Here's why you are tired all the time - and how to fix it

To start, coffee does not help.

New York is the city that never sleeps - and it should really.

In March, Siena College Research Institute (SRCI) wrote 802 random adults in New York on their lifestyle. Wednesday,They released their conclusions, And they paint a sinister image of life in the great apple.

More than half of the city residents receive only six hours of sleep or less per night, with less than one in four to get the eight recommended hours.

The importance of this can not be underestimated. There is a growing corpus of research that shows that earning eight hours of sleep every night is crucial for your health and not having sufficiently convinced that you can lose weight, inhibit your brain's ability to Store souvenirs, increase the risk of many diseases such as heart disease and arthritis, induce depression and anxiety and shorten your life.

Even if you are really busy, like most New Yorkers are, there are many things you can do to get a better night from Shuteye. You can trySleep, to eatMore seafood, or evensomething as simple as letting the window open. (If nothing that interests you, you do not need to worry: we have70 other simple tips on how to get your best sleep ever here.)

But bad news will not finish there. Because New Yorkers are not dormant enough, they also feast on coffee as a way to stay awake the day. 62% of respondents reported drinking coffee regularly and almost half of those they said they use it to restart their day. WhileCoffee has its advantagesit's important to remember thatDrink too much of it can really kill you. Not to mention, it canapparently even give you cancer. If you are addicted to your daily Joe cup,Combine forces and try taking a coffee nap. Or go cold-turkey andTry these 25 ways to stimulate your energy levels..

With respect to statistics, 58% of respondents reported checking their e-mails, their texts or their social accounting in the first hour of awakening, which should be a concern, given recent research on the way of ourTechnology dependence destroys our interpersonal relationships and cause loneliness and depression.

"New Yorkers have a technology fully integrated into their daily habits. A quarter of us immediately checks emails, texts or social media immediately after the awakening and a third extra in an hour of opening of our eyes"Don Levy, The director of Scri, stated in the press release of the study. "On their journey, a quarter text and almost one in five surf on the web. And it's not your imagination, virtually everyone checks their email, send SMS or follow social media throughout the day . Only ten percent of New Yorkers Aren "T Checking their digital footprint every day and half of them have more than sixty-five."

Given recent studies of howTechnical dependence affects our inability to communicate with othersIt constantly needs to be buried in his phone is also probably the reason why only half of the New Yorkers say they take time at their time to have a meal with family or friends and only 60% reported Something nice for someone every day, even though both are proven to be crucial for emotional well-being.

In what is perhaps the most surprising conclusion - given how overcrowded equinox is only 29% of New Yorkers reported to exercise for the recommended minimum of 30 minutes a day and about A quarter stated never exercise at all. It's terrible, since exercise too,is crucial for your physical and emotional well-being.

Finally, New Yorkers do not live in the present either.

"Many of us spend a lot of our time thinking and planning our list of things to do," said Levy. "Half of New Yorkers fill this list every day and nearly two-thirds of those who will take time thinking about what they need to do today and about life in their lives, including their objectives and their problems. "

A quarter of respondents said they never pray or meditate, which is also bad, taking into account recent research onHow do these movements work simply help sharpen your mind in old age.

Overall, these lifestyle are a recipe for an early grave and something needs to change.

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Categories: Health
Tags: How-To
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