The worst exercises for people over 40, according to doctors

With these workouts, the extremities do not permanently justify the means.

All workouts are not created equal, especially once you have reached 40. At this age, your joints become lower, your bones are more fragile and your heart is not in the form it had used to be. Consequently,Training sessions Whether you used to do in your 20s and 30 years might not be ideal for your 60 years. Curious who moves and machines to avoid gym now that you get older? It is the worst exercises for those of quarantine and beyond, according to health professionals.


Older man doing deadlifts at the gym

Although resistance formation is a great way toKeep your active muscles And your healthy bones you get older, a specific exercise you should avoid is contextual forts. "As you get older, your muscles and your bones become weaker and you can hurt yourself more easily," explainsNikola Djordjevic, MD, a family doctor and a medical advisor toFORDUCLOUDHALTH. "The deadlines are incredibly difficult, even the youngest athletes and demand that you are very good."

Star jumps

Woman doing jumping jacks in the park

"If you do not work regularly, you should not try intense cardio formation without proper preparation", warns Djordjevic. "Even with that, it is better to stick to lower intensity workouts, which help strengthen your muscles and protect yourself without increasing your heartbeat." It suggests avoiding high intensity aerobic exercises and jumping catches, which can both "put too much stress on your body and cause more harm than well."


Man doing sit-ups at home on the floor of his bedroom

The basic force is important - especially in your forties, when a strong core can both attenuate and prevent back pain. However, when you areWork on your six pack, an exercise to avoid is sit-ups. According toAllen Conrad, BS, DC, CSC, a certified force and a specialist in packaging and the owner of theMontgomery County Chiropractic Center In Pennsylvania, it's "a high-risk exercise if you suffer from a neck orlow back pain. "Conrad adds:" Most people when they make sit-ups end up shooting on their necks, which can lead to spasms with neck and pain. "


Woman Running on a Treadmill at the Gym

When you are in your forties, a fast walking, a jogging and even run with the good training are A-OK. On the other hand, sprint is one of the worst exercises regarding your aging body.

AsLina Velikova, MD, PhD, a clinical immunologist and contributor toDisruptiveExplains that this intense form of cardio "can put too much tension on the hearts of people over 40 years old. Unless you are a professional runner who has an intense workout life, avoid this and opt for a moderate cardio. "


older man doing squats, health changes after 40
Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

"The knee joints naturally deteriorate with age. When you are in your forties, it is better to avoid exercises that can damage the joints and squats require a lot of strength in your knees," says Velikova. If you want to keep the squat in your regular workout plan, you can always doThe chair crouched, which integrates a chair in exercise and thus thus thus tension on your joints.

No exercise at all

watching television obsolete home items

In the end, the worst exercise after 40 is not an exercise at all. "The more you do not move, the more pain you will have to have the line," explainsJenna Kantor, PT, TPT, a physical therapist based in New York and owner of Jenna Kantor Physiotherapy PLLC. Staying active is the best thing to do for your head-to-feet body. And for more things to eliminate for your health in your forties, here's40 doctors habits want you to stop after 40 years.

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