40 things that people over 40 need to stop blaming millennia for

It's because of their debt, people, not the toast avocado.

Wherever you look, people over 40 areBlaming Millennials For all the bad things that happen in the country. Another restaurant is bankrupt? This is because the millennia do not eat anymore. The diamond industry is not good? This is because the generation is not madness on fine jewelry. But if you dive more deeply in these complex problems, you will find that young people are not responsible for what they are condemned for - so it's time to stop blaming them when things start to change.

The decline of the film industry

hobbies for your 40s

Although people as a whole do not go to the cinema closely as often as they have done it for decades,research From the Animated Association of America noted that it was actually 18-year-old people and 24 - in other words, youth millennia - who see the most films.

Bring to work at home with them

Woman on Phone Work From Home Jobs

Although today's office environment does not look like about 40 years ago, it has less to do with the millennia living offices and doing everything with progress in technology and transfer cultural standards . Mobile phones and laptops allow employees to work at home or check e-mails after hours - and nowadays, it is often necessary, see as in 2017,48.3% Families had two parents workers, compared to just25% in 1960.

Disassess dinner Date

first date questions

Of course, most millennia could choose to take a drink on dinner on a first date - but if there is someone (or anything) is responsible for this change, it's flat -online dating information. As a relational expertMasini of April Explained at Market Watch: "Online dating creates a huge number of first dates in a short time. This gives people of good reasons for backing expensive dance dates."


a couple running outdoors in the fall

"The race boom is finished. Millennials blame," aThe Wall Street newspaper article Posted in 2016, entitled "How Millennials ended the boom running", started. Obviously, says the article, the millennia are too busy doing exercise in the boutique fitness classes to be disturbed by running and older generations are angry that it is how their counterparts more Young people choose to stay healthy. Duly noted.

Kill the golf game

golf woman

"Statistics of the golf industry, we know that tours are down"Matt Powell, an industry research analyst for NDP, explained in a video. "We know that the millennia do not pick up the game and baby boomers age. The game is declining."

Although all this can be true, how can you really blame the millennia when you pick up the sport is prohibitive? And in 2017, the number of students under 30 with student loan debt was around16 million, So millennia do not exactly have the discretion for extrasurus like golf.

Storeroom relationships

couple in love

According to the conclusions of aRecent curve survey, Only 16% of people aged 18 to 29 were married in 2014 and 64% have always stolen solo. (For comparison, in 1960,45% adults aged 18 to 24 and 82% of adults aged 25 to 34 had already said "I do") but if it is true that millennia collapse more slowly, it is also important to consider thatMillennial women get married later Because now they actually have the opportunity to go to college and have a career.

The disappearance of cable television

tv remote television

Millennia are not the only ones to abandon their cable subscriptions, but that did not prevent television companies (and even more than 40 people) to blame them for killing the industry. Realistically, people in default of the disappearance of the cable are the creators of streaming services likeNetflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime who make them pay to wireless - but again, it's just what happens when technology advances.

Replacing the face-to-face interaction with technology

man in cafe on laptop skype facetime long-distance relationships

The video discussion and text messaging have largely replaced the face-to-face interactions, but not only in the millennial community. A PEW Research CenterinvestigationI found that a third of the adults using the Internet considers that the platform has improved many relationships, and a quarter feeling to bring their family closer together.

"Refuse" to take time

Stressed out man

When the GFK market research companyinterrogates 5,641 US workers over 18, they found that nearly 40% of all respondentswanted tobe identified as a "work martyr" of their boss. Because the majority of these martyrs fell into the Millennium Generation, people were quick to blame young employees for an increase in "holiday shame" - although they do not take into account the fact that, thanks toScandalous student loans And other expenses, the millennia can not afford to take a vacation. If you fall into this camp, however,That's why you should take all your holidays.

The state of the housing industry

keys to house

Millennia do not buy homes as quickly as baby boomers once 37% of millennia aged 25 to 34, compared with 45% of baby boomers when they were the same age - but there is a reason for that. When theUrban institute I have examined the buying habits of Millennials, they found that between delayed marriages, waiting to have children and economic difficulties (often with student debts), today's young people have less need to rush to buy real estate.

And do not buy diamonds

diamond real missing treasure

If millennia can not afford to pay their student loans, so how should they spend the non-existent money onDiamonds?

Closure of department stores


Every day, it feels like another big store announcementstore closures Or discounts - and when expenings want someone or something to blame for that, they turn to the emissary goat of all the Boucsgoats: Millennials. However, it is more likely that these changes are the result of the growing e-commerce industry that, according to theAmerican census office, increased gradually since 2009.

Not have jobs

Although older generations, blame the millennia for not being sufficiently motivated to find jobs, which they do not seem to consider is that today's young folks face aunemployment rate well above the national average. Although the national unemployment rate amounted to only 4.9% in 2016, the percentage of unemployed people in the age group of 18 to 29 during the same period was 12.8 years.

