13 Funny quarantine videos and pictures of people entertaining

The ways of people are entertaining to the quarantine will make you smile.

If your city is in Lockdown or you areisolating oneself as a precaution In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, we all know that now that quarantine is a challenge. But when life gives me American lemons, the internet tends to make lemonade, not only in the form ofCoronavirus evenbut also with funny quarantine videos and photos that prove that we can all get the most out of the claustrophobe#QuarantineLife. Bingo games on balconies at concerts for pet rocks, these creative people will bring a smile to your face.

1. For most of us, the first forty week started looking for something like this:

2. But it did not take long for people to realize that they do not need to be nearby to have a party.

Soon, the videos started to emerge fromItalians sing And, in some cases, dance on their balconies in a solidarity show.

3. Meanwhile, these two Spaniards decided to play an additional tennis game of high stakes outside their windows.

https://twitter.com/tsn_sports/status/1239626491459141632?ref_src=twsrc%5etfw%7ctwcamp%5etFeemd.com%A% 2F% 2Fwww.buzzfeed.com% 2fcaseyrackm% 2fquarantin-games-tweets-Idesas

Who needs a gym, am I right?

4. And some people have found other new quarantine games playing.

5. Or you can stick to the classics. Everything you need is a speaker for a quarantine bingo handle.

6. In fact, there are many ways to stay busy and cultivated while in quarantine, as in quarantine, motivating your room by "carpets talking" to the Jerry ofApplaud.


The Washington Post video producerDave Jorgenon Given the people of master classes to become creative during quarantine.

7. Or you can make a "museum even" in your own living room.


8. This could even be your chance to practice your musical talents before moving forward a sensitive audience.

9. And who needs dominoes when you have books?

10. When everything else fails, you can also use an Amazonian box to stay entertained.

11. You can also create your own version ofGuess who? with candidates fromThe single person.

https://twitter.com/ksolocup17/status/1240042389189931010?ref_src=twsrc%5etfw%7ctwcamp&ref_url=Https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2fcaseyrackham%2fquarantin-games-tweets -idesas

12. And, like these dating profile photos show,Quarantine is not an excuse put your love life waiting.

13. Finally, even if your cruise has been canceled, you can always hit the high seas.

https://twitter.com/janeytrill/status/1238388545854701568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1238388545854701568&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgulfnews.com%2Fworld%2Fcoronavirus-from-playing-tennis-from- Windows-to-Pointe-Workoutouts - Roofs-The-The-World-GOOM-With-Insolation-1.1584520737341

We should all take a page of this book of thisSenior couple in quarantine.

All of these amusing quarantine videos and photos prove that humans are a resilient species and we can find ways to make the most of things. After all, we can be isolated, but we are all together!

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