Stop taking these supplements to lose weight, a new study indicates

Although they may be tempting, these supplements that promote weight loss are not effective.

For decades, people have sought simpleWeight gain remedies. Since Detox diets, consumers are sometimes willing to try almost everything that promises to help them lose books. While many claims of these products are unfounded, people continue to take them, hoping they will have one way in one way or another. But as a recent confirmed study, many of the plants and dietary supplements that say they will help you lose weight do not actually work. Read it to learn more about the supplements you should not trust.

RELATED:Stop using this supplement immediately, the FDA warns.

Many advertised supplements for weight loss do not help you lose weight.

woman in blue shirt pouring supplements in white bottle into hand
Shutterstock / A Mazhor

The researchers at Sydney University in Australia has just submitted the first overall review of nearly 20 years on the effectiveness of weight loss supplements. The researchers shared their conclusions at the European Congress on Obesity and published them in theInternational Journal of Obesity. The study involved more than 10,000 overweight or obese participants. In the end, the researchers found that most of the plant and dietary supplementsDo not give clinically significant weight loss.

"Our rigorous evaluation of the best available evidence is that evidence is insufficient to recommend these weight loss supplements. Although most supplements seem safe for short-term consumption, they aredo not give weight loss which is clinically significant, "doctoral candidate and study authorErica Bissell said in a statement. "Plant and dietary supplements on the counter-counter promoted for weight loss are increasingly popular, but unlike pharmaceutical drugs, clinical evidence of their safety and effectiveness are not needed before their Achievement of the market. "

RELATED:If you take this popular supplement, your heart can be at risk, the study says.

Neither plant-based remedies nor dietary supplements have resulted in significant weight loss.

woman pouring antibiotics into her hand
Shutterstock / Fizkes

The study examined a handful of herbal remedies and popular food supplements to understand which, if any, resulted in significant weight loss. For the purposes of this study, five and a half pounds were considered a clinically significant amount. According to the study, the benefits of the weight loss of the ephedra, Garcinia Cambogia, the root of licorice, Yerba Maté, African mango, Veld grapes, thistle Globeen and the oriented globe. East have not been clinically significant. And dietary supplements such as chitosan, glucomannan, conjugated linoleic acid and francs provided no significant weight loss either. If you take one of these supplements, it may be time to deposit them.

Modified cellulose, which creates the feeling of fullness and the extract of blood orange juice showed some promise. However, the evidence was not sufficiently substantial to justify the recommended supplements for the use of weight loss, according to researchers. The only plant-based supplement has studied that had a remarkable advantage was the white kidney bean, but the supplement fell into the weight loss threshold of five and a half years.

Weight loss supplements are not required to obtain FDA approval.

Cropped shot of a young woman taking medication at home

The supplements you put in your body are often not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA says you should know that "the federal law does not require food supplements to beproved its safety to the satisfaction of the FDA before they are marketed. In addition, for the majority of complaints made by dietary supplements, the law does not require that the manufacturer or the seller proves to the FDA that the request is accurate. This means that supplements can say that they promote weight loss or other benefits without any proof or settlement.

The FDA recommends that you speak with your doctor before taking diet complements. "Many supplements contain ingredients that have powerful biological effects and these products may not be safe at all," says the FDA.

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Supplements are not a good way to lose weight, even if they work.

Man weighing himself on scale

Even if you find a supplement that helps remove your appetite, which allows you to drop a few pounds, this weight loss method is poorly appreciated, experts warn. "Supplements that canremoval of the appetite Do not really teach you to eat. Finally, you will have to leave ... them, and when you do it, you basically learned to take a pill to control the diet, but you have not really learned what the right diet is for you on the basis of Genetics, lifestyle, etc. "Cleveland Clinic DietitianKristin Kirkpatrick, RD, told medical news today. Kirkpatrick said the learning to eat right and exercise is the key to sustainable and healthy weight loss.

RELATED: This supplement can cause cardiac arrest if you take too much, doctors say .

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