You have up to 11 times more chances to get Covid if you work here, the study says

These employees have an increased risk of being infected with coronaviruses, even with precautions.

Since states have begun to reopen businesses and people started returning to work at the beginning of the summer, we have all been warned thatSome places are more risky than others When it comes to catching Covid-19. And although many of us do our best to avoid indoor and crowded places with bars and similar ventilation restaurants, there are places where we need to go to risk of Capture the virus, such as your workplace, for example. And it turns out, working in a particular place allows to capture a tip of Covid. According to a recent study,frontline Health workers are up to 11 times more likely to get COVID compared to the general public.

The study, which was published in the newspaperLancet Public Health, observed 2 million people in the United Kingdom and the United States between March and April, who all used theApplication of study Symptom Covid Created by Zoe Global. The researchers found that in the general community, there were 242 cases per 100,000 people. But looking at health workers, these numbers started climbing. Of the 2 million users, 99,795 wereFirst line health workers And the prevalence of COVID at home was 2,747 cases per 100,000 - it's 11.35 times higher than the average person.

However, after taking into account other factors, such as theProbability of receiving a covidation test In a medical institution, researchers determined that even when using personal protective equipment (PPE), front-line health workers were still at least three times more likely to get the coronavirus than the big public. And for the health workers of black, Asian and other minorities, the risk of infection was even higher. Bipoc (black, native, color people) were at least five times more likely to get coronavirus, compared to the non-Hispanic white community.

"The conclusions of our study have a considerable impact on health workers and hospitals"Sébastien Ourselin, PhD, the principal author of the study, said in a declaration. "The data is clear by revealing that there is still aHigh risk of SARS-COV-2 infection despite the availability of EPP. "

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The researchers also noted that the "Reuse of PPE or Inadequate EPP" has become an even greater increase to contract the contraction of COVID-19. This is particularly disturbing given the shortage of PPE that has beenPlague of health workers in the United States In California, for example, a lack of sufficient EPI can haveInfected 20,860 Essential Workers And the members of their households, who would otherwise have received the virus, according to a recent study of the University of California Berkeley Work Center.

The absence of enough EPP was also behind the racial disparity of health workers in the newLancet Public Healthstudy, researchers note. "Non-white health workers have been affected disproportionately by the adequacy of SAFANT EPP," he wrote. They were also "more likely to work in a clinical setting with greater exposure to patients with COVID-19". In fact, the studyHighlighted two health settings When the probability of getting coronavirus was the highest: hospital contemplants and retirement homes. The highest EPP reuse has been reported in hospitalized and the highest inadequate EPP contexts was one of the people working in retirement homes, according to the study.

medical team in 30s and 40s dressed in blue and green medical scrubs, surgical caps, and smiling as they put on surgical masks in operating room.

Overall, the exceptionally high risk of COVID-19 for first-line health workers shines light on the need for increased observation ofThose who work with coronavirus patients-Exprima-face when it comes to EPP.

The researchers believe that their study highlights "the importance of not only ensuring the quality and availability of the PPE, but also other aspects of the appropriate use, including a correct application and elimination of the EPI and the clinical situation ". The authors also emphasize the importance of increasing the tests of these workers to help reduce hospital-based Covid transmission, whichcould be a huge source of propagation of the community. And for another dangerous place in the middle of the pandemic, checkThis single place is where you are most likely to get Covid, study.

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