24 the worst things you can do if you have the flu

Defend yourself against a disease without joke that the fifth of the Americans contract.

Catching the flu may seem little more than a nuisance to some people - mainly those who have not done it - but the disease is far from being a matter of laughter. According toCDC, anywhere from 3,000 to 49,000 Americans die each year following the virus, despite vaccinations and easily available information onHow to stay without influenza And what if you have the flu to keep others get sick, too.

Yes, unfortunately, up to 20% of all Americans descend with the flu every year, which means there is a decent opportunity that you find yourself in trouble with the disease this winter too. So, should you get sick, it is imperative that you know what to do if you have the flu-and most importantly, whatnot to do.

Leave the house

Woman sneezing at the airport {What to Do If You Have the Flu}

Sorry, but until your doctor says you're free of 100% flu, you should stay in the room as if the lives of others depend on (because, frankly, they do it). Not only the influenza virus can be spread via contaminated surfaces, arecent study published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences Also found that an infected person can become healthy people ill simply bybreathing-No cough or sneeze required.


Businessman Smoking Cigarette

If you are asmoker And you go down with the flu, you will want to put your pack of cigarettes. WhenYale School of Medicine Researchers studied the impact of influenza on serious smokers, they found that "smokers do not encounter problems because they can not erase or fight against the virus, [but] because they are reacted angry" as author of the studyJack A. Alias, M.D.Explain. WHEREAS non-smokers are able to combat their infections without long-term damage, researchers have shown that smokers are left of fabric damage and scars.

Take Tylenol

Pill bottle {What to do if you have the flu}

Many people suppose what to do if you have the influenza reaches a cure for OTC range - after all, how can a medicine make you feel better maybe be bad for you? Technically, it's not - but the same can not be said for everyone around you.

WhenCanadian researchers studied thedrug effects Contain NSAIDs, acetaminophen or ibuprofen (such as Dayquil, Tylenol and Motrin) on people with influenza virus, they found that these drugs do not really cure topics, but simply mask their symptoms. The result? An increase in the number of influenza cases each year at five percent.

Pig on junk food

What You Should Do At a Fancy Restaurant

Like any normal human being, your first impulse regarding what to do if the flu is probably reaching the nearest comfort food and eating pain. But while a real treatment couldsoothe your sadness short term,research discovered that sugary foods "contribute to easy weight gain and thus trigger inflammation".

Do not get the influenza vaccine

Doctor Holding a Needle About to Administer a Shot

Even if you contract the flu, you can stay vaccinated against the virus can always help you fight your illness. "One of the benefits of getting the influenza vaccine is that it can help reduce the gravity and duration of the disease if you always get sick with the influenza virus,"Dr. Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, an expert in doctor and health and well-being, explained toStir. In addition, as there are several influenza strains every year, getting vaccinated could prevent you from protecting you from other flu strains that are not yet sick.

Stay out in the cold

man ready for winter

There is a reason that the influenza virus strikes the most aggressively inThe winter months.Normally, the first line of defense of the body is the mucous membrane, but the cold air indicator of the winter makes it more difficult to the disappearance of mucous membranes. Once the virus is inside the body, specialized immune cells called phagocytes designed to repel intruders are put at work - but unfortunately, the depression temperature also alters their function. Of course, you can not control time outdoors, but you can control your exposure while you are sick, make sure to stay inside as much as possible while you get from influenza.

Do not wash your hands

healthy man washing hands

If you are sick with the influenza virus, you must make sure that you are frequently and carefullywash one's hands to avoid infecting someone else. According to a report of theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC), Handwashing with soap can reduce the number of respiratory diseases - including influenza-in the general population of about 20%.

Stop exercising

man sleeping couch

Although to be sick makes you want to stay lethalgically in bed all day, you should make an effort (if you can) forGet your heart rate for a moment. On ato study Published in the newspaperOlder people, it is enough to regularly exercise a vaccination action, improve the response of vaccination, to increase T cells and strengthen the function of natural killer cells in the immune system, which can help fight against influenza. .

Consume a lot of sodium

spilled salt shaker

"Very high food in sodium will dehydinate on the body"Jonathan Valdez, an authorized dietitian and the owner of Genki Nutrition, explained toBydie. The problem? When your body is dehydrated, your immune system is altered, for example, the body isImpossible to secrete as many antimicrobial proteins In saliva - and is therefore less able to keep pathogens at the bay.