Kill casual dining chains

daily health hacks

To try to explain the declining sales of Buffalo Wild Wing Wing Wing, the CEO of the companySALLY SMITHwritten in a letter to the shareholders it was millennia who had to blame. "Millennial consumers are more attracted than their elders to cook at home, order deliveries from restaurants and eat quickly, in fast or fast restaurants," she said. However, what Smith has failed to recognize, is that consumers of all ages areactively trying to eat healthier, And catering chains like wild buffalo wings and Applebee do not make this aspiration easier.

Do not use towels

paper napkins

Obviously, the millennia opt for using paper towels for all their cleaning needs. When MINTEL interviewed the buyers, they found that, while 86% of respondents had bought paper towels over the last six months, only 56% had bought towels. Of course, companies that sell towels have every reason to be upset about it, but when you facilitate the limited finances of millennials in the equation, it is logical that so many young individuals opt to make their towels versatile.

The disappearance of cereals


"The millennia did not eat cereals because it's too much work." It was the title of aarticle thisInternal business community Posted in 2016, based on a MINTELinvestigationThis found that nearly 40% of the millennia thought cereals were an inconvenient breakfast option. But what this article does not mention is that the millennia are more healthy and have more breakfast options today than more than 40 years ago a few decades ago, which contributes just as much The decline of the cereal industry as the apparent laziness of the generation.

Do not drive motorcycles

Motorcycle, motorcycle cruisers, Kawasaki Vulcan

In 2016, motorcycle sales at Harley-Davidson fell 1.6% and sales in the United States dropped by 3.9%. The problem, industry analysts said, was that Gen was simply not like driving motorcycles, and it hurt the motorcycle companies. But perhaps these industry experts and older generations with skills should also take into account the fact that the millennials are trying to be more sensitive to all the resources they have. In fact, according to the Institute of Road Safety Insurance, in 2015, the number of deaths on motorcycles wasNearly 29 times The number of those of cars per mile has traveled.

Drop sales of fabric softeners

Woman doing laundry

From 2007 to 2015, sales of liquid fabric softeners decreased by 15% in the United States, according to theThe Wall Street newspaper.If you ask the head of Procter & Gamble, global tissue care why this is, it would say that the millennia "did not even know what the product is for" - but really, the fabric softeners are in the Same category as towels in the sense that they are not an absolute necessity and millennia do not necessarily have money for items like these.

Abandon the traditional gym

boot camp workout class

"The millennia do not want to be attached [to a gym]"Megan Smyth, CEO of Fitterserve, service that allows its members to book individual training courses, explained at thePost of New YorkIn their article entitled "Millennials kills gymnashes too." But really, young people and athletes are just next wherever the market takes them, seeing that compound shop studios42% of the world of physical condition in 2014 - up to 100% compared to a previous year. And if you want to spice up your gym diet, try these30 workouts that burn more than 500 calories an hour.

Put their career first

Woman Smiling at Work Reasons Smiling is Good for You

It is understandable that someone of baby boomer generation could have trouble understanding how their younger homologue could delay the creation of a family to advance their career. However, today's landscape - especially for women - is much different and that potential moms have the choice they wish to succeed business before settling and having children.

Buy too many lawyers

breakfast meals avocado toast dave zinczenko zero belly breakfasts controlling cravings

Who can forget when milliaryaireTim Gurner Infamously blamed "crushed lawyer" for the incapacity of Gen Y to afford first homes? Millennials could love their lawyer toast, but it is prudent to assume that the terrible labor market and invalidizing student debt are more to blame for the state of the housing market than a green fruit.

The current state of the economy

save 40 percent of your paycheck

Let's not forget that the recession started in 2007 when most millennia were still at school and still did not even participate in the labor market. And not only that, but that the recession itself was thanks to low interest rates and substantially non-existent mortgages in the mid-1980s - a moment when the average millennium was not evenliving.

Continue to live at home

adult son living with parents

In 1981, only 8% of people aged 25 to 35 lived at home with their parents, according toData PEW's research center. In 2016, on the other hand, 15% of the same demography were always at home with mom and dad. People over 40 are awarded to blame this tendency on laziness, dependence problems and pure and unlawful moocheing, but the unfortunate reality is that many millennia can simply not afford to move, even 'They have a job. (And how could they, see how the average rent in New York for an apartment of a bedroom is$ 2,104 a month?)

"Himbing" social media

Twitter, which Matt Rife often uses. Everyday Energy Killers

There is certainly no to deny that the millennia are addicted to their Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts. However, it is unfair to GEN Y fault seniors to use these platforms, especially to see that these applications and services did not literally exist when they had become at the age of life. If you feel as if technology takes your life, you can then use them.20 ways of Genius kill time without smartphone.

The rise of "P.C Culture"

50s slang no one uses

Although many people see the rise of political correction as a positive thing,Older individuals Look at the phenomenon in a negative light and blame it (and therefore the millennia that created culture p. Culture) for the majority of their problems. However, as an author toStrong Millennia simply try to "push culture in general in a nicer, sweeter direction, and if people over 40 resist this change, it is only because they are so used to to live in a world where everything happens.


