18 silent things that you always spend money on

You really do not need to blow money on these things.

We all went there: you arrive at the end of the billing cycle and ask: "How is my credit card bill so high? I just paid it! "

Then, after a careful examination of your accusations, you realize that these $ 10 items were actually added, or a mere night night to a three-digit balloon. Excessive expenses grab us by surprise - it is often done without us even doing we do it. So wise! Here are 17 things you spend a lot of money.

International telephone fees

woman on phone

There is a lot to love travel, but the seemingly random fees that you hire abroad are not among these things. Credit cards like Visa and MastercardTake a tax of 1% on international transactions and some banks add another 1 to 3% in addition to this, not to mentionCost of use of your ATM card.

The use of your phone becomes even more Price, with exorbitant roaming fees for this photo that you have posted when traveling to Europe without connecting to Wi-Fi or the call you had to do to work throughout the country. But while these additional charges were the norm, more and more, telephone companies offer considerably reduced cell phone packages with international expenses included (such as T-Mobile'sInternational homelessness Offer), while a growing list of credit cards are availableWithout foreign transaction fees.Taking the initiative to buy a single international plan before traveling can save you money before leaving.

Car insurance

boy driving car

Shopping for car insurance is a pain, which is probably why, once you have done it, you tend to avoid doing it again, taking into account your insurance company, even though Their premiums begin to check.Nerdwallet found That 38% of American auto insurance holders did not compare insurance costs at least three years, or even.

"Define and forget it does not really work for" Jared Snider insurance, Senior Wealth Advisor with Excical Heritage Advisers in Oklahoma City,revealU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. He suggests purchases for a new coverage every two to four years. "It is not uncommon for buyers to reduce their $ 100 to $ 200 a year after spending 15 or 30 minutes getting free quotes."



Worse than pay too much for the insurance you need is to pay for an insurance you do not need.

Insurance companies play on your fears of what could happen, leading you to the purchase of this additional rental or rental car protection policy that you are extremely unlikely to need.According to Insurances.com84% of Americans do not ask for a basic discount in their insurance. "These discounts can add hundreds of dollars a year and, in many cases they reward people for things they already did," said Laura Adams, Senior Insurance AnalystQuotes.com, saidForbes. AsNerdwallet explains, a 35-year-old man would pay more than 10 times more each month for an entire life insurance policy of $ 500,000 than for the same term of life insurance. This can also be a case where you wear obsolete life insurance runners or you have life insurance, you just do not need.

Anything withAutoPay Services

thoughtful woman on computer

More and more companies are moving to Autopay. This means that you do not just pay for a service once and you have requested to renew, but you have your card charged automatically on a monthly or annual basis.This has its convenience, deleting delay costs - but it also causes a complacency. When you are not recalled that you pay your bill and take this moment to review costs or cost allocation before agreeing to pay, you often ignore expensive extra charges or dubious fees. You may also be chargedDiscovery feeIf your bank account balance must be too weak to allow you your latest automatic order. Worse still: many companies secretly marbled in the "gray loads" in your invoice that you do not even see. How are you going fornot costs?

Streaming services

Netflix, bad bosses, Everyday Energy Killers

Compared to the cable, the registration at Netflix seemed to be such a good deal. But then, you registered in Amazon Prime and several other specialized streaming channels, because they have worn specific programs, you could not be anywhere else, and ... you kept paying, even after stunning the shows. Whether you want and do not have much more reasons to continue paying.

According to research In consulting, the Group of Waterstone Management companies, on average, consumers spend more than twice as many times as they think about monthly subscription services (including Netflix, Spotify Amazon Prime and more) and 84% Under-consider how much they spend them every month.

The reduction of your less monitored subscriptions is one of the simplest ways to put money back into your pocket.


man shopping for shirts and suits in a clothing store

Done: You should never pay a lot about a clothing element. Do not believe us?See here. In 2019, there are too many turns in your sleeve to mark a discount essentially everywhere.

Buy the cheapest option

man with stack of bills

It may seem counter-intuitive, but sometimes the cheapest thing can cost you the most. You can save a few dollars on budgetary headphones, but a week to use them, the left ear goes out. The $ 4 umbrella might seem like a frugal choice, but not when it breaks you to the first burst of the wind.

"The cheap spenders see the bottom line while the frugal people see the value", Kerry Taylor, a blogger of consumer finance, an author and a speaker,explains to the investor group. "When longevity means more, spending more. But long life is not always the frugal choice, either." Opt for the choice and chances of the mid-price, you will be able to save money and have a hard product.


cheap mattress Never Buy

On the other hand, do not be trapped to go for the most expensive option using a hypothesis that it will be the highest and most sustainable quality. The mattresses are a classic example of this, selling you on how you go better sleep with their special materials and departments, with prices that can be balloon in thousands of dollars.

Much of this final price tag comes from end to hundreds of dollars because the mattress is sold through different mediums and sellers. Mattress stores make difficult comparison shopping, sometimes giving different identical mattress names from one store to another. They swell prices, then claim to offer killed discounts (likeVox the dish, "The price label can claim that a mattress normally costs $ 3,000 but is currently available for 60% to $ 1,200. In reality, no one never pays $ 3,000; $ 1,200 is the regular price"). This can be a field of mines to find a place to sleep.

