How to eliminate the polishing gel yourself, according to a pro

If you entered quarantine with a complete gel manicure, here's how to remove the gel varnish yourself.

Your house has become your workout studio, your office and your local watering hole in a few weeks - you can also add nail lounge to the list! If you regret receiving this manicure gel a few weeks ago, you are not alone. With all your sacred salons closed, you are left to repel you in terms of maintenance. And although it is tempting, please do not peel your gels! If you are wonderingHow to remove the varnish gel in complete safety by yourself at home, we have the answers, directly fromCelebrity Nail Artist Alex Jachno.

How to remove Polish gel safely: a step by step guide

What you will need to delete your Polish gel:

  • Polish removing or acetone
  • A coarse nail file (100 or 180 grit)
  • A small bowl
  • Cotton balls
  • Aluminum sheet or aluminum foil
  • A cuticle pusher or an orange wood stick
  • Cuticle oil
  • A towel for easy cleaning

Blind: Do all steps with one hand at a time. After removing your gel varnish completely with one hand, repeat the step of your other hand.

Step 1: File of gels.

filing nails to remove gel polish

Detach your towel to avoid a mess. Using a coarse nail file, display the ups of each nail. "This step is very important because you must burn the surface layer and break the gel seal so that the Polish solvent can penetrate," says Jachno. Do not completely steal the varnish, but scratch the surface enough to see visibly.

Step 2: Soak the nails by polish dissolving.

soaking gel polish off with foil

Once you have deposited, it's time to soak the gels. You can do it in three ways:

Method 1: Dip the nails in a bowl of nail polish or straight acetone varnish for at least 10 minutes.

Method 2: If you really want to feel like you're in the nail lounge, you can place a Polish soaked cotton ball on each nail and wrap it with an aluminum foil.

Method 3: In truth, even the benefits like Jachno find the two difficult method to do alone, so its backup isUnfolds of Gel Orly. "These already have a cotton buffer on them, then simply apply the buffer dissolve and wrap each finger," says Jachno. The more long they are, the more easy the gels will be easier.

Step 3: Push the gels.

pushing off gel from nails after soaking

Remove the leaves or nails from the solvent bowl. Using a metal cuticle pusher or an orange wood stick at a flat angle, gently push along the nail to push the gel - the keyword isgently. "Do not force that - if they do not do it easily, soak them for another 10 minutes before trying again," says Jachno.

Step 4: Smooth nails.

buffing nails with turquoise buffer

If you did it so far, your nails are frank-congratulations! Once your gels completely removed, your nails will feel very raw. Take a fine grain buffer and polish your nail bed slightly until smooth.

Step 5: Rehydrate the cuticle oil.

applying cuticle oil to nails after removing gel polish

Wake Havoc gels on your nails, so it's an ideal time for your nails to breathe. The cuticle oil can help restore and maintain healthy nails. "The Polish Solvent is very dry, then apply a generous amount of cuticle oil to moisturize your nails to life," says Jachno.

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