Spend time in dehumidified air

Dehumidifier in living room

The low moisture levels of cold air are just one of the many things that make winter the primary disease season. In fact, whenResearchers of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health I studied the influenza virus in various moisture conditions, they found that up to 77% of the viral particles remained infectious after being in a low-wet room, while only 14% were always infectious after being In a wet room for one hour at one hour.

Although obviously, you can not control the humidity of the air outside, youcan Do things like looks dry your clothes, keep water bowls on your edges and heat them on the stove to bring out the moisture levels inside your home and kill these harmful bacteria.

Do not have enough vitamin A

thyroid foods Raw salmon

Neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells - these cells all play essential roles in the function of the immune system, but none of them can do what they are intended forWithout adequate amounts of vitamin A. To store vitamin A when you are sick, make sure to eat a lot of orange vegetables, like soft carrots and potatoes, as well as greens, such as spinach, cabbages and collar greens.

Or vitamin D


Another nutrient that is vital for your recovery of influenza is vitamin D. per personanalysis 11,000 topics published inThe BMJ, Obtaining vitamin D - either by sunlight or by foods such as salmon, tuna and eggs - can protect against respiratory infections such as influenza.

Shuttle via congested train cars

Sweating on Subway Summer

Because the flu virus is so easily transmitted from person to person, one of the worst things you can do if you have influenza via public transport, where hordes of people are gathered nearby And your chances of infecting other people are high. . Although you still had to try to stay at home until you know that you are no longer contagious, theCDC Recommends Wear a face mask if you absolutely need to exit in public (as if you need to see your doctor or take more fabrics).

Use a hand towel

Woman Using a Hand Towel in the Bathroom

"You have some kind of hatred, but during the flu season, it's probablymore hygienic have people who sear their hands on paper towels, "Dr. Peter Shearer,An emergency medicine doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital, saidABC News. If you are sick and you use the same hand towel as your family members and friends use, you may have sick and make them suffer, and no one wishes.

Keep the window closed

man opening window {what to do if you have the flu}

Even if it's uncomfortably Chilly outdoors, indicate to open the windows at least once a time for a few minutes. Why? Since the virus can be removed via the air, the opening of the window will allow the"Sick air" Flow outside and fresh air to flow inside.


woman sleeping

There is a reason why, when you are sick, your cough is worse exponentially when you try to fall asleep. When you lie flat in the bed, the mucus of your nasal pools at the back of the throat and irritates, which causes crises of coughing that hold you. The solution? Sleep with your high head. This prevents the accumulation of mucus in your throat and allows more thanRestorative sleep.


Man Vaping

If you want to let your immune system do its job, you will have to give up your electronic cigarette for a moment. On ato study Published in the newspaperThoraxThe electronic cigarette steam increases the production of inflammatory chemicals and allows harmful particles such as bacteria to enter the lungs.

Do not wash your sheets

man putting clothes in washing machine relationship

Let's just say that if your goal is to recover influenza, then sitting in a bed covered with germs and bacteria do not make you favors.

Do not eat vegetables

Platter of Raw Vegetables {What To Do If You Have the Flu}

The nutrients that vegetables provide to your body are immensely beneficial in the fight against an infection. Take the broccoli, for example: ato studyFrom the University of California to Los Angeles found that sulforaphane in the green vegetable helps activate immune cells in the body.


worried woman

Do not excreats yourself on theanxiety point While always working to recover influenza. SpeakAmerican Association of PsychologyLarge amounts of stress can weaken the immune system and make the body more difficult to ban harmful bacteria and pathogens.


woman taking medication, taking pills

Unfortunately, since the flu stems from a virus, antibiotics will not actually process it. And not only that, but should you choose to take unnecessarily antibiotics for your influenza, you risk becoming resistant to this medicine and the suffering of longer recovery times, more serious diseases and visits to more frequent doctors in the line.

Avoid the doctor

Doctor in lab coat

Although most cases of influenza gave up without prescribed treatment, there issome people-Asadults over 65, Young children and pregnant women - who are more likely to complicals related to influenza and who should request medical treatment should contract the virus.


pour drinks

A glass or two of wine will probably make any harm if you have the flu, but a crazy night full of blows without stopping andmixed drinks is another story. On ato study Published in the newspaperAlcoholEven one night of an intense alcohol night can have a significant impact on your immune system and prevent it from fighting foreign pathogens (such as the influenza virus).


woman lying awake at night in bed with sleeping husband

When you are dealing with a virus like influenza, your body must work to eliminate all foreign pathogens butstudies Have shown that when you have less than seven hours of sleep, your immune system can not operate 100%.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Cold and Flu
By: lia-beck
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