Breaking up, texting

Srsly? People over 40 can hate how often their young friends and family members are unnecessarily shortening words and sentences, but abbreviations likeMdr (to "laugh aloud") andOMG (For "Oh my God") are simply thanks to the creation of the internet.

The troubles of the restaurant industry

a reserved table sign in a fancy restaurant

Although the restaurant industry is not well, it is not because of the millennia. In fact, whenUpkeep Some threaten, they found that the millennia spend 44% of their food money eating, while baby boomers spend only 40%. Basically, the millennia do less things and spend more in restaurants, and yet they arealwaysBe blamed the troubles of the restaurant industry.

Do not buy enough soap bars

Bars of soap

In August 2016,CBS Newspublished aroomAbout how millennials are responsible for the disappearance of the traditional soap bar because they falsely believe that the bars are unhealthy. And yet later in the article, the author contradicts himself andconfirmed This supposed absurd belief, noting that theMinnesota Ministry of Health said the germs could push on soap bars and propagate infections.

The decline in viewers from the Olympic Games

Woman at the Olympics holding a gold medal

A few years ago, CEO of NbuniversalJeff Burke talked about a decline in the Olympic Games, saying, "If [a decline in notation] arrives, my prediction would be millennia had been in a Facebook bubble or a Snapchat Bubble and the Olympic Games are Venus, and they did not know this. " But since the Olympic Games are published everywhere - including and especially on social media platforms - it is a bit difficult to blame the penage of the Internet on the decline in the decline in the decline in opinion of the Olympic Games.

Police forces in subferential

mindfulness stressed out woman at desk yelling work

Addressing the Municipal Council, Chief of the Dallas PoliceReebell says that the millennia had to blame the shortage of leaders of the city. "We have nights, weekends and holidays, and these are certain things that are not necessarily attractive for the millennia who want all days off and be the leader in six months," she has Explain. But the millennia are actually fierce workers, the conclusion of the GFK's workplace investigation, and if the police force indicate that the supposed law of Gen is the reason why they do not find New recruits, they may not seem strong enough.

Do not worry about the environment

recycle bin

First of all, the millennia are not those who destroyed the environment in the first place. Second, it is unfair to say that young people do not care about the environment, since most millennials are willing toSpend additional money on lasting items Even when they have no money to spare.

Do business code

Man Fidgeting with Suit Body Language That Kills First Impressions

Yes, more and more companies suppress the traditional office dress code for making their employees comfortable, but it is a product of the types of offices that appear, and not people who work there work. . Older generations seem to be so used to work in stifling business offices that even the idea of ​​a start-up with guy wearing t-shirts is difficult for them to understand.

Beer sales in decline


Good thenYoung adults prefer wine and spirits on beer, But so what? If anything, it is a direct result of access to information on healthy habits that previous generations had not had, see that beer is full of calories and carbohydrates.

Love their animals

woman talkin to french bulldog

When TD Ameritrade questioned millennia of pet earlier this year, they found that the average dog owner spent $ 1,285 a year on their "babies" and a staggering respondent on 10 said they would pay 10 $ 000 to take care of a sick pet. Of course, the millennia care about their furry friends, but it is unfair to say that they care abouttoo muchAs much, since the lifting of a pet requires a significant amount of effort. In addition, as a pet owner, you get as much as you give, seeing as a fur mother or dad has been linked to the reduction of stress levels to increaselongevity. And if you plan to get a dog, so check these10 things you need to know before adopting a shelter dog.

Being entitled

signs that they want to cheat

Before calling the twenty or thirty years in your life entitled, do you remember that it is only because of the way they were raised. If millennia are empowered, it is at least partially because the baby boomers let them be.

Take too many selfies


Selfies could be boring, but they are actually a pretty way way for anyone with a mobile phone (not only millennia) to document important life events when there is no other to take a picture.

Be too sensitive

girl crying into pillow with friend hugging her

There are decades, mental illnesses often misunderstood because people did not believe they were real diseases. Today, it is widely accepted in the medical community that things like depression and anxiety are caused by chemical imbalances - but despite this, many seniors hold their aging ideas about mental illnesses being a sign of weakness. And supersensitivity, and they continue to make fun of Millennials who "hide" behind diagnoses.

Not be religious enough


The general population has become less religious in recent years, but this wave of spiritual apathy has struck GEN particularly difficult. However, asMichael HoutProfessor of Sociology at the University of New York, explained to theResearch Center on PEW,This trend can be attributed to "the inheritance of the time [millennia] grew up in" especially since "many millennia have parents who ... expressed their children that it is important to think for them -Mims. "

The fall of the potato

a man slicing a peeled potato

In the last three years, Sput Sales Afell by 5.4%. And while this statistic is sad for farmers who live on the sale of these starchy vegetables, the decline in sales of potatoes should be celebrated, at least in the sense that young adults finally start understanding the importance of eating healthy.

Ruining all the country

American Flag

It's the cycle that never ends up: Baby Boomers blame millennia to ruin America,Millennials blame baby boomers To ruin America, etc. However, this constant blame game is useful for anyone, and it is in the best interest of baby boomers and millennia simply agree to disagree and move forward.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Over 40
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