40 most common types of cancer in people over 40

Make sure to ask your doctor about these forms of cancer during your age.

Over time, your body's cells are damaged because of everythingThe harmful rays of the sun To bad habits like smoking. And if this damage accumulates enough, your risk of cancer could increase in your last years. In fact, a staggering80% of all cancers A diagnosed in the United States each year is among those 55 years and over. Want to know what you should look like youReach your 40 years, 50 years old, and beyond? Generalized varieties such as breast cancer with rare forms such as adrenal cancer, here are some of the most common types of the disease you get older.

Skin cancer

Dermatologist checking patient's skin

As you get older, your risk of gettingskin cancer increases since exposure to harmful UV rays accumulating over the years, according toCancer Treatment Centers for America. So, what is your probability of getting skin cancer in your last years? 70 years old,one of the five Americans in five Develop skin cancer and more than two people die because of every hour. However, regular skin exams from your doctor or dermatologist can help you take it and treat it early.

Julie K. Karen, MD, a dermatologist in New York, told theSkin cancer fund Whether melanoma, basal cell carcinomas or squamous cell carcinoma, never wait to have it removed. Otherwise, you may spread to other parts of your body and have to undergo a potentially disfigured elimination process.

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Doctor talking about glands

Your risk of Hodgkin lymphoma - a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system - increases at two different ages. According toAmerican Cancer Society, it is commonly developing inbeginning of adulthood (especially in a 20-year-old person) andat the end of adulthood (Typically after 55 years). Although Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the most relatively lymphoma forms, survival rates are decreasing as you get older.

"In almost all cancer diagnoses, older age is an unfavorable prognostic factor, which means worse consequences. But in the lymphoma of Hodgkin, this difference ... is much more important than other cancers,"Andrew evens, Do, MSC, FACP, a lymphoma expert at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, saidCancer Therapy Advisor. "In the Hodgkin's lymphoma, just based on this factor, age above or below 60 or 65, the survival difference can be worse 40 or 50 percentage, against younger patients."

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Doctor checking blood pressure

As your age increases, you also risk developing non-hodgkinous lymphoma, one of the most common blood cancer types. According toCancer treatment centers of America77% of all cases occur in those aged 55 and over, with the average age of diagnosis being 67. "This is one of the rare types of cancer that is up, exponentially," declaredHeather PaulsonND, Fabno, a naturopathic oncologist in the center of Paulson in Tempe, Arizona. "It is believed that this dramatic increase in recent decades can beLinked to toxins in our environment. "

Cancer of the head and neck

Doctor checking patient's neck

Cancer of the head and neck, which includes cancers of the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses and other areas of the region - is more often diagnosed in people over the age of 50, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC). However, age is not the only factor that increases your risk of this cancer:Anyone who uses tobacco products Or refresh an excessive amount of alcohol increases their risk whenever they light a cigarette or beer. "Ninety percent of the time, head and neck cancer aresmokers. Seventy-five percent of time, they abuse alcohol. It's the most preventable cancer, "saysRegina Brown, MD, an oncologist at the Uchealth in the isolated tree, Colorado.


Man getting his eye checked

Eye cancer is probably nothing of which you have ever thought, but in 2020, there will be an estimate3,400 new cases In the United States and this type of cancer is certainly the one you need to pay the spirit at your age: theAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) says that more than 50 years old are the most affected, 55 being the average age of diagnosis.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer doctor talking to a patient

Unfortunately, the main risk factors for breast cancer areBe a woman andto get old. "Breast cancer in women is the most common diagnosed cancer and incidence increases with age," says Brown.

According toCDCMost cases of breast cancer occur in women over 50 years old. Other factors likely to increase your risk? Genetics, history of dense reproduction and breasts.

Metastatic breast cancer

Woman with cancer looking out the window

Contrary to the typicalbreast cancerMetastatic breast cancer propagates outside the chest and other parts of the body, including the brain, bones and lungs. According toBreastscape.org, 30% of those diagnosed with early stage breast cancer will develop métis cancer on metastatic breast at some point in their lives. And most often, women are diagnosedBy the age of 61.

The good news is that "metastatic breast cancer is not the death penalty we thought it was," Paulson said. "With progress in treatments and adding integrative support, women with metastatic breast cancer live a healthy and active life."

Prostate cancer

Urogenital doctor

A new man will be diagnosed withProstate cancer at some point in their lives. "It's the most common cancer diagnosed in men and the second cause of cancer death," says Brown. "The main risk factors have an increase in age, a breed - it is higher among African-Americans - and the diet because there is an increased risk with the consumption of animal fats."

