50 times the teachers stole the show with their sarcasm on point

Building a generation is undoubtedly difficult work. Teachers have the tedious task of transmitting knowledge and ensuring that the class is under control. CL

Building a generation is undoubtedly difficult work. Teachers have the tedious task of transmitting knowledge and ensuring that the class is under control. In a classroom, a teacher is an important organ of law enforcement and with some stubborn students, this can also be a tiring job. It is human to be irritated and to have tired of these situations and give it to the students. Read through 50 cases when teachers showed the students they were born to teach.

Pass or fail, your choice


Now, that's what we call wild. For those of you who procrastinate, consider this a clock call. The teacher wanted here that students focus on their test papers and do not continue to watch the clock. This is a common habit in students to continue watching the watch and wonder why time does not go quickly to conferences.

They know everything

When wise people said, "You can not deceive your teachers." That's what they meant. This observation is at the point. We have all been students and we know how you fail when the conference continues to text someone or enjoy a random video game.

First assignment of the semester

Wanted an easy duty? Here is a teacher who will force you. Anyway, the end of global hunger by Tuesday seems a difficult choice, but I am in no way wearing a false mustache. I choose the one down. What is your choice?

Selfie on the board

You want to use Snapchat in the middle of the class. Be prepared to be projected in the conference of this teacher in front of the class. Now it could have been embarrassing for students, it could also be a lesson for others.

Got Bush?

Such a wonderful examination room to be as a Bush teacher is the repigilanor. Mr. Bush, but is not alone here. This small shrub has cameras installed to ensure that students who are trying to act intelligent are caught by the tree of wisdom. Remember Groot.

Make profits as a teacher

Well, I found the mentor I was looking for. Imagine how much professor could a teacher come out. You do not pay it, your parents are bombarded with complaints. Register some of this pocket money if you want your teacher to take you.

Ultimatum of the teacher

First of all. No guy is missing. Some unfortunate cake just stole the property of the teacher and the class will face anger if it is not returned. Now it's bad for innocent students, but the only way to get the "guy".

Karma Instant

Thank God, he was not struck with the board chalk on his head. The embarrassment is the most difficult punishment. Although sometimes, taking a nap can protect you from boring conferences or a long day at school, it can also make you a social media star if you have a teacher who made the picture of the photo with students from the nap.

Exams look bigger than the big brother

It's not funny but scary. Imagine that the teacher leaves the room during the exam. The first thing we would do is share answers. Now imagine that you look and see that. Paralysis is the least you can expect. This is the next level invigilation and we agree, a little hard on students.

Nickelback as punishment

I will not go late after this warning. Not for the 8th time for sure. 90 minutes is 89 minutes more than it would need to send me in a coma.

Going is a certificate that you refuse right.

Reward for missing duties

Heard about teachers honoring their students. This teacher toprates the list. I'm sorry for Josh. A certificate that he would never want to supervise and display. I can not help but admire the creativity of the teacher. What is the creation of the price name!

Essay written 101

So many grammatical errors on the first slide can only be made to attract attention. I'm sure it has not helped. PowerPoint can actually be frustrating to know sometimes the fact that we do not use it much in the future. It is natural not to pay attention. But complete brands for teacher efforts.


I consider this humor and not ashamed. Although the wall says, the "shame" wall, all the students on his side volunteered to be there. It's funny and enlightening. The students were all unconscious because their teacher actually taught them to embrace the failure with a smile.

Savage on failure

This student obviously did not study for the test and then tried to act intelligently. But experience counts. The examiner had a striking answer that would embarrass the kid. He could start studying or not acting intelligently with the teacher.

The real cheater is ...

What is the difficulty of writing all these names on the side? If you wear your phone in the exam room, wait for friends answers, you will meet this destiny. Any phone that vibrates will fall down and the cheater would be caught. Wonderful idea, is not it?

There is a job for that

No more moments where teachers used to write nasty comments on your response books. Now they join job applications that would match your intelligence profile. This teacher has joined a workstation for McDonald's in addition to failing this candidate.

Comic without is for beginners

Comic without could be popular among students, but it can never be accepted in a formal assignment. The teacher has clearly indicated that they do not write for whimsical children's books, but were seriously missionaries. I guess he wantedOnce again Roman.

Preferred drink of the teacher

He takes the list of cool teachers around the world. It is so open on the atrocities he has put on students. His drink is called the tears of the student. It's so cool for a high school teacher. I'm sure it must be high while checking their exam papers.

You can not pass!

The test must have been difficult. The students tried to lighten the atmosphere with an innocent doodle and that's what he received. It looks like Hagrid for me. He must have crushed all the hopes and the dreams of the student wishing to arrive at this exit.

Do not sleep in class

For teachers, students sleeping in the class are equivalent to those who are absent. This teacher has decided here to note that his pupil was continually sleeping through the conference. The note followed a threat that would lose a lot of sleep.

So many errors

Never thought of writing a letter of complaint attributed to your teacher. Think about two times or at least have it checked by someone. This teacher has decided to teach a little grammar to the students who wrote a letter. See how the paper is colored throughout the red. The most interesting of the ILO is the note that the teacher left down.

Do not forget your supplies

There are many students who forget to bring a pen to the class. Sometimes the teacher is happy to force but do not expect that this happens every time. This student had what he asked. Not exactly what he asked as he would have preferred a ballpoint pen instead of a feather.


Almost all students once in his life were late in the submission of a mission but to do that is really rude. Any late job you need to submit, take it to the trash. And do not forget what you get for all the efforts you put in the zero.


