40 ways never get sick after 40 years

Some lifestyle changes can mean that you do not think.

Believe it or not, turning 40 means that you are out of the age range in which many diseases grow most often. These include type 1 diabetes, lupus, Crohn's disease and testicular cancer. The bad news is only 40 years old, a group of other diseases - including a number of cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases - are starting to become much more common.

But before you resign yourself to the prospect of dealing with chronic diseases once your life has, at age 40, just start, know that there are a lot of lifestyle changes that you can bring to reduce your risk to develop these diseases in the first place or reduce the impact they have. Want to know what they are? Here are 40 behavioral changes you can do to continue to fully enjoy life. For more to stay healthy, learn the40 ways your body changes after 40.

Make regular balance sheets your bag

Doctor, scandalous, sick

After reaching 40, regular checks and tests are crucial to prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and a series of other diseases of life and shortening life. A 2007 study published in theScandinavian Journal of Public Health Followed thousands of 30 to 49 years over a 15-year period and found that those who sought carefully pre-care care were less likely to become ill. If you want your appointment to be so painless as possible, check these10 Secrets to maximize the doctor's visit.


Bowl of Spinach, controlling cravings, sick

This muscular manufacturer noted a rich source of Omega-3 and herbal folate, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. But there is more: folate also increases blood flow to genitals, helping to protect men and women against age-related sexual problems. Aim for 1 cup of fresh spinach or 1/2 cup cooked per day. And if you find yourself more excited than usual, consider cracking your room withone of those.


Meditation, stress relief look younger, sick

Several studies have shown that meditation contributes to improving many types of conditions, including depression, anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as improving concentration, memory and reasoning skills. If you think you do not have time to meditate, think again. Mediation is one of the30 ways of duty in 30 seconds or less.

Increase your calcium


At this stage of your life, you should think about bone density and what you can do to strengthen it. To maintain bone density, consume 1,000 to 200 mg calcium daily with vitamin D and moderate exercise.

Dump soda

diet sodas stay sharp, sick

As you increase the calcium to help your bones, cut the soda. Yes, even the diet. High levels of phosphorus in dark sodas weaken bones and a study published inFASEB JOURNAL found that mice with high blood levels of phosphorus had a shorter life of nearly 25%. For more good aging advice, memorize the34 bad habits that everyone should stop at 40 years old.

Adapt your workout routine to you who are now

yoga morning workout, sick

Once upon a time, you could escape an injury suffered from an intense workout - an ibuprofen or two was all you need. Things change in your 40s.

As we get older, our bodies are not able to tolerate the same level of intensity. Things break down, tearing and bruising more easily and these wounds tend to linger longer. This does not mean you should give up your work, but that means you should listen to your body and do exercise so as not to tell you for weeks on the end or worse, requires surgery.

"While the movement is great, we have to do what is good for our body as we get older," saysIsabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered and founder dietician of Isabel Smith Nutrition.

Does not exercise too much to compensate for indulgence

gym woman arm raise workout routine, sick

Smith says that many of his clients exercise a very difficult exercise to compensate for a less limited approach to eat. "Our ability to do this as we get older changes - our body changes, and our metabolism changes," she said, adding that the threshing of your body to indulge your penchant for donuts and bacon is reported above - a bad idea, no less because the maintenance of a healthy weight is really80% plan and only 20% exercise.

Get this belly

still single, man working out, at home, sick

Here is an inverting reason to eat well and exercise at an intensity that will not argue you and prevent you from getting out of the gym: the beer pavement isTewing toxins and causes diabetes, heart disease, hepatic impairment and all kinds of other problems. The Good News: You can target the fats of the belly by eating delicious foods that actually extinguish the genes responsible for its production.

Eat guava


Guava provides 600% vitamin C of the day in a single cup. On the other hand, a small orange package only 85%. Studies suggest that those with high levels of vitamin C in their systems may also have the lowest incidence of diabetes.

Shake your tree


Your family tree. Use a service such as23 And me This will analyze your genetic information and tell you what diseases you are genetically predisposed.

Get your K

Kale, sick

Eating leafy vegetables such as curly cabbage, collods and greens of mustard can help slow cognitive decline, according to new research that has examined the regimes of nearly 1,000 participants.

Why? It is throughout its high content of vitamin K. The researchers have discovered that the people who have eaten one to two portions of green greens daily had the cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who do not have consumed none.