Hotel stays

man entering hotel room

As the mattresses, a stay of the hotel is in many ways a necessity (at least when traveling), but that does not mean you have to go with the most fantastic option. Especially the resort fees, taxes and other surcharges are classified on the room rate (already high), it is an easy way to spend hundreds of dollars for ... a good night's sleep?

Instead, services like Hotwire.comsecret rate or lastminute.com'sTop Secret Hotels Allows you to book quality hotels above a 20% to 50% discount. Or if you get intelligently with loyalty programs and loyalty points, you can save even more.

GYM Accession

weight loss tips

Few fees are also opaque and incompatible as members of the gym. You register in a promotion that promises you 10 per month, only to learn that there is also an "introductory fee" that pique out of $ 20, as well as annual membership fees that come into force a few months later. Suddenly, $ 10 a month, you thought you had just been bloated in many more. And this assumes that you actually use it.

According toStatisticBrain.com, 67% of Americans who joined a gymnasium hardly use them. The average gym member passes only twice a week, even if they pay an average of $ 58 per month to be a member ("sub-assuming" their membership, according to StatisticsBrain, $ 39 per month).

Internet service

Wireless router

Similar to gym memberships, these services often remove you with an attractive promotion that seems to be a good deal, but after a few months or a year, suddenly, your monthly costs start to check without your notation.

Either the promotion has been treated or the billing structure has changed and suddenly, you pay almost double what you have accepted. It's time to call them and get a better plan or a better service provider. A common way of people's exceeding people is the monthly "rental tax" that the supplier accuses you from using their modem, which usually costs you between $ 5 and $ 10 months. You should be sure to get your own modem and returning the supplier's ASAP. If you are not someone who feels comfortable calling to Haggle for a better offer, consider a service likeBILLCOUTTERZ, which will affect your service provider and negotiate them on your behalf.

External storage

Plastic storage bins closet organizing

For dwellers without storage space, an external storage unit can be an ideal solution. But what appeared to be a quick solution can expand in a relationship of one of the years or decades, with slow monthly costs. You could even change apartments, but continue with the same storage provider, forcing you to take a cabin through the city every time you have to deposit more things in the storage space. It could have been cheaper just to get a larger apartment.



You are a busy person and you get this birthday donation sent might have slipped your list of priorities. But suddenly, you realize that the birthday is four days and you'd better receive this thing now - and pay more to ship what the gift actually costs. A little preservation and shopping can make your shipping costs in a smaller way, but wait the last minute and that the costs will hit hard. And it does not even take into account deliberate scams and the inflated shipping costs of sellers onAmazon,ebay and elsewhere.


wrapping presents

Buy things for other people can hit your credit card invoice in a general way. It's not that you should not buy your friend or spouse something nice, but we often took ourselves trying to impress another person or make a great impression when, in fact, a Token much more modest would have done the trick.

Michael Levin, Professor of Marketing at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio,give this example toU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: "Your boss invites you to his house for a dinner at a party. You decide to bring a bottle of wine. If you do not know a lot of wine, you will pass more for a bottle of wine because you use the price as a price that substitute port for quality. "

Greeting cards

Person Opening Card Pay it Forward Stories

According to the association of the greeting card, 90% of American households buy greeting cards, buying about 7billion Cards a year. At least a quarter of these people pay too much.

It is essential to include a card with a holiday or birthday gift, but that does not mean it's one of these $ 5, or even $ 8 cards with fancy textures and an elegantly subscribed design. Why did they have so expensive?

In part, because of the lack of competition - according to ibisworld, the brand and the American greetings, more than 90% of the gift cards market, but more than anything, because of the emotions that generally lead the purchase of these cards. AsAtlantic Derek Thompson explains, "You can mention the lack of industry competition, price discrimination games and complex assembly of more and more complex cards. Do not forget, everything starts with you and the spirit of romance. You Pay $ 5 for a piece of paper because you want. "

Bottled water


Here's how much you should spend on bottled water: zero dollars.

AsConvergex Group Market Strategiste Nick Colas Stralte Highlights, bottled water costs an average of $ 1.22 per gallon - at least 300 times the cost of tap water. But, as he points out, if we take into account the fact that nearly 2/3 of all bottles of bottled water are 16.9zz (500 ml) bottles, however, this cost is much higher: about $ 7.50 per gallon, according to the American Water Works Association. It's about 2,000 x the cost of a tap water gallon and twice the cost of a regular gallon of gasoline. "

With developments in water filtration and the high availability of fountains to drink, it is easy enough to find water when you need it. Or, more preferably, keep one of these metal bottles controlling the temperature at your fingertips, filled when you have a chance. You should not pay another penny for stuff sold in plastic bottles.


laughter at lunch

It is understandable that when you get your pause at work, you want to take full advantage of a sandwich or a fancy salad, or stop a hipster food truck for a Korean Taco too expensive. Once or twice is good, but there is a good chance that you will start taking a habit, spend hundreds of dollars a week on the meals you do not need (both financially and financially and Calorically) instead of making your lunch at home.

Grocery stores

Of course, making your lunch at home is not a guarantee against excessive spending, especially if you are someone who likes to try organic or specialized stuff - or you tend to go shopping when you are hungry. The grocery store is a field of mine of smart promotions and deceptive offers to allow you to spend more than you do otherwise, of these prices ending with "99 cents" to "buy 2 for 4 years". Stick with products on sale or are not the most exotic. They have a taste as good and will not cost you hundreds every time you set the foot in the store. And sEven more at the store, do not miss these 33 Engineering Tips Only Pro Buyers.

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