17 more common diseases in women than in men

Arthritis, lupus and Alzheimer's disease affect more women than men.

Unfortunately, for reasons that are both known and unknown - some diseases are more likely to come to women than men. And although some of these diseases (as celiac disease and lupus) are autoimmune and can not be prevented, otherscan be protected against. Because ladies should know what they are counterbout, we have gathered some of the diseases that affect women more than men.

Breast cancer


Although it is possible for a man to developbreast cancer, women are much more likely to live. In fact, according to theAmerican Cancer Society, Breast Cancer of the White Community is about 100 times less common in men than women and in the black community, 70 times more common in men than women.

Urinary Track Infection (UTI)

Woman using the bathroom, using the toilet

According toNational Foundation of ReinsThe female population has a higher prevalence of utis than men. Experts believe that because women have shorter urethras - conduits that help excrete bladder urine - they are more likely to bacterial transmissions in the genital area.


Hands with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Although arthritisaffects more than one in four adultsThe disease is more commonly observed in women than men. The Foundation of Arthritis notes that generally, arthritis diagnosed by the doctor is observed in 26% of women and 18% of men.



We have long been known that women are more at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than men. In fact, according to a 2019 report of theAlzheimer's association, of all the Americans of the disease, about two-thirds are women.

The reason behind this remains something of a mystery, although a possible explanation has recently been discovered by researchers atStanford University When they studied a variant of APOE-4, a gene that increases the risk of Alzheimer. In their research, they found that even though the women who had the gene were twice as likely to develop an Alzheimer's disease compared to women without this, the presence of the gene in men had virtually no relationship with their probability of developing the disease.

Small ship's sickness

woman with hand over heart, ways you're damaging teeth

The small disease of the ship isA heart condition characterized by damage in the walls of the small arteries of the heart. Although things like smoking and high blood pressure increase the risk of a person's disease, regardless of sex, theMAYO Clinic notes that it is even more generally seen in women than in men.


Woman with Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease (or recurrent) that can attack blood cells to the brain. According toLupus Foundation of America, This depreciated immunity disease is most often observed in adult women, although women of color are two to three times more at risk than white women.

Cerebral accident

old woman fell and is holding her head

For men and women, traits are an important cause of concern. However, women must be slightly more vigilant than men: while the blows are theFifth cause of death For men, they are the third cause for women, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC).

Multiple sclerosis

woman helping a patient get into her wheelchair

Doctors have long known thatWomen are more likely than men To obtain a multiple sclerosis (MS), but they just start learning why. In 2014, a group of researchers toSchool of Medicine at the University of Washington Saint Louis studied the brain of men and women with SP, hoping to discover significant differences. The results? They found that women vulnerable to the disease had significantly higher levels of S1PR2, a blood vessel receptor protein that facilitates the process causing sp.

Celiac disease

Woman Eating Whole Grain Bread Habits That Increase Flu Risk

If you like heavy foods of carbohydrates like pasta and bread, so the last thing you would like to be diagnosed with a celiac disease. People with this disease can not eat anything with protein gluten, so wheat, rye and barley - and if they do it, they can expect abdominal cramps and several trips to the room bath. Bad news for women, then: according to theCeliac disease center At the School of Medicine at the University of Chicago, this autoimmune disease is more frequently diagnosed in women.


Woman sad and alone sitting on the couch

Women are more vulnerable to somemental health problems also. According to a 2015 study published in theJOf psychiatry and neuroscience, 5.5% of women in the world had a depression diagnosis in 2010, compared to only 3.2% of men.

Irritable intestine syndrome (IBS)


Never 10 to 15% of the population is globally suffering from IBS, a gastrointestinal disorder causes cramps, bloating and other painful problems. And people who suffer from syndrome, about 60% are women and 40% are men, according to theInternational Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders.

Thyroid disease

ways to stick to diets

WhenNepalese researchers analyzed the rates ofVarious thyroid diseases In men and women, they discovered that overall, thyroid disorders are eight times more common in women. Specifically, they found that while 47% of women in their study were presented with hypothyroidism, just 19% of men.


doctor inspecting tonsils

Tombs disease is a type of self-immune disturbance characterized by overtimulation of thyroid. According toHackensack Meridian HealthThe condition is most often diagnosed in younger and middle-aged women, especially those with family members with the same disease.

Biliary calculation disease

Woman in a hospital bed.

"One of the most important risk factors [of bile calculus disease] is female", wrote the authors of a study published in the German newspaper.Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. Women are two to three times more likely to develop bile calculations than men, especially if they are pregnant before.

Adult asthma

woman sick in bed coughing

Although one of three people have asthma, theAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America Note that 9.8% of women over 18 have respiratory disorder, compared to only 5.4% of men.

Autoimmune hepatitis type 1

woman with stomach pain, stomach cramps

There are several types of hepatitis, a disease that causes inflammation and damage in the liver. One of these types isAutoimmune hepatitis type 1, which often manifests itself at a young age and is most often observed in women, many of whom have other autoimmune conditions.



Osteoporosis more often affects women than men. However, although approximately80 percent of all Americans with osteoporosis are women, it is a condition thatEach individual needs to worry as they get older. This disease causes the bones to become so fragile that even as minor action as the relaxing can cause a fracture.

Categories: Health
Tags: wellness
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