Ovarian cancer

Woman with cancer holding hand

While ovarian cancer israrely seen in women under 40Everything changes once menopause comes around. "It's theFifth Cause of Cancer Death In women and more than half of the diagnosed patients reached the age of 65 ", says Brown. Other factors that increase your risk in addition to age are overweight or obese, having a childAfter 35 years, using fertility treatments and a family history.

Bladder cancer

doctor and patient arguing, signs your cold is serious

Your risk of bladder cancer increases if you are a smoker. In fact, according to theAmerican Cancer Society, smokers arethrice More likely to develop bladder cancer than non-smokers.

That being said, however, your age also plays with your risk. "Bladder cancer is the sixth most common cancer and occurs more often in men than women," says Brown. "These tumors tend to occur in patients over 55 years old." More specifically, according to theAmerican Cancer SocietyAbout 90% of patients with bladder cancer are over 55 years old.


Woman with Leukemia

Leukemia - A cancer affecting blood tissues in the body - could be considered something that only children get, but it also affects adults. In fact, theNational Cancer Institute Said that even if it's the most common cancer in children under 15, it is most often seen in adults over 55 years old. The good news is that most leukemias are very sensitive to chemotherapy and immunotherapy, says Paulson.

Gallbladder cancer

Patient talking with doctor

There are so many different risk factors for gallbladder cancer, including gallstones, a woman and being overweight or obese, according to theAmerican Cancer Society. "Biliary bladder cancer has often missed until the last stages of life, because it has very little physical or laboratory symptoms until the biliary conduit is blocked," says Paulson. As a result, it is also often considered as cancer of an elderly person, with the average age of the diagnosis being 72.

Lung cancer

Lung x-ray

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death with a long shot. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyThere will be 228,820 new cases of lung cancer in 2020 and 135 720 deaths as a result of the disease. Although your risk of developing lung cancer is higher if you are a smoker, it's not the only cause. "Recently, there has been an increase in lung cancer in non-smokers. This type of lung cancer isDue to a genetic mutationKnown as Alk, or Lymphoma Anaplastic Kinase, said Paulson. Age plays a role too: you are at the highest risk when you arebetween 55 and 80 years.

Stomach cancer

Doctor checking patient's stomach

Stomach cancer - also called gastric cancer, is one of the most common cancers after 40. "It has been linked to a transformed and smoked meat regime," says Paulson, includingBacon, Ham, Sausau and Hot Dogs. On the new 27,600 cases estimated at the US in 2020,60% will be older than 65.

Kidney cancer

Woman holding lower back

Kidney cancer Affects more than 40,000 men and 23,000 women each year, with smoking being the most important risk factor, says theCDC. However, the growing age is also a risk factor; In 2016, theNumber of cases was positively correlated with age up to 80 years.

However, treatment is possible for this type of cancer. "It is often treated by the inhibition of angiogenesis or cancer cells of blood vessel training," says Paulson. "Treatments can include immunotherapies and natural therapies that block this blood vessel training."

Small intestine cancer

older man with stomach pain, stomach symptoms
Shutterstock / Sebra

The small intestine cancer is quite rare, but there are some little things that doctors know. This affects slightlyMore men than womenhe is more common in African Americans andSmoking, alcohol and eating high diets in red meat and smoked foods could increase your risk. Age is also a factor: it occurs most often in the elderly with the average age of diagnosis in its 60 and 70 years.

Liver cancer

Man holding stomach in pain

Many factors can put you at higher risk of liver cancer. And while some of these factors, you can control - likeUse of alcohol and tobac-Your age is the one you can not. According toCDCMost people are diagnosed with liver cancer somewhere between 40 and 90 years. "Liver cancer is now pretty much the third cause of cancer-related mortality in the world",Federico aucejo, MD, a liver transplant surgeon at Cleveland clinic, told the hospitalButts & Goals Podcast. If you wear risk factors, Aucejo says to see a doctor early. In this way if you are diagnosed, it is not up to the advanced steps.

Cancer of esophagus

Doctor talking

Whenever you use tobacco, whether cigarettes, cigars, pipes or mastication variety, you are at risk of esophagus cancer. However, according to theAmerican Cancer Society, age is just as important as tobacco to use when it comes to this type of cancer; By the company, less than 15% of all cases of this cancer are observed in people under 55 years. "The cancers of the esophagus and gastrics are some of the most stubborn and aggressive cancers we deal with the United States today. Therapies must be quite aggressive to treat these cancers"Peter Enzinger, MD, a medical oncologist in Boston, Massachusetts, wrote for theDana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Adrenal cancer

Doctor checking

Adrenalian cancer-which affects the adrenal glands located above each kidney afflicts only200 people every year. Even if it's much rarer than some of the other types of this list, it is always important to know. TheAmerican Cancer Society says that 15% of cases are caused by genetic defects; Being overweight, smoking and living a sedentary lifestyle could also be guilty. Age can also be a factor, because most cases occur in around 46 years.

