Does a facial mask protect you from coronavirus? Experts say n °

Sales of face masks climbed into the coronavirus epidemic, but health experts say they will not protect you.

As panic about thePropagation of coronavirus Intensifies in the United States, retail stores sell facial masks that people buy in the hope of protecting themselves from respiratory disease. And hunting face masks grows only now than theWorld Health Organization Says the "risk of propagation and risk of impact" is "very high globally", an altitude of the above "high" overall risk previously indicated. But what people do not realize is that the experts say that these facial masks are largely useless when it comes to protecting yourself from coronavirus.

"The fact is that your typical surgical mask will not protect or prevent infection", "Erin SorrellProfessor of Assistant Research at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology from Georgetown University, saidBuzzfeed News. "The virus itself is so small that it can penetrate the mask. So it literally does nothing for you."

TheCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) stipulates the same thing it "does not recommend that people who wear a face mask protects themselves from respiratory diseases". However, the CDC says that "face masks should be used by people who have symptoms" to avoid spreading the disease to others, as well as health workers and caregivers of those infected.

Nevertheless, huge retailers like Walgreens, Home Depot and Lowe's are running out of face masks. Home Depot has even limited sales of the famous respirator mask N95 to 10 per person, according toAmerican News and Global Report.

And on Amazon, users complain of an astronomical thrust of surgical face masks because of the recent request of the coronavirus.

Although there is currently no coronavirus vaccine, the CDC recommends taking preventive measures such asAvoid close contact with sick people,covering your cough Or sternate with a handkerchief and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

In fact, in terms of touching your face, a facial mask could even be counterproductive. "If it's not mounted correctly, you will smoke with that. You will touch your face, which is the way you are going to have the disease, is impursive hands that affect your face", health and secretary of human servicesAlex Azar said Wednesday, according toCBS News.

The best preventive measure you can take with respect to coronavirus contraction iswash one's hands. The CDC recommendswash one's hands Frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.

Besides,Andrew Stanley Pekosz, PhD, Professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told CBS News Personal should "practice social distance - staying five meters from people to avoid being close enough to be exposed to that person's respiratory droplets . "

In addition, a reminder that the coronavirus morality rate is about 2% in the epicenter of the epidemic and less than the elsewhere,The Guardianreports. Influenza, on the other hand, has a mortality rate of about 7.9%, according to a 2019 study published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology.

So, finally, Pekosz says, the best thing to do for yourself is "grope. Influenza killed more than 16,000 Americans this year and still cause diseases across the United States. "

Categories: Health
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