Get up for you


You want another reason to join the craze on foot? Sitting for less than three hours a day could add two years to your life, according to a theoretical analysis of existing data published inBMJ open.

Eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, food over 40, brain foods, controlling cravings, sick

If your vice is chocolate, good news! Cocoa products are rich in flavonoids which, according to one year 2010BMC medicine study, can reduce blood pressure in both hypertension and prehyperension. Other research indicates that cocoa flavanoles can help the body to form nitrites, the same chemical in beetroots and beet greens that expands blood vessels, facilitates blood flow and levels of blood pressure. Nibbler on dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70%.

Brush and filter


You have more than cavities to worry about if you do not brush and you do not brush and you are reminders of your dentist. Excellent oral hygiene can reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia and stroke.

Use more Curcuma

breast cancer prevention, turmeric, sick

Adcover to age means that the inflammatory body response is often surplus to requirements and can frustrate the healing process. Curcumin, the active curcuma ingredient, blocks the effects of pro-inflammatory enzymes and messengers of chemical pain. It has also been found that turmeric interferes with the growth and propagation of cancer cells and lower cholesterol levels. You can take it as a capsule or incorporate it into your cooking. Sprinkle on a tofu bluster, mix with roasted vegetables or add it your brown rice.

Booze: SIP, do not use

still single, red hair woman, red wine, sick

Ready for good news? Research shows that moderate alcohol consumption can help prevent heart disease, dementia and elongation of life. In the 2010 Dietary Directives for Americans, the Ministry of Health and Human Services stated that there were "solid evidence" that moderate heart disease consumption prevented heart disease and "moderate evidence". helped prevent dementia.

What is the moderation? In a meta-analysis of 34 studies followed by subjects for years, the American Medical Association said that "1 to 2 drinks per day for women and 2 to 4 drinks a day for men are inversely associated with total mortality. "

Keep your room cool

get more sleep, look younger 50, sick

Believe it or not, studies show that lowering the thermostat before bedtime before bed can not protect you from the type of food that develops the age of 40. See, as we sleep, our body cools slightly, causing to release repaired growth hormones. If you are too hot, you get fewer from these hormones. In addition, the cooler reduces the level of cortisol of the body, the stress hormone that can lead to too much meal, diabetes and inflammation causing the disease.

Drink green tea

breast cancer prevention, sick

Its powerful antioxidants can also reduce "bad" levels of cholesterol while simultaneously increasing the levels of "good" cholesterol levels, according to Harvard researchers. Other research indicated that green tea polyphenols can block cholesterol to be absorbed into the intestine and help the body get rid of cholesterol.

Leave your end-of-night show

after sex, sick

Harvard Business School researchers discovered that people who normally slept for seven o'clock or less a night and took place at one hour at one hour earlier experienced a measurable drop in blood pressure. Lower blood pressure reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

n does, keep all your television consumption at least

weird laws, sick

All the television hours you look after 25 years cut your life of about 22 minutes depending on the quest for the University of Queensland, Australia. Australian researchers have also found that people who have spent an average of six hours a day watching TV have died almost five years earlier than people who did not look at any TV.

If you are hungry eat something, if you are not, as you do not do.

man eating hamburger partner, sick

Dietician Zoe Nicholson,Co-founder of the movement of moderation, recommends "intuitive eating", which means that eating only when you are hungry and not because it's breakfast, lunch or dinner. "When we eat intuitively, our bodies want to eat nourishing food, we are much less likely to eat too much or comfort the consumption of eating and it becomes easier to maintain a healthy stable weight," she says .

Greek coffee drinking

woman coffee nap bed, sick

The researchers of the University of Medicine at the University of Athens conducted a study of 71 men and 71 women living on the Greek Island of Ikarie and found that those who drank a boiled Greek coffee on a basis Daily had a better endothelial functioning than those who drank other types of coffee. .

It has also been shown that endothelial dysfunction was predictive of future cardiovascular events present in an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus systemic erythematosus.

Dance like anyone to watch

couple dancing, friendship, 20 phrases to say to her, sick

The research of Queen's University Belfast shows that people (people beyond their salad days, especially) can dance their way to improving health and happiness because of social benefits, mental and physical activity.



