40 things you should never lie to your doctor after 40 years

In the end, you do only hurt yourself.

Even if you are usually an honest person, you are far from you alone if you arestretch the truth at the doctor's. In a study published inJama Open Open Networkbetween 60 and 80% of respondents allowed to lead to their health care providers on relevant information. The reason? "Most people want their doctor to think about it,"Angela Fagerlin, the main author of the study and President of the Health Sciences of the Population at the University of Utah Health,Explain. "They are worried about being dovecote as a person who does not make good decisions."

And while you may not think that's a big problem to lie to your doctor what you eat or supplements you are taking, a tiny omission could be the difference between getting the care you need or Receive an inaccurate diagnosis. This, we gathered everything you need to stop lying to your doctor.

Your past and current smoking habits

cigarettes in ashtray Stop Lying to Your Doctor

The older you are, the more important it is that you inform your doctor of yoursmoking habits. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyLung cancer occurs mainly in the elderly, with the patient with average lung cancer diagnosed at about 70 years. And even if you are a former smoker and you are not touching tobacco, you should always know your doctor; Unfortunately, it is still possible that these bad decisions you have made when you were younger, come back to haunt like an adult.

Your age

Man at the Doctor's Office Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Shaving a few years - or even a few decades of your age at the doctor's office might feel more want to stretch the truth thattale a lieBut this can finally prevent your doctor from doing his job properly. For example, if you have to say that you are in your 30s instead of revealing that you are actually at your end 40, your doctor could confuse these hot flashes as a symptom of hyperthyroidism instead of a symptom of menopause .

Your consumption habits

Woman With a Drink Drinking too Much Bad Habits For Your Heart

"Drinking will affect the body much more in evidence in your forties," explainsDr. David GreunerofNYC Social Associates. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause a myriad of health problems ranging fromcardiopathy Hepatitis - but the more you are honest about your consumption habits, better will be your chances.

Patients diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis, for example, have afive-year survival rate of 90% When they stop drinking compared to a five-year survival rate of 70% when they continue to hit the bottle. Moreover, if your supplier does not know that you are a big drinker, so they could just finishyou prescribe something thatreally does not mix well with alcohol-But when you know it, it will be too late.

"Always make sure you are 100% honest with your doctor of your alcohol consumption," says Greüner. "The answer can be to reduce - what you may not want to hear - but it is essential that your health goes forward."

Medical history of your family

doctor talking to a female patient at a checkup Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Be careful not to leave details on your family's medical history when you talk to your doctor can play a major role in your physical and mental health. TheMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cancer Cancer Note that "some people are genetically predisposed to the development of certain types of cancer" and people with family stories of cancer can benefit from a genetic test.

Your medical and surgical history

Doctors Performing Surgery

"Despite all available technology today, history is still the pillar of the diagnosis", notes a written report inConnection to doctors. "The impact of social, environmental, hereditary and behavioral factors on the well-being of patients and the disease must be done in the patient's history." All allergies to medicines with previous surgeries can have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor.

Your weight

weight loss motivation Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Typically, it is impossible to lie to your doctor how much you weigh, since the doctors' offices have scales at your disposal. But it is important to tell your GP the truth about your size, even if you could be uncomfortable, especially if your weight borders on obese. Search published in the newspaperPharmacotherapyFor example, the standard doses of certain antibiotics did not work for obese people. Remember: with your doctor, honesty is always the best policy.

Your diet

A Healthy Breakfast

Tell your doctor that you start every morning with abalanced breakfast When you are really a regular on McDonald's Drive-Thru can lead to unnecessary treatments and medicines.

AsBrian Doyle, MD,From the UCLA Medical School explained to Webmd: "Tell the doctor you eat correctly when you really could not have prescribed a medicine to control your cholesterol, for example. This could produce side effects and be less effective than just continuing to have good eating habits. "

Your symptoms

blood on tissue Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Patients do not really lie on their symptoms, as long as they simply forget to mention them - but everything you omit, it makes it more difficult for you to get a precise diagnosis. All the symptoms, even if it does not seem to be a symptom at any time, brings your doctor closer to the cause of your pain and suffering - and the same, all you leave aside can lead to a bad diagnosis .

What drugs do you take

acetaminophen and other pill bottles in a medicine cabinet Stop Lying to Your Doctor

All the medications you make - whether prescribed or impregnated - should be revealed when servicing the appointments of your doctors. All medicines, over-the-counter sleep with prescription anxiety pills, have its own share of side effects and does not mention that you are taking that you can prevent your doctor from diagnosing the root of your discomfort or worse.

