The major side effect, only one alcoholic drink has on your body, says science

You can not be as lucid as you feel.

If you have aA glass of wine with dinner, you can not feel likeIt affects you a lot. You can always feel in control,your thought Can always feel clear and you can even be able to go home without any problem.

However,A recent study published in thePhysiology diary Could change the way you think about this glass alone. Believe it or not,A single glass can seriously spoil with your eye movements, which means that your neuronal treatment takes a significant shot.

"Looking at a range of ocular movement responses can be used to detect an extremely low insufficiency of neuronal function," Dr. Leland Stone, Senior Researcher at NASA's NASA Research Center and the Senior Author of the Study, saidEat this, not that! in an interview. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

The stone explained that the way the eyes move can give key information on the cause of neural disability. So basically, if your cognitive functioning is damaged because of a cerebral concussion, this will affect your eye moves differently from those if it is altered because of alcohol.

"Some aspects of the visuomotor function are altered after a small amount of alcohol: a drink or less for the average person," he adds. This means that even if you feel coherent, your eye-hand coordination level can pray to differ. In other words, do not be so quick to have the steering wheel of your car, even if you feel "all the way out there" after a glass.

You could wonder why NASA examines the effects of alcohol. We know what you think, but no, it's not because astronauts are constantly throwing parties in space. (Sigh).

"People should not take this paper to signify that NASA is interested in alcohol," clarifies the stone. "The interest of NASA in this research is to support the development of these technologies in support of remote and non-invasive health assessments during space travel, but of course, there may be Applications as well on land. »

For more information on how your alcoholic beverages could affect your body, make sure to checkWhat happens to your body if you drink alcohol every day.

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