This article you touch each day puts you most at risk of coronavirus

Money can be practical, but it could also be mortal at the time of Covid-19.

With the threat ofCoronavirus hide on our commonly used surfaces, many people have been vigilantdisinfect everything in sightBut they probably forget the most harmful coronavirus host of the money of all papers. Changes of crude liquidity changes hands sometimes dozens of times in a day and remains outstanding for years without disinfection. Everyone has money hidden somewhere, whether in their pockets, handbags or unwanted drawer, but it is better to leave these bills in dollars alone until the pandemic coronavirus passes.

Money is notoriously dirty and proven to transport bacteria and viruses, which quickly facilitate the spread of the disease. A 2017 study published inPlos awatched a dollar from a bank in New York and foundHundreds of various species of microorganisms living on the invoice. The most common were those who cause acne and various skin bacteria. However, the study also recorded traces of microbes from the mouth, vaginal bacteria, viruses and domestic DNA.

As for Covid-19, a study published inThe lancet found that theCoronavirus can survive on banknotes for four days. Of course, you can not get sick by simply touching money. You should transfer viable coronavirus particles to your eyes, nose or mouth in order to become contaminated, but it's easier to do than it seems. Touch your phone,Mask, Adjusting your glasses or entering your keys could result in cross-contamination, which allows the microorganisms of the money to infect you through all your facial orifices.

Hands touching paper money

China understood the threat that the money posed in the diffusion of coronavirus early, in February, when the cases started to ride, the Chinese banks startedDisinfect their bills using Ultraviolet or thermal treatments. According to CNBC,Money has been removed from high-risk sites, including hospitals and markets, be specially sterilized.

Until we are on the other side of the coronavirus pandemic, it would be wise for people to avoid using money to limit transactions by hand. Opt for a credit or debit card, or better yet, use contactless transactions like Apple Pay during your purchases. If you pay with your credit or debit card, practice extra caution and wipe it after disinfectant. And for more advice on how to limit your risks, checkVitamin you need to take to reduce your coronavirus risk.

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Categories: Smarter Living
By: alberto
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