"The most dangerous [lies] is not honest for what drugs [you] take"saidGlen Creek, a primary care physician with the Rockwood Clinic in Washington. "Sometimes patients see more than one doctor because they are trying to compartmentalize their health problems or seeing them not to be linked. Maybe they take a psychiatric medicine that they do not tell you and that you see them for theirarterial pressure. You can prescribe something that could have a potentially fatal complication. "

Your drug use

Doctor Comforting an Older Patient Stop Lying to Your Doctor

LeaveRelated story Of the American Academy of Family Physicians PresidentDr. John Cullen Be a warning for you when it comes to being honest with your doctor about your drug use. Since one of his patients was not initiated about the drugs he was taking, he was misdiagnosed with appendicitis and came dangerously near his appendage removed without reason.

"Methamphetamine can sometimes present in the same way as appendicitis," says Dr. Cullen. "As we prepare to take [the patient] to the operating room, I remember saying," We are about to cut yourself here. Are you sure you do not want to tell me anything else? "It's when we discovered the use of methamphetamine. Indeed, that was the cause and we stopped surgery."

Your mental health

depressed woman in bed Stop Lying to your Doctor

Your physical and emotional pain is more common than you think. By a study published inThe primary care companion in the Journal of ClinicalPsychiatryPhysical symptoms that generally accompany depression include joint pain, back pain, stomach problems, fatigue and appetite changes - just to name a few. AndDepression and anxiety are not always necessarily the main diagnosis; In some scenarios, they are just symptoms of other serious health problems, such as pulmonary embolism andCardiac crises.

The severity of your pain

Yakobchuk Videosla / Shutterstock

Your doctors and nurses are asking for your pain levels because they must ensure that treatment is effective and appropriate.

"Unfortunately, [cancer] patients sometimes lie and hide some troubling side effects for fear that I can stop this treatment,"Kashif Ali, a medical oncologist with a hematology of the oncology of Maryland, explained toPrevention. "But often, they can stay on the therapeutic scheme, provided setting the dose, or even to move to another treatment that is just as effective."

The date of your last period

Period calendar

The beginning of menopause is not the only explanation of the missed period in the Middle Ages. As long as you are always fertile, you can still get pregnant, so if your rules do not arrive, let your doctor know just to make sure that thisis menopause and not a new wabmate.

Your exercise habits

Adult Woman Doing Yoga at the Gym Stop Lying to Your Doctor

People who do not get enough exercise are often so embarrassed that they end up lying to their doctor. In fact, whenMedicare On surveillance of 1,239 patients, 37% of them admitted that "generally" or "sometimes" lie to their health care providers on the quantity of plan or exercise. However, the last thing that all good doctor will do, it's the shame of you for your habits - and if they do not know how much activity you get, they do not know how to evaluate correctly - and mitigate your problems.

"We do not try to honor you because you do something wrong,"Dr. Isabel Valdez, an instructor at Baylor College of Medicine,Explain. "If you are unable to exercise because you work two jobs and you're a caregiver for your motherAlzheimer, I will not honor you not to exercise. But tell me we can work around that and find another game plan. "

Your sex life

Man Checking in During Sex BDSM

1,239 patients who took a medicare survey, 32% admitted to their doctor of theirsex life.

If you have an active sex life during your age, especially if you have multiple partners - it is important to indicate your doctor in your lifestyle. After all, research published in theInternational Journal of Std & Sida I found that "the rates of sexually transmitted infections in elderly patients are increasing" and more and more women over 50 are likely to be diagnosed with HIV and trichomonosis.

Your supplement regime

A spoon of supplements Stop Lying to Your Doctor

"Always say the truth if you are on vitamins and herbs," saysDr. Michelle C. Reed, doctor, health coach and owner of MS family medicine, P.C.Vitamins and herbs have side effects and sometimes side effects will affect the effectiveness of the prescription drug. "

The date of your last check

woman at doctor's office Stop Lying to Your Doctor

When your doctor examines your blood results and previous tests, they need to know exactly how old. Why? When you reach your 40s and 50s, you must start being tested regularly for things like colorectal cancer,cardiopathyAnd osteoporosis, but amending about the date of your last check can lead your doctor to skip the very tests that might simply save you life.

How many times you use the toilet

Woman using the bathroom, using the toilet

Is it embarrassing to talk about the frequency to which you defeque and the strength of your stools? Absoutely. However, it is also a necessity, at least when it comes to conversations with your doctor.Irregular intestinal movements become more frequent with age, and without appropriate medical care, constipation and diarrhea are not always clear on themselves. In fact, long-term blockage can result in serious complications such as rectal prolapse and fecal impaction requiring surgery and stebit to hospital.

How much attention you get

Older Man Asleep in Bed Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Whiledeprivation of sleep It is never good, it is particularly prejudicial to the community on 40. Studies have shown that individuals over 40 were not sleeping enough sleep involuntarily progress the aging of their minds and their bodies - so much, in fact, in fact. , that, in 2015, public health, England started a campaign to inform more than 40 people on perils. to chip sleep.Inadequate amounts of closure May cause everything fromType 2 diabetes At hypertension, make sure you are honest with your doctor of your sleep schedule.