Pancreatic cancer

Woman with stomach pain

More ... than57,600 people It is estimated to have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the United States in 2020 only. And whileSmoking is the main risk factor (It doubles your risk), age also plays a role. TheAmerican Cancer Society Almost all individuals with pancreatic cancer are over 45 years old and the average age of a patient in their diagnostic era is 70 years.

"The most common single symptom is jaundice"Matthew Walsh, MD, a general surgeon at the Clinic of Cleveland, told the hospitalButts & Goals Podcast. "You will first notice your urine; it will fall dark. If you have these symptoms, consult your doctor quickly."

Anaplastic thyroid cancer

reasons you're tired

Women are at a much higher risk ofthyroid cancerthat men, with three of the four cases in women. Sex is not the only risk factor, however. According toAscanAnaplasic thyroid cancer - One of the four types of thyroid cancer - is generally diagnosed after the age of 60.

Colorectal cancer

Doctor showing results to patient

As you get older, your risk of developing colon cancer increases. Most cases occur in thoseMore than 50 years With the average age of diagnosis being 68 for men and 72 for women. According toAmerican Cancer Society, 104,610 new cases have been predicted to the USAS. In 2020 alone. One way to fight him? Change how you eat. "Studies have shown that a pespapus diet can be a great strategy for reducing the risk of colon cancer, as well as the risk of recurrence in people who have already had colon cancer," says Paulson.

Rectal cancer

Doctor discussing patient's results

Like colon cancer, your risk of rectal cancer - which affects the mucosa of the rectum as you get older. It is estimated that there will be 43,340 new cases at US 2020 and the typical age of diagnosis for men and women is 63 years old. "If there is an abnormal tissue lesion or fabric structure in this area, it can present most of the time as bleeding"Emre Gorgun, MD, a colorectal surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, said on theButts & Goals Podcast. "Rectal bleeding is one of the main things we need to pay attention."

Anal Cancer

Doctor and patient in hospital

Anal cancer has been on the rise. In fact, there will be about 8,590 new cases diagnosed in 2020, depending on theAmerican Cancer Society.Women have a slightly higher risk May men and age plays a role too. As the American Cancer Society notes, it is generally happening in the elderly with most cases diagnosed in the early 1960s.

Uterus cancer

Female doctor and patient

There is a handful of differentrisk factors This leads women to develop uterine cancer, including being overweight or obese, to get their rules before 12 years and cross menopause after 50. Another common factor? Age. According toGynecological oncology society, those aged 50 to 70 are at increased risk, and more than half of women diagnosed are greater than 55 years.

Endometrial cancer

Senior woman with short gray hair talking to white male senior doctor, empty nest

There are many risk factors that women should be aware of endometrial cancer, a specific type of uterine cancer. "Endometrial cancer is a pretty common disease, and it becomes unfortunately more widespread because of increasing obesity rates", "Ross Berkowitz, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist and professor at Harvard Medical School, said in aInterview with the school website. With obesity, having a family history of endometrial cancer or colorectal and that type 2 diabetes can all increase your risk, as well as your age. According toAmerican Cancer Society, the average age of diagnosis is60 years.

Vaginal cancer

Doctor patient

Vaginal cancer - which occurs in the cells that align the surface of the vagina, according to theMAYO Clinic-Do do not have a clear cause. In this respect, there are a couple of risk factors to become aware. "The typical person to develop it would be an elderly woman, probably linked to the human papillomavirus of viral infection (HPV)", "Sandy Burnett, MD, a gynecological oncologist at UAMS Health in Arkansas, said in aVideo interview with hospital. The most common era of diagnosis is over 60 years old.

Fallopian tube cancer

Concerned patient

Fallopian tube cancer - which affects the cells that light the inside of the Fallopian tubes - can occur in women of all ages, but the impact mainly from those aged 50 to 60, depending on theUniversity of Texas. "This behaves like ovarian cancer and often presents with symptoms such as gas and bloating," says Paulson. "Other risk factors likely to make a difference? Be Caucasian, have little or no child, have a family history of fallopian tube cancer and have some genes mutations".

