This is the only exercise every older person should do

If you want to improve your body and brain.

Recent scientific research focused on how to stay strong in your twilight years. We already know thatGet sufficient sleep can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in people over 70 and studiesalso indicated that low levels of alcohol (Two units or less) can have long-term advantages for the brain. AnotherA recent study indicated that practicing meditation For only 10 minutes a day can offer a massive boost to brain health in the elderly.

Now a new studypublished in theJournal of NeuroimingSays that the old art of Tai Chi has unexpected physical and psychological advantages for the elderly. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, researchers measured brain and muscle chemistry in 6 seniors listed in a 12-week Tai Chi program. What they have noted is that the practice has significantly increased the metabolism of the brain and improved recovery rates in the leg muscles.

Although the size of the sample was small, the implications are potentially large. "The advantages of Tai Chi have been well known anecdering; however, recent research such as our study can quantify these improvements using objective measures," said Dr. Alexander Lin, Brigham and L Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Tai Chi, short for you Chi Ch'üan, or Taijiquan, is a practice of internal Chinese martial art, which uses relatively slow movements to practice breathing, mindfulness, response exercises and techniques of self-defense. As meditation, it uses development techniques to promote mental calm and clarity. Unlike meditation, however, it also helps muscles and provides physical stress relief. As it also teaches you basic combat positions and involves more movement, it's a particularly interesting option for people who want to meditate but find it a little boring.

Previous studies have shown that the former martial arts practice has many advantages for the elderly, such as improving the balance and flexibility and the reduction of blood pressure. Anotherrecent study, Published inChest, found that this can be as effective as traditional medical treatment to mitigate a number of respiratory diseases. So, if you have not tried Tai Chi before, it could now be a good time to start. And for larger advice on aging, consult the40 things that no one over 40 should never buy!

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Categories: Health
Tags: exercises
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