A study published in the newspaperJAMA internal medicine have found that vegetarians have a risk of premature death of 12% than meat eaters.

... natural meat


A 2013 study connected a heavy diet in processed meat sausages and bacon - at a higher risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

Think about death

Young man, thoughtful, sick

Several studies have shown that when we have recalled our own mortality, we are more likely to make better decisions about our own health, such as using solar screen, smoking less and exercise more.


Yogurt, brain foods, controlling cravings, stay lean, sick

Various cultures claim yoghurt as its own creation. This is not disputed, it is the health benefits of 2,000 years: the fermentation appears hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms serving as reinforcement for the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body. This helps increase your immune system and protect against cancer. All yogurts are not probiotic, however, make sure the label indicates "live and active crops".


career secrets, sick

According to a study by the University of Michigan, volunteers can live longer than those who do not give their time. Posted in 2013 in the journalPsychology and aging, He asked that people who would give back can be rewarded with lower blood pressure and therefore a reduced risk of brain and cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep sleep

Sleep, sick

When you had 20 years, you may have received only four or five hours of sleep, but these days left for a long time. It is crucial for your health and mental health that you plan an adequate sleep - at least seven hours each night. To help you do that, check the10 tips for your best sleep of all time.


healthy man taking a nap, sick

Talking about the closed eye, check that. A regular short nap considerably reduces the risk of developing coronary coronary heart disease. A study of nearly 24,000 people over six years has found that occasional beds had a lower coronary mortality of 12%, while those who have knotted at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes had a lower mortality of 37%.

Double down on potassium


Although we do not say you should need to double your banana consumption, it is important that you increase your potassium consumption because it can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. The good sources of potassium include most fruits and vegetables such as bananas, potatoes, lawyers and spinach.

Make time for friends and family

woman stressed out stress, sick

Epidemiological research has demonstrated a strong link between chronic stress and the appearance of coronary heart disease. Other research has shown that employees who experience stress and people related to work, socially isolated or solitary have an increased risk of a first heart attack or cerebrovascular accident. If you feel that your proverbial plate is overloaded at work, talk to someone and make quality time with non-negotiable family.

Cut sugar


The link between the increased risk of sugar and diabetes is just in place with "causes of smoking of lung cancer" on the list of immutable medical truths, despite what soda manufacturers are trying to tell us. But the researchers of the Mayo clinic have even finished further, claiming that the food fructose added - either as a table sugar or the main component of high fructose corn syrup - can be the numbered cause of diabetes.

Move to the city

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Research shows that urban people tend to live longer and healthier than their country mouse counterparts.

Make antioxidants your best friend


By keeping you probably know that antioxidants are healthy, but nutrients are particularly important as we get older to prevent and combat problems that may arise, such as damage to the skin or even some cancers.

Eating tomatoes

stay sharp cherry tomatoes, sick

New research found that the reason why the melanoma rates are so low in areas such as the Mediterranean is due, at least in part, to their Vébital Mediterranean regime. Foods rich in antioxidants, especially deeply colored fruits and vegetables, can help combat the oxidizing effect of UV rays. A study in theBritish Dermatology Journal The participants found who ate five tablespoons of tomato pulp (a very concentrated form of fresh tomatoes) daily showed 33% more protection against sunburn than a control group. For more things about the life of Mediterranean life, check these5 Secrets of Italian healthy life that will change your life.

Do not go to the angry bed

is my relationship doomed couple arguing on a couch, sick

In a study of 1,700 married adults, researchers from Brigham Youngt University felt that the more he took place in the relationship, the more adult health.

Eat more salmon

Raw salmon, sick

Fatty fish such as wild salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation, slow down plaque accumulation inside blood vessels and increase the relationship between good cholesterol levels at cholesterol. An analysis of 20 studies published in the journalJamaIndicates that eating one to two portions of 3 ounces of fat fish per week reduces the risk of dying of heart disease by an impressive 36%!

Take the stairs

afternoon slump, sick

Researchers at the University of Geneva have calculated that among people with a sedentary lifestyle, it is sufficient to take the stairs sufficient physical activity to burn body fat and lower blood pressure.

Do not order in

propose stressed out, sick

A study published inNutrition of public health In 2012, found that people who cook at home up to five times a week were 47% more likely to be alive 10 years later than those who do not have it. Find itBest 10 adds to your diet Here and go ahead!

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