Alcohol and medications

If your doctor has previously prescribed something like a cholesterol drug or sleeping pills and you do not take them, it's better to be honest about it than just lying to avoid an uncomfortable situation. "If you do not take your medicine as directed, your supplier can increase or add another medicine and may not be a necessary addition," says Reed.

Your financial situation

Woman Sitting Down Talking to Her Doctor Stop Lying to Your Doctor

The United States could technically be one of the richest countries in the world, but that does not mean that each of its citizens has money bank shipping to spend on health care. On the contrary, theHenry J Kaiser Family Foundation Reports that 27.4 million non-elderly people were not insured in 2017 - and that does not even take into account people who have health care and still can not afford to proceed with their procedures and pills. .

Given how many people do not have health care, it is not particularly surprising that many patients would die in their doctors of their financial position. In the Medicare survey, 1 out of 4 people emphasized that they often lie to their service providers on the amount of health care they can afford, both in inconvenience and outside what they feel necessarily.

However, patients claiming that they can pay drugs and services when they can not be a huge problem. When doctors are not aware of the financial situation of a patient, they can not work with them to find an affordable way to give them the care they need. And in the case ofpatients claiming to be someone else in order to use their health insuranceThe question is not only medical, but also legal.

Comply with doctor's orders

A Doctor Talking to a Patient

Do not worry about your doctor when you admit them to them that you have not respected their recommendations. Of course, this conversation will not be fun, but it's better than pretend that you do everything you are supposed to andPut your health in danger.

"A forty-thing patient who is on medicines against blood pressure or cholesterol but has never had a heart attack or a stroke might not see the need to take their medications daily", "to explainFred Ralston, an internal medicine specialist with Fayetteville Medical Associates in Tennessee. "Sometimes I may seem unhappy, but I also seem people on the other side of this edge and it changed their lives, so I try to bring my patients to take it more seriously."

Your travel story

Man on a Solo Trip Vacation Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Where you have traveled recently and how you had the key to diagnose some of your more perplexed health symptoms. If you just returned from an hour of nine o'clockflight And you are experiencing serious leg cramps, for example, you risk suffering from a serious complication called deep vein thrombosis. And although malaria is not commonly contracted in the United States, it is still relatively common in some parts of Africa, Asia and Central and South America.

Your pain threshold

Person in Pain Outdoors Stop Lying to Your Doctor

"Patients sometimes lie to their professionals in their medicine on their threshold of pain or symptoms in order toget your hands on a stronger medicine, "saysJocelyn Nadua, a nurse and a practical care coordinator registered withHealth Services C-CARE. "Nurses and doctors can assess the better situation, so patients are as honest as possible on their conditions to receive appropriate care and medications tailored to their needs."

Any diagnosis of "alternative practitioners"

Doctor Examining a Patient on a Table Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Your doctor must know all the diagnoses you have received in the past, especially if they were done by alternative doctors who do not necessarily do appropriate tests. "Diagnosis made by alternative practitioners can cause real doctors many problems, especially when they go with some trends in fashion," saysDr. Laurence Gerlis, a private practitioner and Chief Executive Officer ofSamedayDoctor. "In fact, being" intolerant gluten ", for example, is rare, but it is extremely fashionable for the moment, like getting adrenal disease."

Your solar use

bad beauty products

It could feel likeyour dermatologist is a nag when they ask you how many times youwearing a solar screenBut they did only because they do not want you to develop skin cancer. And everything is all the more important as you are honest about your solar use when you get older, like theCanadian Cancer Societyreports that most cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are observed in patients aged 80 to 90, while melanoma is most oftendiagnosed at only 63.

Your past pregnancies

pregnant woman ways we're unhealthy

A surprising number of women threatens their health care providers on their previous abortions and / or pregnancies-14%, to be accurate. However, these two elements are essential information for your doctor. Long after birth, moms can still be the subject of a hormonal imbalance, iron deficiencies, depression, etc., so make sure your doctor involved.

Your sexual orientation

lesbian couple

It may not seem like your sexual orientation is relevant in a routine assessment, but knowing that this relevant relationship information can better help your doctor diagnose. Although many diseases are also widespread in all communities, others tend to be found more frequently in LGBTQ individuals. For example, gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% of the case of primary and secondary syphilis in 2014, according to theCDC.

Your oral hygiene

Woman with a Toothbrush Stop Lying to your Doctor

While you may not think that a white lie on your oral hygiene questions, something simple that bad breath can be a sign of serious inflictions such as chronic renal disease, cancer or infection . And like gum disease has beenrelated to heart disease-The number one cause of death in the world - it is important that you are frank your brushing and dental silk habits.

