Here is the best way to secure your childhood medicine
Because it is not enough to just put your pills in your office.

Monday, the American Academy of Pediatricshas published a new shocking report About buprenorphine, a medicine that is used to treat opiate dependence. The drug has become a popular alternative to methadone to help recover drug addicts because it induces a lighter feeling of euphoria, and thus creates a period of withdrawal easier, making it more difficult to become addicted to her or abuse.
The medicine is never prescribed for children under 6, because it poses a significant risk for them. What is the reason why it is terrified that, according to the study, more than 11,200 calls have been made to US poisoning centers 2007-2016 with regard to the exposure of children to drugs; More than 86% of these calls concerned a childunder The age of 6 nearly half of them were admitted to the hospital, and 21.4% experienced "serious medical results. Seven of them died, including two babies.
As a result of this shocking news, we have compiled some tips on how to better prevent your children from being exposed toall of your medications, with the permission ofDr. Jason Kane, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Intensive Care at the University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children's Hospital. So read more and take note. And for a greater knowledge about what is in your bathroom cabinet, consultThe 20 Craziest Side Effects of Common Medicines.
1 Sign up for unit dose packaging

Inunit dose packagingYou get your prescribed drug dose when you need it in a reusable barcode container, which means you do not have bottles filled with pills hanging out.
2 Keep your medications Locked Up
Unfortunately, this is particularly important to do if you have teenagers in the house, as adequate to adolescent opiates is on the rise. You can try to buyA medicine lock box ($ 13) which opens with either a particular key or combination. You can also consider keeping in a storage cupboard and the installation of a door handle with a lock if it does not already have one.
3 The child test the bottles
Many drugs are kept in bottles that resist the child, but not necessarily the test of children.
A2015 experience have proven that children can succeed in opening children's resistant lids in seconds. So, if your container is not the test of children, it's worth buying a fewCaps Test of Children or Flasks Online.
4 Get rid of unused drugs

Do not leave the bottles of old drugs hanging out. If you did not find using all the analgesic of your last channel, throw them away. You may not even need a lot of medicine that you think, either. If you want to try some ways without drugs to improve your mood, consult10 Doping Ways to Beat Depression.

Many elderly people keep their medicines in pills (better known as "maternal assistant pill") to help remind you to take their medicine. CornA 2017 study found that the presence of a maternal pill assistant in the house doubles the risk of accidental drug intoxication in a child.
With our hectic lives, we tend to leave all our medications in a place where you can easily see it, whether in the pharmacy cabinet, on the kitchen table, or even by our beds. But, unfortunately, if you can easily see, your kids can easily access it. What is the reason why it is better to keep your medicines safely somewhere hidden that is out of reach, and instead define a reminder on your phone to make sure you take if necessary.
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