This daily activity can help you recover from coronaviruses

A small exercise could be the very thing that brings you back to your feet after Covid-19.

Thecoronavirus pandemic Inspired countless people to do their fitness a priority. In fact, according to a 2020 report of research and markets, the online fitness equipment market has seenSales growth of 170% during coronavirus lock. Even better news? This additional exercise can give an unexpected advantage: help people recover from COVID-19.

In a 2008 study published inPlos aThe researchers examine what role the physical form played in the recovery of influenza among a group of 24,656 adults in Hong Kong, found moderately frequent exercises to beassociated with lower influenza mortality rates. And today, some experts argue that the fitness can have a similar protective effect in CVIV-19 cases.

Coronavirus causesSevere pulmonary inflammation and "moderate exercise has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation", explainsWilliam Li, MD,President and Medical Director of the foundation of angiogenesis. While Li concedes that the mechanism by which the exercise decreases systemic inflammation is not quite clear, even to the experts, it notes that "exercise increases the diversity of healthy bacteria in the intestinal microbioma [and] These bacteria can produce anti-inflammatory substances. "

In a 2020 study published in theNew England Journal of Medicine that he worked on, Li and other researchers foundDamage to blood vessels lining lungs in coronavirus patientsA side effect of the disease that it suggests that the exercise can be able to help. "The exercise can help improve the recovery of damaged blood vessels and could be beneficial to help patients rebounding COVID-19," he said.

Mature Man Removing Protective Mask From his Face Outdoors in Public Park.

In addition, it has been shown that the exercise increases the protective properties of the influenza vaccine in the elderly, giving medical experts hope that the same thing could be true for acoronavirus vaccine.

In aMaintenance of 2020 March in theJournal of Sport and Health ScienceExercise scientistJeffrey A. Woods, PHD, Associate Research Dean at Illinois University Urbana-Champaign, explained that antibody protection levels provided by the influenza vaccinehave been maintained for a longer period in the elderly Who has engaged in regular cardiovascular exercise than those who did not do it. The woods also recommended the introduction of the moderate exercise in the routines of persons elsewhere sedentary during the pandemic, noting that "even a single exercise can be beneficial".

In addition, Li says that exercise can even benefit those who are currently sick, although he warns always want to take precautions andStay inside and far from others during the duration of their illness.

"There is no problem doing exercise if you have COVID-19," he says. "However, if you feel out of breath, have a chest pain, instability or muscle pain, it is wise to easily take it until your body is at repair." And if you decide to take your workouts outside your home once you have recovered, Li says to continue distinguished social,mask Whenever possible, and avoid touching your face until you canwash your hands. You want to maintain your safety the next time you break a sweat? Make sure to avoidThe exercise that makes your courage of coronavirus.

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