for. On areport of the Alzheimer Association, about two-thirds of all the Americans of the disease are women and women tend to be more sensitive to theGenes that cause Alzheimer's Compared to their male counterparts. The good news? Catch forms of Alzheimer and other forms of early dementia can helpslow down the progress of the disease.

Type 2 diabetes

female health concerns after 40

Type 2 diabetes is the result of your body producing insulin, but does not use this pancreatic hormone effectively. Unfortunately, whilerisk factors To develop type 2 diabetes, let's mention some things you can solve, such as your weight and cholesterol levels, you can not control, including a story of heart disease and over 45 years old.


female health concerns after 40

Like many other parts of the body, tendons tend to deteriorate and degenerate as an elderly person. And because of this deterioration, doctors andThe researchers found that "an elderly tendon is lower than his younger counterpart and is more likely to tear or suffer from an excessive injury", which means that elderly women and men need to be very careful when reading tennis, to race, or even lift heavy objects.


female health concerns after 40

Although many people who have neverexperienced depression Suppose that a person can simply get out of the disease, the World Health Organization predicts that it will be the second leading cause of global disability by 2020, just after cardiovascular disease. If you are awoman aged 45 to 64, Then you are unfortunately among the group at the greatest risk of developing depression, and it is important that you ask for help immediately if you always feel so sad that even out of bed as too much effort.

Hearing loss

female health concerns after 40

According toNational Institute on aging, About one-third of all individuals aged 65 to 74 suffer from a form of hearing loss, and nearly half of all 75-year-olds have trouble hearing. Although some elderly people will try to suffer from their hearing problems, it is important to note that these problems may worsen if it is not treated. More scary, the results of a study published inJama Reveal that untreated hearing loss is associated with increased risk of dementia.


female health concerns after 40

According toresearch Published in the newspaperAmerican family doctor, about one in three people will suffer from a form of vision loss at the time they are 65. An ocular disease that older patients should be particularly obstacle to glaucoma, a typical hereditary condition that damages the optic nerve and, s He is left untreated, can cause permanent blindness.

Glaucoma tends to be asymptomatic at first, so it is important to see the doctor of the eyes every year or two just to confirm that everything is healthy, even if there seems to be any problem.


female health concerns after 40

Hypertension, or dangerouslyHypertension, is a huge problem in the adult subset - and who disproportionately affects women. In fact, more than half of the adults in the United States with hypertension are women and more,research Published by the American Cardiology College noted that postmenopausal women are evenFollowingLikely to be hypertensive because the fall in estrogen levels can contribute to the rise in blood pressure levels. Thus, while the diet and exercise can help, it is also essential to make sure that you get your blood pressure verified with each physique and more frequently if something seems absolutely.

Biliary calculation disease

female health concerns after 40

"Biliary calculation rates are two to three times higher in women than men," reveal the authors of ato study Posted in the German journalWiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. And seeing as an increase in sex hormones has been linked to bile calculations, risk factors that older women should pay attention to hormonal replacement therapy and take oral contraceptives with high estrogen doses.


female health concerns after 40

For men and women, the risk of cardiovascular disease exponentially increases with age. In fact, according to 2013Datafrom the American Heart Association, 70.9% of women aged 60 to 79 havecardiopathy, compared to an 87.1% of women over 80 years old. And see 66% of cardiovascular disease deaths occur in people over the age of 75, it is important to take steps to improve your heart health, including to remain physically active. and maintain a healthy diet.


female health concerns after 40

On ato study published in theJournal of Aging and HealthThere are four times more cases of pneumonia observed in elderly patients each year than in people under 65 years of age. And not only is this infection is more common in the elderly, it is also more likely to lead to hospitalization and death for people in older age groups.


older woman heart attack

Falling is a serious health risk for women because their body starts growing up. On ato study 57,302 topics published inThe Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection and Critical CareThe elderly patients are three times more likely to die of injuries suffered from a groundfall compared to individuals under 70 years.

