9 reasons to eat more bananas

Try to transport your banana intake for a few weeks and you will be amazed at changes in your body function, energy levels and overall health and nutrition. To learn more about the abundance of the benefits of banana, see these top 9 reasons why you should eat more bananas.

Bananas are one of the most common fruit of typical food and is one of the most consumed fruits around the world. Easily incorporated into meals and snacks, bananas are also versatile and delicious. But not only do they taste good - there is a ton of health benefits to take advantage of banana consumption. Try to transport your banana intake for a few weeks and you will be amazed at changes in your body function, energy levels and overall health and nutrition. To learn more about the abundance of the benefits of banana, see these top 9 reasons why you should eat more bananas.

Contains several essential nutrients
Bananas are an excellent natural source for a plethora of vitamins and nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin B6, protein, manganese, fiber, vitamin C, copper and much more. These nutrients are beneficial and sometimes essential to many aspects of health.

Improved energy
Bananas help healing and protecting your body from high potassium, antioxidants and many other nutrients. This makes it a great snack of power, to use as a pacing of the morning, the mid-day energy and the pre-training snack.

Moderates blood sugar
Bananas are loaded with both pectin and starch, which are supposed to regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion. Bananas are also a low glycemic alimentable food, which indicates the potential influence of a food on blood glucose.

Can help with weight loss
Although there is no scientific evidence proving a direct link to bananas and weight loss, some characteristics can certainly be beneficial. The starch contained in bananas (specifically equal) also makes a big appetite. Its high source of fiber per pecics can also help fulfill any longer.

Improve insulin sensitivity
For serious illnesses, like certain types of diabetes, insulin resistance is particularly dangerous. Once again, the starch of non-mature bananas has said the ability to improve insulin sensitivity. The researchers found that 4 weeks of a daily dose of 15 to 30 grams of resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity up to 50%.

Beneficial for physical fitness
Bananas are known for their easily digestible cards and their high nutritional value, which makes this fruit the perfect snack for athletes. Bananas infringe not only a significant energy into the body, many athletes swear from bananas to relieve muscle cramps and post-training pain.

Stimulates your mood
Bananas contain substantial levels of amino acid tryptophan, which the body exploits and converts into serotonin. It's good for raising your morale because serotonin is a mood lifting neurotransmitter, which can increase happiness, regulate sleep, reduce stress and anxiety of border.

Strengthens your heart
Due to their high potassium content, bananas are an essential food to keep your heart strong and functioning properly. The potassium helps keep the muscular contraction regular and tells the heart of pumping blood through the whole body.

Decreases stomach ulcers and stomach burns
If you live stomach ulcers and stomach burns, bananas are a large acidic neutralizer. This fruit is incredible to restore the equilibrium in the intestine by reducing inflammation, decreasing irritation and coating the mucosa of the stomach.

Categories: Food&Travel
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