This is what if you can not afford a therapy

Yes, you can be your own personal therapist.

Anyone who is always sitting on a comfortable sofa in front of a therapist can attest to the fact that talking about your feelings really works. The only problem is that, afterwards, you are stuck with a fenced bill - and if you want to continue to see your new therapist, you will have to give up thousands of dollars to do it.

While theEffectiveness of therapy has been proved time and time, there are also ways toto save money and find happiness All of the comfort of your own home. Here are more than two dozen exercises that will improve your mental health without costing yourself.

Make yourself laugh.

woman laughing to herself exercises for mental health

Tell abad jokeWatch funny videos on YouTube or check the latest comedy movie at theater cinema. Something as simple as you make you laugh will help improve your mood, not forgetting to reduce your anxiety and depression over time, depending on theMAYO Clinic. And the majority of time, it does not even cost a penny!

Write in a newspaper.

man journalling exercises for mental health

All you have to do to harvest the benefits of therapeutic writing is noted everything and all that concerns you without hiding or ashamed of what strikes paper. "Write to the way you feel the opportunity to be honest with yourself," saysBridgitte Jackson-BuckleySpiritual writer and author ofThe gift of the crisis: how I used meditation to go from financial failure to a lifetime. "It provides a safe and private space to reveal something that you may not be ready to reveal to someone else."

Make coloring.

Crayons exercises for mental health

The relaxation that has just seized pencils and make a blank page from Bare to Rainbow-of color could be exactly what you and your mental health. A 2010 study published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health found that creative art, like coloring, is deeply therapeutic for adults and works wonders when it comes tobanish feelings of stress and anxiety.

Take digital detox.

older couple ignoring each other on couch using smartphone and tablet, etiquette mistakes
Shutterstock / Rosshelen

Innumerable studies have shown thatExcess use of social media is linked to depression and anxiety-more to spend too much time in front of a screencan disrupt your sleep schedule And make you more subject to mood.

But if aout-outdigital detoxification It sounds too discouraging, start with minor changes. "Establish limits between you and your mobile phone and your computer," saysMelissa Fino, coach of the processal life of the woman in San Diego, California and CEO of theLove your life community. "Set some moments when you are allowed to use them - and do not leave them in your room!"

Or remove the negativity of your social media flows.

Facebook friend request, reach a customer service rep

When your digital detox is complete and you're backon social mediaMake sure you keep your feeds and remove any negativity. "Social media can be wonderful, but it can also damage someone's self-esteem," saidBriana Hollis, a social worker and a life coach in Cleveland, in Ohio. "If there are people who, no matter what they will post, you feel as if you are not enough in one way or another, delete, block or cease."

Listen to soothing sounds.

woman listening to music with headphones on exercises for mental health

Listening to soothing sounds - whether it's ocean waves or an uplifting ballad - is the perfect exercise for mental relaxation. "Create a playlist of your favoriteinspiring songs And play them when you feel low and need an extra boost, "suggests Hollis. After five minutes, listening to your closed eyes, you will feel recharged and ready to take the day.

Join a support group.

people involved in a support group exercises for mental health

The support groups are not only for people who have survived a major trauma or who are fighting dependence. At their base, these groups exist to help everyone to follow daily life with just a little more easily.

"There are thousands of support groups out there that everyone can participate if they want to talk and learn from people in similar situations or similar mental illnesses," says Hollis. "Many of these support groups are managed by organizations such as theNational Alliance on Mental Illness (Nami) or theNational Association of Food Disorders (NEDA). "

Use positive affirmations.

woman looking super positive exercises for mental health

Daily affirmations Help you create a positive self-image and fight negative thoughts, and they are easy to integrate into your daily routine. "When you are captured with negative cassettes that run up at the head, it can sometimes be difficult to stop them. If you writeSOME AFFIRMATIONS who feel good for you, you can repeat those who focus your mind on positive things instead of "bands," saysS. Ryanne StellingWerf, a clinical professional advisor at theCounseling solutions and wellness center At Great Falls, Montana.

"Do not forget to keep them in the present," StellingWerf notes. In other words, let's say things like "Ihave an amazing life "rather than" Iwill Have an incredible life. "

Do you speak.

woman looking in mirror, long marriage tips

Instead of bringing you back, talk all day long. Do not be afraid to note everything you like about yourself and even you will tap on your back when you do something good at work.People are compliment All the time, then why should not you complete yourself from time to time?

Go out.

man walking dog on city sidewalk, relationship white lies

It's easy to getstress on what could be. But doing so, you prevent you from being able to relax and enjoy the moment. So, to better focus on here and now, try getting fresh air.

"A relatively easy conscious skill is to take you to the walk or sit on your balloon", suggestsAngela Ficken, a Boston-based psychotherapist. "Being in items can be a visual and sensational tail easy to bring you at the present moment. Look around you and describe what you see. Take deep breaths and notice the temperature. Note what the air looks like your nose , down to your lungs, then through your mouth. "

Create a structure at home.

to-do list on refrigerator exercises for mental health

Every night, make sure you know who does what. Who comes out the basket? Who cooking dinner? Who walks from the dog? According to Ficken, "less confusion means less stress. When we can delegate tasks to others and ask for help, it mitigates stress, builds a feeling of colleague and creates more time for our own personal care."

Start saying "no".

woman saying no exercises for mental health

It is impossible to please everyone. So, rather than trying to make everyone happy, why not redirect this effort to your own well-being?

