7 items you transport that are coronavirus magnets

Most of the things you tap every day increase your risk of catching coronavirus.

ThePandemic of Covid-19 had an impact so many aspects of our life, but especially the way we think at risk. Things that were once just a banal part of our routine takingpublic transport, Striking drinks with friends,go to the cinemaSensation -Main threatening the vital prognosis. There is barely a better example of this strange change than in the way we need to rethink the things we wear with us every day. There was a time that the only fear of your keys or wallet could inspire you was that you accidentally lost them. Now you have to get your head around the idea that these items could be comforting magnets for coronavirus, and disinfect them accordingly.

Here are seven things you might have on you that you read what might be more dangerous than you realize. And for more items to avoid, who know who7 things you will never want to touch again after the coronavirus.



More than all the other items you keep on yourself, sunglasses are likely to pick up the germs of a wide range of surfaces, because unlike your wallet, keys or smartphone, you will not naturally stick these In your pocket.

"[Sunglasses] getting tossed without a thought behind her," saysAbe Malkin, MD, founder andmedical director Concierge md. "Placed on our shirt passes, thrown into our car, in and out of his case without sanitation for days, but weeks at a time. He is shielding our eyes against harmful UV rays, but not the droplets of a cough or sneeze. And for more errors that could be elevated your risk, see these7 disinfectant errors you are probably doing and tips for fixing them.

Your phone

Woman using phone in public with mask on

A study published in FebruaryThe Journal of Hospital Infection noted thatCoronavirus was found to live on surfaces like metal, glass, or plastic for days. And what element in your pocket, that you touch incalculable number of times every day, is made of these materials? You will have guessed your smartphone. But what is more dangerous on this point that almost everything you have about you is the way you tend to define it all kinds of places ... then hold it up to your face.

"When you put your mobile phone somewhere, it picks up bacteria or viruses that can be on this surface," explainsRoberto Contreras II, MD, regionalmedical director Borrego Health. "You define your phone down, then pick it up, and present all that bacteria to your face, resulting in potential exposure to a pathogen that can make you sick. »

Mike Sevilla, MD, a family doctor in Salem, Ohio, says that the best way to deal with this magnet Covid-19 is a regular habit of disinfection. "Your smartphone can be disinfected By wiping with a commercial disinfectant wipe, "he says. "Another option uses devices that expose the smartphone to ultraviolet light, which contributes to the disinfection of electronic equipment".

Your keys

Opening door with key

We have noted thatCoronavirus can live for several days on metal surfaces, What makes your keys particularly dangerous and, in particular, because they are "something we often use, does not clean, and we can inadvertently affect our faces after use," saysCandice Williams, MD, an anesthetist specialist and pain management Certified consulting based in Los Angeles.

Although you are not as likely to launch these around on the tables and counters in the same way as you could your smartphone, you often handle your keys that you come home, maybe at a time when it has been a moment since the last washed your hands. And even if you do not wash hands before leaving the house, the keys are one of the last things you take before going, pick up all the germs you have left on them. And for more mistakes to avoid, discover7 coronavirus errors that you make that horrify your doctor.

Your wallet or handbag

Man opening wallet outside

"The scholarship of a woman is usually in his direct possession, which means that it is often exposed to your respiratory droplets," according toJamil Abdurrahman, MD, andIdrias Abdurrahman, MD. "Add to that the fact that most people touch their handbag and wallet several times a day, and the fact that things in your handbag and wallet are often affected by several people, and you have Elements that are at very high risk for transport and transmission the Virus Covid-19 ".

Handbags and wallets can be particularly sensitive to picking germs considering how they must be somewhere together every time you sit on a chair, a table, the floor. All these places could have retained virus particles from the last person who touched them. And to learn more about what you can and can not aze, read:Is it safe to disinfect your phone? Here's what you can not disinfect.

Your credit card

Woman using credit card to pay in store

It may seem credit cards should be relatively safe, since they leave only your wallet or handbag when you make a purchase. But these brief exchanges are loaded with health risks.

"As we slip in places of suppliers thinking that it is safer than the paper currency exchange to reduce human contact, we do not realize that credit cards receives little TLC," says Malkin. "People often use them to buy items online and, so that the card has been exposed to different surfaces in addition to a wallet. »

Malkin emphasizes that it is not uncommon for someone to pop even the credit card in their mouths as they are searching in a bag or trying to find where they put their wallet.

Vandana A. Patel, MD,clinical advisor For the online cabinet pharmacy, suggests that if your credit card touches someone else's hand, you shoulddisinfect Immediately after paid and before returning to your wallet or handbag. But she also emphasizes that dangerous as a credit card could be, it's better than the alternative. "If you can use a credit card, which is best for money, as you can have a credit card easier than money, while reducing the transfer of equipment (for example, species, coins) From one person to anyone, "she says.

your money

Cash money

Not only is it more difficult to peak, but at least with a credit card, you know where it has been. When a seller or delivery man hands a $ 5 ticket, you have no idea where it has traveled from or who are eternative on it.

"Many infection specialists are indicating that the use of currency, such as invoices and parts have the potential to carry the coronavirus," says Sevilla. "If you are using a fully electronic payment method is impossible, then using hand disinfecting both before and after the handling of the currency should be enough to reduce your risk of contracting the coronavirus of the currency. And for more on the link between coronaviruses and money, read:What you touch an article takes you every day you most at risk of coronavirus.

Your coat or jacket

Jacket on a hook

You are so carefulwash one's handsBut that in the "second skin" of your outer layer of clothes? It's a term thatTracey Evans, Ph.D., medical researcher and scientific journalistFitness Savvy uses to describe a coat or jacket, which it emphasizes all kinds of surfaces packed germs such as elevator walls and counters, where they "will pick up the respiratory droplets, the transfer of microorganisms of one up to a sleeve, etc. »

It recommends always deleting these clothes at home to arrive, andWash them more often than you could otherwise.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Coronavirus
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