Misuse of drugs

female health concerns after 40

According toresearch Published by the Center for Applied Research Solutions, approximately 12 to 15% of all elderly patients seeking medical care eventually abuse (or already abuse) of prescription drugs. Although the misuse of prescription drugs is observed in individuals of all ages, this particularly concerns the elderly, as it can put them at greater risk of falls, car accidents and other potentially fatal physical disabilities. And while research suggests that men are more likely to abuse illegal drugs than women, the results of a study published by theAmerican Association of PsychologyWomen are just as likely to become addicted to their male counterparts.


female health concerns after 40

Although people aged 25 to 29 are most likely to get HIV, people over the age of 50 accounted for 17% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2016, according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC). Although seniors have the same risk factors as younger people with respect to HIV, older individuals are not tested as often and are therefore more likely than their younger counterparts to be diagnosed when the virus is at its subsequent stages, which means that the disease is much more likely to lead to serious damage and even death.

Endometrial cancer

female health concerns after 40

TheAn average woman is 62 years old when she first diagnosed endometrial cancer, aCancer type It starts in the mucosa of the uterus. The first symptoms include vaginal bleeding (both after menopause and between periods), abnormal vaginal discharge and pelvic pain - and over cancer is detected, better are chances of survival.

Hip wounds

older woman getting her hip stretched out, female health concerns after 40

According toCDC, More than 300,000 people over 65 are hospitalized each year for hip fractures, many of which are the direct results of the fall. These fractures become more dangerous - and even the life of life - with age, so be more vigilant with respect to slippery surfaces and gym sessions.

Alcohol abuse

female health concerns after 40

If your liver could not handle your extremealcohol consumption In your 20s and 30s, thenabsoutely I can not handle it once your 40th anniversary has arrived and left. Health problems associated with alcohol consumption include cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer, hypertension and psychological disorders - and these are only named a few. In fact, the risk of alcohol poisoning, which, if not treated, can be mortal, is higher among average age individuals than their younger counterparts - according to theCDC, 76% of alcohol poisoning deaths occur in individuals over 35 years old.

Parkinson's disease

female health concerns after 40

Because Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that aggravates the time that time passes, the average age of the appearance of the disease is 60 years old. Nobody understands exactly how Parkinson is contracted, but we generally think that there is unfortunately nothing but a person can do to prevent the start of the debilitating disease. The good news? The sooner you get a treatment, the more likely you are to maintain your quality of life.


female health concerns after 40

Whilejust less than five percentPeople under the age of 65 suffer from cataracts or vision of lens opacities, nearly half of all individuals over 75 treat. And although cataracts are the most common cause of blindness around the world, many surgeries can be done to prevent them from making permanently rendering you.


female health concerns after 40

On areport Of the CDC, about nine percent of women over the age of 65 were cigarette smokers from 2004 to 2005. If you fall into this minority group, you are one of the higher risk of cancer, cardiac disease and Chronic obstructive lung sickness and early death. And if you think that quit smoking will have your weight soar, reflect again: according to a study published inPreventive medicine reportsSmokers actually have an increased risk of abdominal obesity compared to their counterparts that abstain.

Macular degeneration

female health concerns after 40

As the name suggests, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) isOne of the main causes of vision's deficiency For people over 50 years old. This blinding condition affects macula, a small area near the center of the retina that is required to see straight. A surprising factor that can increase your risk? Olderindividuals who smoke are twice as likely to develop AMD.


old woman fell and is holding her head

If you are at the advanced demographic age and have recently suffered from a fall, do not ignore things like a headache, confusion or dizzy. While people tend to associate commutes with concessions with young athletes and sports people, the elderly are indeed likely to obtain them too and conditions that disproportionately affect women, such as osteoporosis, can increase your risk. More scary, if not treated, this concussion can lead to permanentCognitive impairment.

