17 e-mail management tips that will improve your very existence

When it comes to taming your inbox, nothing is too ruthless.

On ato study throughFront of work, a cloud-based management provider, the average US employee has 199 e-mails not played or not open in their inbox at some point. If this face sounds up, lucky you and if it seems weak, it may be time to give your style to communicate a depth redesign. More importantly, however, it does not need to be that way. While the email has now become synonymous with something that isoverwhelming, consuming time and tedious, It is not too late to live up to its billing as a quick, simple and painless way to communicate with each other.

The key to managing your inbox - with vigilance - knows trade tips. The fact is that there is a whole set of tools of all kinds that have been developed over the years by people with e-mails sharing the same ideas that try to try to stay aside their unread mail. But before you can enjoy these tips - become a black belt from the inbox - you have to learn what they are. Thus, without any other teenage, we have rounded up the most important, non-sensating and very needed tips to help you solve the wild images of your inbox once and for all.

Play the messaging game.

older woman on computer

The messaging game Online game, after being signed in your email account - makes it easy to manage your fun box. It cycle essentially through your emails, asking you to take action on each timer clicks, keeping the score based on the number of emails that you immediately answer with the subsequent set up. Although the game can be paused, allowing you to access your emails in a more serene way, it is a great way to put some enthusiasm and competition into an otherwise dry task.

Rationalize with exterd.

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Never wish yourEmail account was just smarter? Well,Spell is a kind of like that. In addition to placing your email accounts in a more user-friendly web page, it also includes features that help you stay at the top of your workload. These include reminders, widgets that help rationalize your task list and even a tracking feature that allows you to see when your messages have been opened. It also allows you to easily share in a group, to make more fluid team projects.

Integrate your email addresses.

man at computer

I would never want to diversify the email accounts - make a social enterprise, a company and a personal account, for example - but of the concern that this will make of modification between them another frustrating task to tackle? You're not alone. Fortunately,Gap, a free downloadable application, allows you to integrate all your email addresses into an elegant and easy-to-use window, so block between them as simple as the click of your tracking keypad. As a bonus, it also incorporates the search functionality, which means that you can review all your communications work at a time, particularly useful for communications that reside at the business border and staff.

Ditch the signature.


At the beginning of the e-mail, the form was treated a lot like a physical letter and understood a greeting, a message and aApprove. However, now that everyone has become flooded with emails in a way that would surely not be possible with physical mail, the rules have changed.

For one, an OFF sign is no longer necessary. They can always be used for more formal communications, and when they coming to be, but otherwise, it is not necessary to take the time to decide between "best" and "warmly". To say it simply, we have passed that.

Sort your messages via priority.

italian dressed man on computer

Senebox Another useful software piece that, although not free (plans are starting at $ 59 for the year), could simply be worth it. It essentially allows you to sort the e-mails according to their urgency, including "now", "later" and, for these notes that never need to see the light of the day ", the black hole".

Implement the Ohio method.


If you hesitate when you open e-mails, the Ohio method is for you. It means that it "does not handle it once" and leaves you with three options: answer, delete or drop appropriately. It means no scrolling by telling you that you "will arrive later" -Because the truth is that you will probably not do it.

Keep it concise.

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Want toGet your emails faster? Try to limit yourself to a fixed number of words in your answer. Although it may feel jarring at first, the less you use in your communications, the more time you will have time on your hands. However, do not give up your impulse to launch cover words like "maybe" and "I think" to soften what might seem second language at first, can you pretend less authoritative.

Save message templates.


If you often send the same message (for example, to confirm a purchase or validate a subscription), save this template in a desktop folder and remove it when needed. If you do not need to take a lot of thought in an email, you should not put a lot of time, either. WHEREAS employees spend up28% of their work week Just manage their inbox, it can save you a shocking term and wasted productivity during a year.

Empty your trash at the end of each day.

woman reading on the couch and using a laptop

The emptying of your garbage can be stressful - after all, once it's gone, he left for good. However, if an email is really urgent and you accidentally corresponds to you, do not deceive yourself: the person who tries to contact you contact.

Better yet, empty the trash at the end of the day helps make sure your email is nice and empty when you check it in the morning and canreduce fear You feel when you open this inbox at the beginning of the day.

Use an end of message indicator.

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Put the EMP at the end of an object line - "End of the message" - Tells The person the message does not need to be open: the necessary information has already been transmitted. It's an excellent time saving when an email is used simply as a reminder. Use it and encourage others to, too. Do not have to open an email may not seem like a huge time saving, but it adds.

Delete messages that you do not read first.

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Even before opening anything, delete these emails that are obviously worth your time. And considering that until45% of all emails Are spam, but do not necessarily do it to your spam file, it is certainly interesting for fessory part of this clutter. By eliminating part of the brush, you will do the rest of your email tasks a little less stressful. AndWith regard to stress, each piece you reduce the accounts.

Make file folders that match.

a woman on a laptop

Most e-mail addresses are preloaded with some receiving box folders, garbage, archived, et cetera and sometimes even some specialties, such as travel, personal or business. Although it is an ideal place to start when it comes to an organization by email, they should not be the only ones you want to keep your messages organized. Although you can always use pre-existing folders, be sure to add you to help rationalize your searches. Make records for personal communications, PR contacts or even messages fromyour children"School and you can keep the important information they contain without leaving these messages to obstruct your inbox.

Define reminders.

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BoomerangAnother downloadable application can rationalize this inbox in no time. Initially known as Baydin, the new name is more appropriate for its function: allowing users to launch emails out of sight, only to get them back when you need it. The free application will send messages on your behalf to specified dates, for example, for weekly reminders or monthly invoices - and can delete messages from your inbox until they need to be treated. In addition, this can remind you to follow up on the messages you have already sent.

Use custom shortcuts and canned responses.

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There is no denying that canned responses may seem robotics. A canned response that is personalized, however, can be a time saving tool that does not sacrifice your personality. Observe your past communications to see what expressions you use most and create a document to save time. In fact, for Gmail users, this feature is built in the messaging program can remind you of the phrases you are most often used in your messages and allows you to easily insert them by pressing the TAB key.

Delete after the transfer.

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Sometimes we receive sent emails that should not really be addressed to us in the first place. Maybe it's for someone else in the company, or the roommate who pays electric bills. Anyway, he must be before someone else's ocular globes, not ours. Instead of returning and forgetting, however, delete the entire chain after passing relevant information. This is not your business, so why should it take the place in your inbox?

Use the archive function.

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If your email is already aloud with excess messages, a good first step is to make the plunge and delete everything. Most of them, you will probably never treat at this stage and the person waiting for an answer probably forgotten. If you can not get you moving, archive it - it's better than nothing, and you'll be closer to the "Mythical Zero Inbox".

Unsubscribe to things you do not read.


Have you already subscribed to a newsletter-or other regular email, but only to fall from love with it, continue to receive messages that make a little more than the fold-Fleur at the bottom of your mailbox? Never do that 10, 20, or I do not know,200 times? If so, you are in good company. Maybe that's why free application, Unroll.me, Hooked on the market. After downloading, the unfolding unfolding algorithm, collects all your email subscriptions, allowing easy sorting and / or unsubscription. In addition, their functionality "Rollup" offers a beautiful format to browse important newsletters that you like. It is unlimited too: the service is available on all devices.

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