Walmart Dolles of $ 180 million of bonuses to hourly salary workers
Exocutive retail giant staff members on front lines in the battle against coronavirus.

Walmart's hourly salary will be rewarded for what can only be called their brave work on the boundaries of the coronavirus epidemic. In a statement published Thursday, head of the people of WalmartMorris Donna announcement that the giant of retail "paid nearly $ 180 million in cash bonuses to hourly associates" as a result of their efforts to the deadly propagation of theCOVID-19 [Feminine contagion.
Walmart has an American workforce of nearly 1.5 million people, making it the largest employer in the United States. It is not yet clear how bonus money has been divided against employees, but simple mathematics suggest that the average cash bonus per employee would be about $ 120. The amount of bonus seems to exclude employee members so that the staff member is probably higher.
Walmart has already given hours of hourly salaries an increase of $ 2 per hour of salary at work during pandemic coronavirus and hasinstitute other policies Protect workforce and buyers. Morris notes in his statement that the bonus is "In addition to the special cash premium for all American hourly employees earlier this month, or $ 300 for full-time schedules and $ 150 for a part-time hour, a total of more than $ 365 million paid to our associates ".
Grocery workers have been on the fronts in the battle against theCOVID-19 CONTAGIONAnd dozens of staff have succumbed to the coronavirus. Walmart faced aunjustified deathThe continuation of a succession of a deceased partner at the end of March, which has certainly put in place a relief of danger that dangerous employees face and the need for employers to protect their workers.
Read itComplete statement of Walmart below:
April 30, 2020
By Donna Morris, Chief of PeopleWe have seen the development of our employees to take care of customers and members while providing a vital service to the communities during this period. In this unprecedented period, we have made several commitments focused on our associates and wanted to provide an update of our progress.
Recognizing hard work in front of our employees such as COVID-19 propagates and to help provide more funds for them earlier, weShared plans To accelerate the payment of our quarterly incentive, store, club and supply chain partners received today. With this, we paid close to $ 180 million in cash bonuses to hourly associates, with more months next month on our date of payment of a quarterly bonus scheduled originally. This is added to the special cash bonus for all American hourly employees earlier this month, which was $ 300 for a full-time hour and $ 150 for a part-time hour, a total of more than a total $ 365 million paid to our employees.
In addition, we have fulfilled our commitment to hire 200,000 employees in our stores, clubs, distribution centers and realization centers since March 19. We are humilizing to be able to give the opportunity for so many Americans to work, often serving as a bridge for employment, while helping to serve Walmart customers during this increased application period.
Our goal of the health and safety of our employees continues. We carry out health screens and daily temperature checks and provide masks and gloves to all partners. We also added sneezing guards to the registers, limited the number of customers in stores, the installed social distancing signaling and the sanitation protocols established.
We appreciate all that our associates do to serve our customers and our communities. They really make a difference.

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