20 dangerous plants hide in your garden
These beautiful hydrangeas bear a scary secret!

As far as nature is concerned, the general rule is as follows: the dangerous thing seems scary, and things safe is beautiful (or, at the very least, without pretension). It could therefore be a surprise, then, to learn that plants and flowers, often beautiful, always unpretentious rank among themost dangerous things on the planet. And no, we are not just talking about exotic flowers are hiding in the Amazon - we are with reference to the very and herbs that grow in your own backyard. Continue reading what dangerous plants could hide a few feet.
1 laurel

Known for its striking flowers in summer, the laurel pink plant also holds a mortal secret: each part is very toxic. According to a 2010 study published inCardiac viewsParts of the laurel plant plant contain cardiac glycosides, compounds that can cause acute cardiac toxicity and digestive problems. Those who ingest the plant can also suffer symptoms that range from an erratic pulse to a coma.
2 rosary pea

Originally from tropical regions and often found in Florida, peas rosary is considered one of the most invasive and one of the most dangerous plant species. According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), the seeds of the plant contain the aprine poison. And it is, there is enough about a single seed to kill you if swallowed.
3 White SnakeOot

Ageratina Altissima or White Snakeroot, is a toxic plant found in North America that contains a toxic alcohol called tremelet. But how is this toxic plant? Well, when the explorers were back first established Indiana and Ohio at the beginning of the 19th century, it is estimated thatup to half of their death-In understood that ofAbraham Lincoln mother,Nancy Hanks Lincoln-Were caused by indirect ingestion SnakeOot white. Cattle and other animals in the region would eat benign in appearance and to pass the toxic tremelet for humans by their milk. The disease was known as fatal milk disease.
4 American Phytolaque

American pokeweed is inAlmost all domains in the United StatesExcept for some states in the Northwest region. And while the plant produces a purple-black bay known as PokeBerry, the last thing you have always wanted to do is eat one. According toNational Capital Antioxion Center (CNPC), the consumption of these can cause any nausea and vomiting to low blood pressure. If you have children, make sure to monitor them when they play in your yard, as the notes that young cenc often confuse these berries for grapes.
5 Nightshade deadly

Unsurprisingly, the deadly plant of the solanacea is, well, fatal.Due to the alkaloids In its stems, leaves, bays and roots, the plant is very toxic for the body. Even rubbing against it can cause skin irritation, according to theRoyal Horticultural Society. Two berries of this plant should be necessary to kill a child and between 10 and 20 to kill an adult.
6 cicutte

If you know anything about the owner of the water, then it is likely that you are familiar with the demand of the plant to celebrity: murderSOCRATE. According toDepartment of Agriculture of the United States (USDA), this plant contains the cicutoxin toxin, which, when ingested, acts directly on the central nervous system. In most cases of extremes, this could lead to crises of great evil and death.
7 Lily of the valley

This perennial ornamental plant, a popular basic foodexterior gardens everywhere, can actually be very toxic, according to theCanadian Biodiversity Information System (SCIB). Its toxicity comes from cardiac glycosides and saponins present in plants, which can affect the heart if they are consumed. Lily of the valley is so toxic, indeed, that the SCHB notes cases where people and animals have fallen sick by killing the drinking water of the plant was.
8 Rhubarb

Of course, it is great in the rhubarb tart, but the ingestion of large quantities of leaves of this plant can kill you, according to theBBC. Because it contains fatal oxalic acid, ingesting too much rhubarb leaves can causerenal failure. Fortunately, the experts at theUniversity of California, Santa Clara Note that you would have to eat12 pounds Rhubarb for really sick.
9 Foxglove

The Foxglove digoxin product plant, an active ingredient in medicines that prevent heart failure. According toNCPC, In inquiring Foxglove, you are essentially "taking an unregulated dose of cardiac medicine", which can, ironically, the causeheart failure. As such, you must keep this plant away, far from children and animals.
10 Wisteria