Menisk tear

female health concerns after 40

Women over 40 with pain in their knee often end up being diagnosed with a tear of meniscus or torn cartilage. This injury is similar to that which is currently in athletes, however in the elderly, it is usually the result of the aging of the fabrics more vulnerable to the damage.

Huntington's disease

female health concerns after 40

When people are born with a defective gene on chromosome 4, they undergo a progressive brain disorder called Huntington (HD) disease. Unlike other chromosomal disorders present in early life, the symptoms of this disease generally begin to manifest itself in a person of 30, 40 and 50 years. Some signs that you may want to talk to your doctor a diagnosis of potential huntington? Movements of uncontrolled members, cognitive decline, concentration and depression problems.


female health concerns after 40

According toNational Institute for Dental Research and Craniofacial, About 17.2% of seniors over 65 have periodontal disease or gum disease. Although age is a factor that increases your risk of periodontitis that you do not have much control, youcanCheck some other factors that cause disease, such as smoking, drug addiction and forgetfulness of dental silk.


Woman using the bathroom, using the toilet

Constipation, or the inability to defecate, is a problem that afflicts the elderly community. In fact, ato study Published in the newspaperCanadian family doctor found that among individuals over 65, about 26% of women suffer from constipation. And what is moreover, not only is constipation is boring, but this can lead to serious health problems such as hemorrhoids, anal cracks and rectal prolapse. Even worse, research presented by theAmerican College of Gastroenterology reveals a link between recurring constipation and colon cancer.

Equilibrium problems

female health concerns after 40

Caused by various underlying medical conditions, equilibrium problems are a major cause of the falls of the elderly. Unfortunately, falls can be a surprising source of peril in your age, with 30% of people with more than 65 people with a fall, and falls the leading cause of death in this age group, according to theCDC. The good news? Many balance problems are hardly more than the result of an inner ear infection and can be treated quickly if they are taken on time.


female health concerns after 40

Incontinence is just a fantasy way to describe these urine leaks that occur too often in a woman later. But while this condition is not fun, it could help you know that you are not alone in your sufferings: according to ato study Published inOksner Journal, up to 20% of the elderly are limited by their incontinence.

Skin cancer

female health concerns after 40

Currently, more than 50% of all cancers are diagnosed in people over 65 and according to oneto study Published in the newspaperAging and diseaseThe elderly with white skin are more at risk of developing skin cancer. Malignant skin cancers are mainly caused by external environmental factors (such as sunburn and UV exposure), so it is important to ensure that you still take appropriate care when you are at The outside. WHEREAS the melanoma alone is on the right way to kill more than3,300 US women This year, it's time to start charging on the SPF.

Heat puffs

female health concerns after 40

Any woman spent by menopause can expect to experiment with at least one hot flash, otherwise many others. When your time has just managed a hot flash, be ready to cope with a sudden heat feel, at a fast heartbeat and sweat on your body - and when the flash leaves, a cold feeling like you come from Enter a freezer.


female health concerns after 40

Thanks to conditions such as dementia, depression and isolation, malnutrition is a problem for seniors, even in the United States. And more and more, malnutrition can happen to the underweight and overweighting of women - all that means you do not give your body the nutrients it needs to work.

Vitamin D deficiency

female health concerns after 40

Vitamin D, which is most easily available in nature from food sources or sunlight, is an important nutrient that helps build strong bones to the regulation of the corps of essential minerals. Unfortunately, however, the elderly are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency - in fact, ato study Published in the newspaperNutrients Determined that about half of all people over 65 do not have enough vitamin D in their blood. The good news? Vitamin D supplements are readily available - and even if you do not want to take any pills, all you have to do is go outside more to soak delicious nutrients.

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

Woman Coughing in Bed

Epstein-Barr, or EBV, is the virus that causes a mononucleosis - and once a person is infected with it, they can wear a latent form for the rest of their lives. In fact, whenDuke University Researchers Topics tested over 60 for EBV, they found that, between 90 and 97%, had it in their blood.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Over 40
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