Cervical cancer

Doctor showing patient scans

In 2020, it is predicted thatMore than 13 800 New cases of cervical cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and more than 4,290 women will probably die in the hands of the disease. That's why it's so important to know your risk factors and get scanning regularly, especially as you get older. TheAmerican Cancer Society Says that cervical cancer mainly affects women aged 35 to 44, while about 20% of all cases occur in women aged 65 and over.

Brain cancer

Doctors looking at brain scans

The life risk of brain cancer isLess than 1%. And although there is no assured cause, some risk factors are aware, including being a woman, having a compromiseimmune system, and your age. According toCancer treatment centers of AmericaThe number of brain cancer cases increases with age, most after the age of 65.

Pituitary tumors

Brain scans

The pituitary tumors affect the pituitary gland located under the brain and just above your nasal cavity. According toAmerican Cancer Association, most of the 10,000Diagnosed case each year In the elderly and fortunately, most are also benign. "The pituitary gland is about the size of a kidney bean and is at the base of the brain. It controls all the hormones in the body"Sandeep Kunwar, MD, surgical director of the California center for pituitary disorders, said in avideo interview With the University of California, San Francisco. While lesions grow in the pituitary gland, it can cause many different problems in your body, hormonal vision to vision.

Chondrosarcoma and Chordoma


On all types of bone cancers, some of them are more common among adults. Chondrosarcoma (which affects the cartilage of theFemur, basin, knee and spine) is most oftendiagnosed at the age of 51and the chordoma (which occurs in the bones at the base of the skull and the spine most often affects those of their50 and 60s.

Cancer of the sinus cavity and paranasal nasal cavity

An Older Construction Worker Coughing Surprising Symptoms

Those who breathe in certain substances at work - such as wood dust, leather dust, flour and nickel are at an increased risk of nasal cavity and paranasque sinus cancers, according to theAmerican Cancer Society.

The use of tobacco and men are also factors of risk of knowledge, as well as your age: most cases occur in those aged 45 to 85, depending on theAscan.

Lip and oral cancer

Patient taking to doctor

Cancer of the cavity of lip and oral cavity - a type of cancer of the head and neck - most often in men. "It can be caused by smoking, chewing tobacco and sun exposure," says Paulson. Intensive use of alcohol can also play a role. According toCompass oncology, most of these diagnosed are over 60 years old.

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Patient lying in hospital

Nasopharyngeal cancer - One type of head and cancer of the less known head and neck - occurs when the cancer cells are formed in your throat behind your nose. According toMAYO ClinicThe main risk factors include being a man, being the descent from the eastern Asian or the descent of North Africa and to have between 30 and 50 years.

Salivary gland cancer

Doctor checking patient's gland

Salivary gland cancer occurs when cancer cells are formed in your salivary gland fabrics and it is often identified by having trouble swallowing or feeling a size, says theNational Cancer Institute. It representsOne percent of cancer cases In the United States, and there are only a few known risk factors. In addition to being exposed to certain substances and undergoes treatment with radiotherapy at your head and your neck, it often affects those of older - especially about 64 years.

Multiple myeloma

Doctor talking to patient

There are some different risk factors to develop multiple myeloma, a type of cancer forms in plasma cells. Being exposed to radiation or chemicals can affect your risks and occurs twice as often in African Americans, because the Caucasians. Age also plays a role with the majority of people diagnosed after 60 years, according to theAscan.

Penis cancer


Penis cancer affects penis tissues and, although it is less common than other types of cancer, your risk increases if you have hadHpv, if you smoke and if you are the age of 50. In fact, according to theAscan80% of men diagnosed with penis cancer are 55 years of age or older. "This tumor may appear anywhere along the penis head, foreskin or penis tree,"Anne Schuckman, MD, an urological oncologist in Los Angeles, California, said in aMAINTENANCE WITH KECK MEDICINE OF USC.

Testicular cancer

Doctor patient

Testicular cancer - which generally begins like a size or swelling in the testicles of a man - affects one by 250 men at some point during their lives, according to theAmerican Cancer Society. Although the average age of diagnosis is 33, 8% of cases occur in more than 55 years.

Salombas soft tissues

Doctor's hands

There are more than 50 different types of sarcomas of soft tissues. "They usually occur in areas such as muscle or fat, although they can happen in most soft tissues of the body"Adam Levin, MD, orthopedic oncologist at Johns Hopkins, explained in aVideo maintenance for the hospital. While the Sarcombas represent only 1% of all cancers, they tend to occur slightly more in men and are mainly diagnosed among those over 60, according to theCancer network.

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