With regard to dangerous plants in your backyard, glycines is one of the worst there is. According to a case study of theSanta Clara Valley Medical Center, The plant can cause glycinesheadache, Gastroenteritis, hematemesis, dizziness, confusion, hypersudation and, frightfully, syncope (or temporary drops in the blood flow to the brain that translate into a loss of consciousness and control of the muscles). These symptoms usually last from five to seven days after eating more than a few berries of the plant if they do not kill you, which is.
11 Dieffenbachia

With regard to Dieffenbachia, he is small children andpets that you should be concerned about. Why? Well, both your animals and children can not differentiate a dangerous backyard plant with a snack, and they are the most likely to take a big bite of a Dieffenbachia leaf. If your child or small pet causes a dieffenbachia sheet containing insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, they will experience excessive salivation, oral pain, vomiting and a decrease in appetite.
12 Daffodil

If you are looking for help quickly, the daffodils that ingest will not kill you. However, according to theNCPC, Ingestion can be mortal for small children and untreated animals. And while all parts of a daffodil contain toxic chemical lycorine, it is the toxic oxalates or chemicals present in the bulb of the plant that do the most damage to your body. If you feel sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and severe drool that persists for several hours, remove yourself from a doctor, Stat.
13 Hydrangea

With regard to the toxic nature of the popular hydrangea plant is concerned, only the floral buttons are really harmful when they are ingested, according to theCanadian Biodiversity Information System. In case of consumption, humans may experience a upset stomach, skin irritation, and, in more serious cases, convulsions and coma.
14 Rhododendron

The honey produces (and sometimes consumed) of the common rhododendron is also called "crazy honey" -and for good reason. According toNCPCThe toxins present in the vegetable cause confusion in those who ingest it, as well as dangerously low blood pressure and sometimes even death. (Amusing: The first case of rhododendrons poisoning would have occurred during the first century B.C.E. When the Roman troops were poisoned with his honey. The next day they were poisoned, they were so confused that they lost a battle.)
15 IF wood

In old crops, IFS is also called "death tree", as it was once used as an offering to the gods of death. And there is a reason why: according toDepartment of Animal Sciences at Cornell UniversityThe IFS plant, found in all corners of the world, is dangerously toxic. No matter how you consume the plant, its toxins have the potential to cause cardiac arrhythmia and stop your heart quite. Animals that eat the plant are often found dead next to 24 to 48 hours after consumption.
16 Philodendron

Due to the relatively minimal support needed to maintain Philodendron plants, they are usually found in the backsarings all over the country. However, as reported byABC NewsThey contain a toxin in their leaves called calcium oxalate which can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat if swallowed. Although it is not fatal in most cases of human ingestion, it can be fatal for small children and animals and more they eat, worse than they are.
17 Devil's helmet

Few years ago,gardener is dead After simply brushing against the helmet plant of a devil. And believe it or not, outside the factory is not even its most toxic part. As a poison expertJohn Robertson RecountBBC News, Most toxic plant is in fact its roots, such as the ingestion of this specific part causes heart failure. Most deaths, he says, occur in the first hours of eating roots of the plant.
18 tulips

Tulips could shine your garden shine, but they also have the potential to poison your pet. According toAspaperThis plant is toxic to dogs, cats and horses in its particular bulb, and the symptoms of ingestion of range of vomiting and diarrhea with hypersalivation and depression.
19 Venerable sumac

As the name suggests, the venerable sumac is, well, toxic. Found all the United States, this plant contains a resin called Urushiol which causes an epidermal allergic reaction characterized by redness, itching and swelling. If plants on fire and you inspire the smoke, it can also affect your breathing.
20 Trumpet

Angel's trumpet is a tropical plant known for its blustering flowers. And although this is aesthetically enjoyable, the last thing you would like you can do is know what it has tasted like: as a 2008 case report published in Pediatrics and child health Notes, ingestion can cause hazardous hallucinogenic symptoms such as loss of consciousness and delirium. And for ways to update your yard for the better, consult the 25 outdoor party essentials less than $ 25 for Ultimate Summer Bash .
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Johnson & Johnson causes this reaction more than other vaccines, says CDC