7 precautions you need to take before going to the doctor in the middle of Coronavirus

Make sure everyone's safety before a doctor's visit to the CVIV-19 pandemic.

AsDoctor's offices Start reopening, it is important to take extra precautions to keep you, staff and other patients safely during your visit. While social distancing is not really possible between you and your doctor during person visits, there are other steps you can take ahead of your appointment that will help you keep you healthy . We spoke with health professionals on what patients should do before going to the doctor during the coronavirus to ensure the safety of all parties. And for more changes to get ready, here is10 strange ways life will be different after coronavirus locking.

Check your temperature and status of your symptoms.

Woman taking her temperature to check for a fever

Before you go to your appointment, take a moment to check with yourself. Be honest and even recognize the least possibility of aSymptom coronavirus.Medical care and founder of Grayzone HealthIo dolka, Ms, says that even if you areDo not experiment with CVIV-19 symptomsYou should always take your temperature to be extremely careful.

"If you are symptomatic, call your doctor's office and ask to reprogram or ask if you can have a telemedicine / virtual visit instead," she says. "Currently, the HIPAA rules are being relaxed to allow Any type of platform to be used for virtual tours (same facsteries or skype). "If you do not observe any symptoms and you do not have a fever, you should be good to go to the office. But if youare will move to a virtual rendezvous, consult these7 things you need to know about virtual doctor's visits.

Buy fabrics and a hand disinfectant.

Hand sanitizer, tissues, masks, and disinfectant

These two articles will be your secret weapon against all germs caused in the doctor's waiting room. "Use facial fabrics to open doors, pushLift buttons, then throw them, "suggests Dolka". Use the hand disinfectant before walking in the reception area and after signing papers, touch surfaces or see the doctor. It is a practice that should be followed in any public space. , but it's especially important at the doctor.

Plan your appointment wisely.

Schulding appointment

If there are too many people in the waiting room, it could make social distancing difficult. To avoid this, nurse practitionerNancy Brook, MSN, suggests people "will schedule appointments early in the morning or one hour / week when the office waiting room would be the least congested." If you are not sure what time would be the best, ask yourself at the desk of your doctor's office.

Christine Traxler, MD, says, "If you are old, have a cancer, have diabetes or are known to have a pulmonary disease or immune disease, yourThe risk is above average. If you are you, you need to plan your appointment for the first day visit when the rooms and waiting areas are as clean and disinfected as possible. And for more ways to stay safe, follow these13 safety precautions that you should take every day to prevent coronavirus.

To ask questions.

Woman on phone with doctor's office

To help relieve any anxiety and make sure your doctor's office makes his part to keep you safe, do not hesitate to ask questions during your appointment. As you are on the phone with the reception, you can ask if the office has specific precautions they ask patients to participate, which will help you be prepared for what is expected from you. In addition, you want to "ensure that your medical office follows the most stringent precautions. Make sure your doctor's office tests their staff, limiting the number of patients in the office room and have their staff.masks, says Brook.

Bring a credit card.

Paying with credit or debit card at doctor's office

Money was considered dirty before coronavirus but withCovid-19 rubber on paperFor four days, he became particularly taboo. Dolka says that patients should "pay by credit card or ask the Office to welcome them. Money is a notoriously dirty support. Credit cards you put on the recording staff can be eliminated with a hand disinfectant after they return to you. Billing will save patients any interaction of manual transactions. "And for more things about the most germic aspects of doctor's visits,Experts say they are the 8 biggest tasks of your doctor's office.

Buy or make a mask.

Woman wearing a mask in a doctor's waiting room

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) recommendPeople wear masks in public spacesAnd some cities and states legally apply this rule. "Mask Should you prevent you from transmitting anything to someone else and can have an effect on another person's disease, "says Traxler. Before going to your appointment, make sure you havebought a mask Wear in the waiting room. And to make sure you get the most out of your face mask, discover these7 precautions that you must take before wearing a mask.

Get ready to fill in more important questionnaires.

Patient's information form at the doctor's office

Patients should generally complete a questionnaire to update their medical history when visiting the doctor's office, but these questionnaires can become more detailed following the coronavirus. Be prepared to answer questions about your travel history, whether or if you have been in contact with someone who had COVID-19 and allCurrent symptoms or the absence of.

"Many offices now filter patients before entering the offices with a questionnaire, as well as a temperature check," saysJoshua Mansour, MD. If you are appropriately prepared with the necessary information, you can reduce your time in the waiting room, which will help reduce your chances of possible contamination.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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