Multiple-choice questions are the easiest to solve if you know anything. Close your eyes and hit the answer. I can only hope that no one has marked in this issue. A way so easy to eliminate those who are not even interested in reading the book of questions.


It's stupid on the part of the student. The darkest of all would not dare to write #yolo on the answer booklet. Some other hashtags followed. The teacher described the future of the student in three truly funny chites.

Well it did not work

It was really bad for the teddy bear. When a student threatened the teacher killing his plush bear doodle if he did not give one, the whole examiner was to kill him himself and give a C for his audacity. A plain C would not have been so struggling.

He died that they were so bad

Sometimes teachers appear on how silly answers killed them. This man has arrived here at another level. Frustrated by the answers of his students, he brought with himself a coffin and asked there to show how they killed him.

No walk

We are sure he teaches films. To prevent informed students that they are not allowed to enter his room, a teacher stuck that at the door. While some of them understood the joke, some do not have it. Do you have?

Prejudice in public at its end

You do not publish your student's mistakes on Facebook, but this error has deserved. How can someone be a "cereal killer"? Okay, there is a doodle to go. I do not think it was just a grammatical mistake.

Very subtle

Although some leaves of answers are good to leave, some of them are "shit". To easily differentiate this teacher, put paper clips. Although I do not see any of the response sheets are not cut into shit.

More luck next time

I thought you did well on the exam? This is the worst feeling if you fail in an exam that you have been successfully deceived. Just a small mistake and everything you get is a F. I hope it did not spoil its annual note. This student was so close to getting all the answers again so far.

So bad it's unhealthy

We have seen teachers who were open to which a sheet of answers was a fault of answers that seemed to be really hurt. With this note, he made clear clearly that these answers were as bad as possible. This must probably be a call for alarm clock.

Her eyes like a hawk

Now it went a little far but I'm sure it was effective. One eye of a bird on everything that happened in class. No cheating alert! I'm just asking myself if he is comfortable sitting there. These children need a break.

You are the reason why I drink

Either this man is a drug addict or the answer was pretty bad to make it drink. But one thing that is safe is that it is brutally honest. I am happy for students whose copy is in the last lot.

No exceptions!

It made clear that only the new Romans were allowed. I wish the previous teacher did this. It could have saved a lot of time. Students tend to experiment with fonts and text size while making a mission but they are not always able to impress the teacher.

Rule 1

We often hear that students complain about the question of the question of the syllabus, but here is clearly clearly clear that everything that appears in the booklet of the question is in the program. The complaints could have led him so crazy that he was printing a t-shirt with these words.

Caught him sleeping

We only saw that students are doing that. This teacher has proven that sleeping in class can be dangerous. He then tied his Selleaux together when he found a student sleeping in the classroom. It must have been a view to see when the bell rang.

When your teacher can even

A course plan with the same. Thus a teacher has taught his students of the Internet observed by the journey of observation. What better can we expect more than a teacher with absolute knowledge of the same and how to apply?

Pity points

There are very few times a teacher takes the pity of the student while examining his leaves of answers, but when this boy offered a drawing back of all the wrong answers, the teacher gave all the Class 4 bonus brands! He is the robust among the students.

Follow the instructions with care

If you read throughout the points, you know how this teacher really rubbed his students. The teacher did this to see if any of the students were careful. It looks like most of them were not. It's a cruel but intelligent way.

This teacher can not be disturbed

The teachers also want the hour alone. They need time to rebuild and rejuvenate to be back to the class for yet another conference, but it sometimes becomes difficult if you have boring students. This teacher, although he was very clear that no one would be entertained.

The one who has the red pen

I do not understand why students opt doodle to save notes. None of the teachers seem to be imagined. Sometimes teachers have a better doodle to respond to the student's attempt. A red pen is all you need to have the power in your hands.

Never make your phone confiscate

It can become very boring for a teacher if someone uses a mobile in the class. When this boy has recovered his confiscation phone, the locking screen of the lock screen has been changed so that the password was the password. Seems like they tease the poor boy.

The teacher with a snuppy return

This person shared a conversation of a classmate with his teacher. The teacher seems to be a funny guy. He had the best answer. Beware of the next mistrust before showing the attitude towards a teacher who can counter sarcasm.

Secondary hormones

Many birds of love assemble together through the school and it is sometimes difficult for administrators to be mute witnesses. A teacher decided to have fun with these couples of love. They had to be horrified to look at that. Haysé enough to not browse around the hand of the school by hand.

A teacher with a special request

Each questions document must have a question like this. Could help the lower pass. Only students really desperate for some additional brands would dare to realize this. And if it was just a joke. All this embarrassment for nothing?

The OL view is not what it was

A bad writing is something that really hinders the teacher while examining a sheet of answers. Sometimes they cross hell to check it. At other times, they just give up but not without embarrassing the student enough. I wonder how the student must have asked.

Teachers are so sarcastic

I would simply score a big zero for an answer like this, but we have a sarcasm king at home. The teacher could not let the student escape with a zero. He had to do something that would be equal with the student's stupidity. This doodle would work.

It was a fair warning

So bad on the student's share for Tweet This. Let's hope that he did not march his teacher. It is a natural phenomenon. We can not have control over it. At least she warned her students not to get ready if they did not want this smell.

The brutal answer

Ouch! The test was so serious that the teacher decided to kill a fly! Nothing can be worse. Quite a way to make your point clear. We are sure that the poor girl was not offended otherwise she would not have tweeted this.

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