The best tea n ° 1 to drink, according to RDS
Reach this kind of tea the next time you hit a collapse of the afternoon.

It is 3%. You have officially struck this afternoon. Feeling slightly tired and slow after a long day of work, you turn on a kettle and start fishing through boxes oftea, I wonder which would provide the best choice. Although almost all types of caffeinated tea would help you annoy, there is a special infusion that also stimulates the overall health of your body:green tea.
According to many experts and studies, green tea consumption gives your body aMyriad of health benefits. Specifically,The antioxidant content of green tea can help preserve chronic diseases and helpweightloss. Here's why you should consider sipping a cup of green tea during your next afternoon hollow. (For even more alcohol tips, be sure to read our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.)
Why should you consider drinking green tea
"Green tea is high in polyphenols, which areantioxidants who combat free radicals and complaining chronic diseases, "saysLisa Young, PhD, RDN, author ofFinally full, finally thin.
"Green tea is an excellent choice due to the antioxidant content"Jinan Banna, PhD, Rd Adds. "A rich antioxidant diet can reduce the risk of chronic disease. Antioxidants found in green tea can have anticancer properties, for example."
Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author ofThe Sports Nutrition Playbook, specifically highlights how green tea differs from other types of popular teas. Due to its antioxidant properties, green tea is considered a "real tea" alongside other popular mixtures like black tea, oolong and white. Weavers - such as chamomile, ginger and peppermint - are useful for soothing indigestion or stomach pain. While herbal teas are big options to drink (especiallybefore going to bed), Goodson emphasizes that the rotation of a "real tea" - kind of green teaaidreduce inflammation In the body thanks to polyphenols.
With its solid antioxidant properties, green tea can alsoHelps your weight loss goals. TheCanadian pharmacists' newspaper Published a review Review of previous claims that green tea can help you lose weight. And the researchers found that the claims held after a 12-week weight loss study comparing participants who consumed green tea compared to those who have eaten none.
According toNutrition log, green tea has also beenproven to improve cholesterol levels, which leads to a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Another study of theUniversity of Basel in Switzerland also found ways thatGreen tea can help brain and cognition function.
The healthiest green tea to drink
By choosing anyGreen tea on grocery shelves Provide your body with these health benefits, and all green tea are not created equally. In reality,Matchta-A type of green tea is considered one of the healthiest teas to drink.
"Matcha is often considered one of the healthiest green teas becauseIt has a higher antioxidant level than traditional green tea And is particularly known for its anticancer properties, "says young.
Whip a cup of matchaBy using a powder is a common way of enjoying this healthy green tea option, but it is not the only way to reap the benefits it provides. In fact, some tea brands integrate the match in their green tea mixtures.Pukka Supreme Matcha Green The is an excellent example of this, with each bag offering a mix of "green tea of whole organic leaves and the best matcha".
What do not do with your green tea cup
While sipping on a green tea smoking cup in the afternoon, it's a great way to get you through this afternoon collapse, it's also common to reach something sweet to Fast energy. Some people benefit from adding cream and sugar to their tea to curb this desire for sugar, but if you are not careful, your cup of tea can quickly turn from healthy tounhealthy.
If the taste of green tea is too bitter for you, the best solution is to search another "real tea" that you like as offering similar antioxidant properties. Onlykeepadded sugars at least.
"The best tea is the kind you can enjoy without tons of added sugar, for example with sweet tea or somePre-packaged teas, "Says Goodson.
If you still feel like you need something sweet in your cup, Goodson recommends to "soften your tea with a teaspoon of agave or honey for a touch of sweetness and [always enjoy] all kindness true tea. "
You can also double your antioxidant consumption by snacking on a piece of your favoritedark chocolate. The dark chocolate can help curb your sugar desires, while your body harvests antioxidant advantages that cocoa provides. Between a cup of your favorite green tea and this piece of dark chocolate, you will crush this afternoon.
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