Your relationship problems

Older couple having an argument and fighting on the couch

Of course, your main care doctor is not your therapist, but that does not mean you should keep them in the dark about what's going on in your personal life. Why? "Stress can have many effects on the body and the spirit "Dr. Jonathan Kerr, a family doctor and the President of the Order of Family Physicians of Ontario, explained toBetter health. "If your doctor is not aware of what's going on in your life, he can not do anything to help you."

Your relationship with food

woman who's not hungry ways we're unhealthy

If you think the diet disorders only concern teenagers and twentians, think again. According toNational Association of Mental Anorexia and Associated DisordersAbout 13% of women over 50 participate in the behaviors of food disorders. At least one person dies diet all the hours of power, then do not lie on habits such as restricting, sting and purging, or laxative abuse if your doctor requests it.

The strength of your memory

old woman is confused while having a conversation on the phone

You can run dementia, but you can not hide. By 2060,researchers believe that some 13.9 million people aged 65 and over in the United States will be diagnosed withAlzheimer's disease and other dementia. The good news? Although there is no treatment for Alzheimer or dementia, there are things you can do forKeep your edit sharp and healthyEven after a diagnosis - and the more you are directed with your doctor about your memory problems, the more you can start an appropriate treatment plan.

How much water you drink

woman drinking water Stop Lying to Your Doctor

Typical symptoms of dehydration include dry skin, fatigue, vertigo, headaches and muscle cramps. The problem? Symptoms like these are hardly fatal, so people often ignore them instead of determining their cause. However, dehydration itself can be a matter of life or death - according to the search for theNational Statistics Office48 people in retirement homes died of dehydration in England and Wales between 2013 and 2017 only. And sinceElderly people often have a difficult time distinguishing symptoms of dehydration Symptoms of aging, it is important to let your doctor know how much water you drink.

Your hearing

health concerns after 40

Listen to us when we say you should be honest with your doctor on how much you can (and can not) hear. Although you feel shameful to admit that your audience is not as strong as the one once, you can take a comfort in the fact that approximatelya third of all adults aged 65 to 74 suffer from some loss of hearing. Earlier your health care provider knows your hearing loss, earlier, they can work to find you a cure.

Visual impairment

Woman at the Eye Doctor

Get ready to see your optometrist more frequently than some of your friends once you hit 40. According to theAmerican optometric associationIt is the age when people begin to have problems seeing clearly at narrow distances, especially when reading and managing the computer. " Although it is possible to pass through life plashing eyes and fighting to see, do not correct that your vision can cause headaches and can even make you more subject to falling or accidents while driving - And at the end of the day, I feel embarrassed for a few seconds. is better thank you for putting your safety at risk.

Your compliance with physical therapy recommendations

Woman Getting Her Legs Stretched During Physical Therapy Stop Lying to Your Doctor

"It is important to be a trustee in the realization of your physical therapy exercises, because a diligent supervised physiotherapy program can often help the healing of an injury," saysSteve Yoon, M.D.,A physithist and director of the Regeneration Clinic and the Joint Clinic of Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute. "Do not rehabilitation often may not stimulate healing and can also inhibit the support and strength to compensate an injury."

Lose your medicine


By far, too many patients are to their doctors to "lose" their pain medications because they took more than the recommended dose and now depend on the medicine. Not only is this illegal is illegal, but it is also wrong and "develops a feeling of mistrust between the patient and the doctor," says Dr. Yoon. In order to avoid this scenario, the physiist relies on "the communication open to the debilitating effects of pain and realistic expectations for the control of pain" in order to do so, his patients must be as honest with him as he is with them.

Your fear of going to the doctor

things women don't understand about men

Yes,Even adult adults are allowed to be afraid Doctor. In fact, with all diseases that afflict the elderly population, we could say that adults are evenFollowingright to this fear! If you are nervous about your visits to the doctor's office, however, make sure you are honest about your worries so that you can approach and possibly overcome them. Otherwise, your supplier can accidentally do something to make you even more afraid without realizing it, making you less likely to seek care when you need it in the future.

Your job

flight attendant flirting

Depending on what you do in life, you risk getting danger without even knowing it. On-board agents, for example, are more likely to develop skin cancer and breast cancer, according to a study published inEnvironmental health. And workers who are regularly exposed to asbestos are much more at risk of developing a mesothelioma, notes a study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health.

Your pets

Bernese Mountain Dog fluffiest dog breeds

Fido is just as relevant for your medical history like any other member of your family. Although our furry friends do not want to say,they can expand diseases to us This varies from ringworm and salmonellosis at Leptospirosis and Giardia. And if you have a good boy or girl at home, make sure to check these15 life lessons that you can learn from your dog.

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