15 surprising routes that your partner has an impact on your health

Yes, you can make your heart break break. Sometimes literally.

Having a committed partner can be charming: you get emotional support, a friend on call and sexual gratification more frequent than the one you have done like one person. (Sorry, Don Jons, but it's true.) On the other hand, the same partner can lead you angry with conflicts and romantic discord. As it happens, your only one and your only can affect more than your mood swings: they can also have a drastic impact on your physical health. Whether it's bad things (as you giving chronic backaches) or good (like getting a harmful habit), here are the 11 ways of science that would have a partner will affect your health.

They modify your microbiome

Couple in the Shower Romance

Ato study inMsystems found that cohabiting couples end up having very similar microbiomas. (This is the collection of bacteria that lives on your body and in your digestive tract.) According to the search, a computer algorithm has been able to detect couples coexist with an accuracy of 86%. The authors of the study certainly emphasize that when you think about it, it makes sense: cohabiting couples share showers, after all.

They give you chronic pain

weight loss motivation

No matter how much you like your partner, they can cause you pain literally. Ato study inPlum medicine showed that the partners of the depression people were 19% more likely to suffer from chronic pain, whether it is a weakness, ills or chronic bugaboo that faces more than 80% of us:lower back pain.

They exacerbate your insomnia

insomnia partner woman couple in bed

Monash University researchers in Victoria, Australia,find that favorable partners ofpeople with insomnia can be exacerbating things. Favorable actions - Encourage older bed times, wake up times later and other solutions - in fact, putting undue stress and pressure on their partner, making sleep even more elusive.

They make you put on books

couple eating hot dog partner

"Big and happy" is a sentence for a reason, it seems. Researchers of the South Methodist Universityfind That young grooms have gained weight faster than unhappy newlyweds. The reason? Happy newlyweds are less inclined to leave their marriage and therefore do not have to stimulate their call sex for any celiblule.

They hurt the school age

man eating hamburger partner

It sounds good: you and your partner going on a diet together, both of your efforts in your life of your best life. But according to ato study inEating behavior, when romantic couples try to settle together, we will succeed and will fall behind; The slippery person more likely to lose confidence and give up the goal.

They help you quit smoking

smoking first heart attack

On ato study inJAMA internal medicine, Having a partner can considerably improve your chances of quitting smoking - especially if this partner leaves at the same time. Researchers found that 8% of people could stop smoking if their other significant was a smoker, 17% could be with a non-smoker and lightening50 percent They were able to stop smoking if both tried to do it at the same time.

They increase your chances of surviving a bypass

risk of heart attack ibuprofen

Once you have reached a certain age, heart problems become more widespread - and with them, coronary bridging surgery rates. But if you are married, you are more likely to do it through the test. On ato study inPsychology of health People who have undergone circumvention surgeons, married people survived an average of 15 years.years longer than their simple counterparts.

They help you find - and kill cancer

couple doctors office doctor partner

Doctors in Harvard Medical Schoolfind These married people are more likely to catch cancer early and take action for recovery. The reason? A spouse is more likely to urge you to be diligent on medical balance sheets, while singles usually leave these things to fly. In addition, married people survive cancer at a higher rate than unmarried people.

They share (literally) your pain

pregnancy partner

If you are a woman, that is to say. On ato study inScientific reports, Healthy women and happy relationships can undergo a phenomenon called "interpersonal synchronization". In other words, when a woman suffers from pain, physical contact with her partner leads to shared and synchronized heart rates, respiratory schemes and even pain levels. Take note: when it gives birth,hold one's hand.

They lead you to the gymnasium

couple at gym partner

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Public Health Schoolfindas being married can have a direct impact on the fitness, but more for men. The researchers found that, over the age of 6, if a woman's husband met her fitness goals, she was 40% more likely to meet her. But on the other hand, if the woman of a man mether Objectives, it was 70% more likely to meet its. And for motivation to make you work, make sure to learnThe 11 ways that smart people make fun of going to the gym.

They get your stress

woman smelling man

Or, more precisely, their perfume terminates your stress. As a study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology Revealed, a simple blower of a partner's signature - whether on clothing or hair - can cause cortisol levels to fall. And while it works for most people in a committed relationship, sorry, guys-it's more effective for women.

They weaken your immune system (divorcees only!)

woman sick in bed exposed to serious flu risk

It seems ridiculous, but it's true. By paper published inPsychosomatic medicine, to be divorced can bring your immune system to develop cracks; It's not that you're more likely to get sick - it's less likely to quickly fight a disease when youto do Go down with something.

They can literally break your heart

couple arguing in public at sunset

Book all notions of Melodrame poetry. Science is conclusive:You can indeed die from a literally broken heart. Now it's not like your partner, buying you both one-way tickets for Splitsville, cleaved your heart in two axes. It is more than, in some cases, an unexpected level of extreme stress or grief can cause an overdrive.

For example: a phone callTakotsuboThe syndrome, where high levels of adrenaline flow in the heart, making the balloon in a form that is closely remembers Japanese fishermen pots used to trap the octopus. In Japanese,Takotsubo is the word for these pans.

They make you feel intoxicated

a man and woman kissing in front a ferris wheel

"Drunk of love" is not just a whey expression. It's the truth. According to a study in theSexual medicine newspaper, falling in love - this first exhilarating and incomparable phase of a relationship - frees high levels of oxytocin and dopamine, the so-called "happy hormones". According to the chemistry of your brain, it is no different from being on the feint-good drug. Hope you have never comedy.

They increase your longevity

longevity elderly couple partner

And finally, according to a study inAnnals of behavioral medicine, married people live longer. The researchers found that out of 5,000 people born in the 1940s, singles died prematurely to almosttwice The rate. Who ... okay, then:Time to settle. And if you are ready for that, make sure to ominate on the50 best wedding tips from all time.

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