13 things you can never see about planes again after coronavirus

Covid-19 made the friendly sky much more scary. Here's how things change.

Coronavirus has essentiallyTERCED ALL AIR TRAVEL. With most of the country in quarantine, the idea of ​​jumping on a plane, cluttered next to the foreigners whose state of health is totally unknown to you, seems likely unthinkable. But a little time in the future, air transport is obliged to recover, even if it may seem very different. For a furtive glance of what it will be like flying after the coronavirus, we consulted the policies of the current airline and examined the mostSpots filled with germs on planes To assess how much the next time you are going to hit the friendly sky. This is probably missed in the air transport post-pandemic. And for more ways Coronavirus changes our world, check the8 main ways Disney World will be different after coronavirus.

No more beverage refills

drinking water on airplane business travel

In the middle of coronavirus, many airlines, as united, haveceased to fill used cups Reduce the chances of a larger water bottle striking a potentially contaminated water cup of a passenger. Expect that to continue in the foreseeable future.

More self-serve snack baskets

airplane snacks and soda on tray

Some airlines offer baskets of independent snacks where passengers can choose from a variety of chips, cookies and others. But to eliminate the number of touching points on these beloved treats, snack baskets will probably not survive the coronavirus pandemic.

Delta and American have already eliminated baskets of snacks and self-service fruits. Similarly, United has changed how snacks are proposed: serve on a trayinstead of letting passengers choose their own, Reports CNN. And JetBlue "replaced [his] snack baskets and drinks service with one collection and water. "They also added:" The pantry, our snack and the area of ​​joint snacks and drinks, will not be available on these flights that usually have it. "And for more raw gross points on an airplane, checkThese are the plane germs you meet when you fly.

More occupied average seats

cabin seats airplane

When the pandemic has been held, many airlines have begun to follow a social distribution protocol by blocking medium seats to allow more space between passengers. Delta and Alaska Airlines officially blocked the average seats on flights, while American, mind and United are largely doing the same thing. The average seats are likely to continue to be unavoidable, even if air transport recovers.

Unfortunately, this marks the inevitable end to a much more appreciated aspect of air travel: lower rates. "YesSocial distancing is imposed, the cheap trip is finished, "Alexander of JuniacGeneral Manager of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), told Guy Points.

There are also companies, such as AviooInteriors, who seeks toChange how aircraft seats are configured entirely. Meanwhile, if you fly chaingan air from China, you canBuy eight empty seats with your average seat-The two in your row, as well as the three seats of the row behind you and the three in front of you-to stay safe.

No more jewish

airport jet bridge

You are probably used to the queue of people who gather around the starting door, combining as sardines in an attempt to board first and NAB in a coveted airspace for their bag. But during the pandemic, airlines like Delta have beenCall row passengers instead of by group, to avoid the crowd on the jet bridge and in the aisles. They also embark on the back to the front of the plane. Of course, the boarding process can take longer, but this change is the one you should anticipate as aerial travel amps again. And for more congested places that will change post-pandemic, check the5 things you will never see again with cinema after coronavirus.

More recycling

recycling bins

The flight attendants have long had to collect objects that touched the passenger mouths. But, in the middle of coronavirus, the risk is much higher. Alaska Airlines has thereforesuspended recyclingaboard their flights "to reduce materials affected by passengers." And it is quite possible that other airlines can follow from the pursuit.

More collection of waste

airplane trash on floor

Similarly, to prevent the edge agents from contaminating contaminants on food and beverages, airlines, such as Alaska, pass to non-tactile garbage trolleys that passengers use to eliminate their objects themselves.

No more paper board pass

boarding passes

Many people have moved to moving boarding passages these days, but it could become mandatory in the future because it further reduces the touching points between airlines and travelers, especially considering.Covid-19 can live on paperfor 24 hours maximum. "We encourage clients to analyze boarding passes," JetBlue said in a statement. "You can download a mobile boarding card on the JetBlue app to further reduce touchpoints."

No more blankets

plane blanket

Do not be fooled by any plastic packaging on these plane covers. In 2008,Wall Street newspaper reported thatMost airlines clean only their covers every five to 30 days. In addition, a dashSara Keagle told Huffpost that freshly washed covers are only delivered to the first flights of the day; After that, they are justfolded and reused. Of course, aircraft do not have an ironing machine, so expect retirement of these retired covers after coronavirus. And for more untouchable parts of your travel experience,These are the disgusting spots that you should never touch on a plane.

No more pillows

airplane pillow on seat

This will probably not surprise you with pillows soon become a non-way too. "I worked for the southwest as a drained agent. These covers and pillows? Yeah, those who are just postponed andCoated in the bins between flights"Reddit User @ melhow44 wrote.

It is not surprising that Air Canada, for example, stated that for the moment coronavirus, "Pillows and covers will no longer be available. "

No more headphones

man looking out window of airplane while wearing headphones

"Earphones are simply collected, made to look nice and redistributed", director of aviationAndrew McLeishwrote about Quora in 2017."There is just not enough time for ...Sterilize each helmet. "American Airlines reported that they wereMake more effort to disinfect the headphones and sheets during the pandemic, but it is only a matter of time before it becomes too expensive and that these headphones are fully removed from the aircraft entirely.

No more hot towels in first class

airplane tray with hot towel

One of the benefits of the first flying class - if you have already had the chance to do so is that hot towels flying agents are happening. But in the middle of Coronavirus, some airlines have suspended a warm towel service, seeing that the heat is the prosperity of germs. "Towels are typically heated with the water of the jet tank, which can be aLivestock for bacteria," according toThe National. We would be surprised that this custom survives to the Pandemic of Covid-19.

No more meals

airplane meal on tray

It has been a long time since the passengers in the economy have received comprehensive meals on domestic flights. But limit tactile points, many airlines, as american, haveFood options for hanging food In the main cabin and meal service in first class. And we do not expect it to change time soon.

More magazines in flight

plane magazine

Sorry crossed word enthusiasts, but you will need to find another activity in flight to entertain you for a few hours. Four of the top five US airlines havepostponed if not overfollowing their printed publications, according to the guy of points. Delta has developed a handful of staff writers and deleted Sky magazine to streamline the new cleaning process. Meanwhile, Southwest, Alaska Airlines and United breath their problems. The silver lining? Many carriers range digital with their content. Travelers can always get their adventure solution.

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