"Say" yes "to everyone will be only at an anxiety. It's really acceptable to say" No, "says Ficken." Moreover, you're reallydo other services. This is a good way to model the setting limits of friends and family. "


man meditating outside exercises for mental health

Many people whomeditate on a daily basis say itistheir therapy; This spent time sitting quietly and taking deep breaths can help calm your mind and even prevent the stressors of your life from taking a toll on you physically, according to theCleveland Clinic. This is one of the easiest ways to improve your mental well-being, and just do it for 10 minutes a day to see the results.

Find your mantra.

Man relaxing and dealing with negative thoughts exercises for mental health

Repeating a word or a sentence again and again, whether it's strong or silently - may seem a little silly, but the mantras can routinely improve your mental health by combating stress and diminishing negative thoughts, according to theExploring the Institute for Research of Consciousness. While you have meditation, repeat a mantra can also make sure that your mind remains on the right track, no matter how many times he tries to walk.

Take deep breaths.

Meditating Adults Taking Deep Breaths exercises for mental health

"It may seem silly because we breathe all the time, but when you are overwhelmed, you stress and breathe superficial," saysAllen Klein, a therapeutic human expert and the author ofYou can not ruin my day: 52 Calls for alarm clock to transform any situation around. The solution consists in taking a minute to "push deeply".

Here's how to do it: sit down or lie with one hand on your belly and breathe in your nose and through pinched lips. According toUniversity of MichiganAfter a handful of breaths, you will feel more relaxed, you have less tension in your body and notice that your stress drifts slowly.


Man and Woman Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen exercises for mental health

"Volunteering can help fight against depression, reduce the feelings of isolation by expanding social circles, increase your skills and trust, and give a sense of purpose and meaning," saysSarah Hamilton, Head of the Social Impact Consultants GroupBenefits. According to a 2013 study published inHormones and behavior, Volunteering can even help intensify how the brain receives oxytocin, better known as a "SENSE-GOOD" hormone.

Give yourself a waiting time.

man relaxing outside exercises for mental health

Advertible toddlers are not the only ones to need a waiting time from time to time. When you feel overwhelmed with something, whether it's your job or your personal life, you give a five-minute waiting time could be the thing that helps you calm down.

"The five-minute rule guarantees that you have five quiet minutes every day," saysAdina Mahalli, a mental health consultant toMaple holistic. "All you need is a five-minute waiting time of your life, once a day to breathe,kiss full consciousness, or just sitting in silence andto be. It's a short and daily reminder to slow down and evaluate. "

Try the martial arts.

boost your confidence

The training of martial arts can help you transform into an emotional fortress. How? 'Or' What? "Teaching your mind to maintain calm when stress is at the heart of many martial arts techniques," said Mahalli.

Ravir your senses.

woman shampooing hair in shower

A long shower, an arduous hike, or a trip to the florist - "The options are endless when you think about how you can comfort your body", saysAlena Gers, a psychotherapist based in New York. "Win a feeling of calm to watch fish in a pond!" Whatever your sensory activity of choice, simply make sure to do it often.

Call your loved ones.

mother receiving phone call, etiquette mistakes

Who is a better therapist (and cheaper) than your own mother, sister or best friend? Anyone that you trust, give them a call every time you have to speak. Even just 10 minutes of discussion about your frustrations and you will get someone's advice you love and make you feel relief and help you work with your problems.

Or discuss a stranger.

Worst Things to Say to a Cashier exercises for mental health

Sure,discuss a stranger May seem crazy, but their goal advice could be exactly what you need to see things in a new light.

Concentrate on your happy place.

walking is the best exercise exercises for mental health

Give your brain a rest, close your eyes and focus on one thing:Your happy place. Whether a white sand beach, your favorite bench on your usual hiking trail, or the reading area in your tasting bookstore, evacuate a stressful situation - in your mind, at least - can help you take A very necessary mental break and remember that things can and go better. After spending a few minutes visualizing in a more relaxing atmosphere, you will be much more comfortable.

Turn negatives in positive.

older woman smiling outside, make yourself more attractive

One way to improve your mental health without therapist is to recharge less than positive stellar thoughts. When you catch yourself, do you think, "I will never go out of this rut, I'm coming," Go up with operated lanescan andwillget out of it. It's easier to get out of this negative space than you think.

Forget the worst scenario.

Woman Telling Man to Relax exercises for mental health

When you fail, it is not uncommon for "catastrophize" or focus on the worst case scenario. However, if and when it happens, you should try to focus on the positive points. The mind tends to do things well worse than they really are. Think of upsides will help bannirNegative thinking and allow the place to act.

Take on a date.

woman watching movie in movie theater alone exercises for mental health

Do you need to need someone else to join you on a date? Still think. According toMichelle Croyle, a counselor, psychotherapist and owner ofCounseling of abundant freedom in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, part of theBest date ideas are solo adventures.

Interested in a film that no one else would like to see? Go see! Do you want to try a new restaurant that is a bit there? Chow Down! A little time alone could be what the doctor has ordered (or at least what we suppose theywould haveorder).

Take a nap.

middle-aged man napping on yellow couch, ways to be a healthier man

"Irritability, impatience, impulsivity, low concentration and fatigue are just afew things that derive from lack of sleep, "saysDamon nailer, a life coach and a motivating conference in Monroe, Louisiana. So, if you feel starting to slide the midday, try to sneak in one hour of nap time. It could transform all your day!

Press the reset button.

hitting the reset button exercises for mental health

It would be nice enough to have a "reset" button real in life that could give you a clean slate every time you needed it. The good news is that, while this button "reset" might not be something physical, you can press, you can absolutely have aMental reset button. Whether you are sad, upset, submerged or annoyed, simply imagine this button, tap on it, take some deep breaths and move on. And for more ideas about the conservation of your mental well-being, here is here12 genius tips to transform anxiety into excitement.

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