9 places in your house, you did not know you needed disinfect

You will never feel that germs are hiding in these corners of your home.

If you like most Americans, your hygiene habits have recently obtained their master's degree at the age of thecoronavirus pandemic. The scent of lysol has gone from being offensive to comfort, your surfaces are so sparse and sparkling they impressedMarie Kondo For the first time, and your hands have seen more disinfectant in recent months than the rest of your life combined. In short, our new standards of cleanliness that we do everything needed to maintain harmful bacteria and bay viruses for basic health and safety reasons, but even the deeper states. -Unis always monitors places where we need to disinfect in our house.

As scary as heard, there are germs that hide in every corner. Pull the curtain (figura of course, but also literally!), And you will discover a lot of new things that you did not know that you did not need to clean. In doing so, your home can continue to be the security shelter you and your family needs. And to make sure you have your facts directly, learn13 cleaning myths you need to stop believing.


Woman cleaning a dishwasher

Although cleaning appliances such as dishwashers may, at a nominal value, seem to be cleaned themselves, they can actually be hot bacteria and germs.Tony CronkPresident ofCleaning product company The Summit marks explain that the dishwasher "are subject to accumulation and residues that can not only alter the performance of the machines, but can also create an environment for bacteria and other elements that can affect your family's health". And to get the most out of your cleaning routine,This disinfectant can keep coronavirus surfaces without weeks.


woman's hand with gloves cleaning exterior of washing machine

In the same way,washing machine And the laundry rooms can also shelter unwanted germs, grime and even mold. "While you do your laundry, remember that wet laundromat can be a good incubator for germs," ​​saysSeema sarin, MD, director ofLifestyle medicine to the health of the EHE. It recommends moving the wet cloth to the dryer as quickly as possible after washing and wiping surfaces on washers and dryers with disinfectant wipes. "Hot water can shrink clothes but it can alsoEfficiently kill germs, so use it when you can, "she adds.


a woman with a refrigerator

In the age of quarantine, most of us take more frequent travel in the refrigerator-which means that we often touch its handle throughout the day. That's why Sarin recommends using disinfecting wipes to clean up the handles regularly, as well as all inside drawer handles. And to make sure your quarantine habits are following the code, discover7 coronavirus mistakes that you do who would horrify your doctor.

Coffee maker

coffee machine, coffeemaker, cleaning tips

We all know that our kitchens must be regularly disinfected, but all kitchen items require the same amount of disinfection. "Wear special attention to items such as the coffee maker, which is likely to have an increased level of tactile traffic, because we are home to", exhortsJotham Hatch, a certified home health expert and the vice-president of the training forHome cleaning company Chem-dry. Make sure to regularly clean the water cartridge, which can become a dangerous germ petri dish if it does not regularly unchecked.

Animal areas

water bowl for dog in home things in your house attracting pests

When cleaning your space, do not forget to include the corners that your pets call at home. "According to the National Foundation of Sanitation, pet dishes are the fourth most contaminated areas of the average house," says Sarin. That's why it's important to clean their food and water bowls with hot water and dishes, or putting them in the dishwasher, just as you would with your own plates . Sarin also suggests to disinfect them more vigorously once a week, as well as toys and pets for pets, which can be washed with hot water.

Blind and ceiling fans

close up of hands wiping down ceiling fan

When you disinfecting our homes, everything is too easy to forget our blind and our ceiling fans. That's why Hatch says these locations can propagate dust, dirt and unwanted germs effortlessly. "Because the blinds are next to Windows, they quickly collect dust and dirt particles. Thus, the ceiling fans, and when we transform them, the accumulated dust and dirt are distributed around the house", has he said. To curb the accumulation, expand a weekly habit of washing blinds and wipe the ceiling blades before having time to wreak havoc at your home. And to learn more about cleaning products to use, here is here10 disinfectants who kill coronavirus faster than Lysol wipes.

Domains of office and storage of peripherals

desk from above with laptop, planner, office supplies

With regard to disinfection of your home, make sure you do not neglect your technology and devices, nor the places that protect them. Remote controls, keyboards, phones or other handheld devices are angry at contamination. "These items have some of the dirtiest surfaces of our homes because they are inConstant contact with our hands, "explains the hatch." Some of the objects travel even with us when we go to the outside world, "he adds.

Exercise equipment

When workouts get too strenuous, the number of infection-fighting white blood cells in your body can go down. At the same time, your stress hormone cortisol may go up, which may interfere with the ability of certain immune cells to work right.

As the hatch underlines, many of us started working more at home during this period of restricted movements and closed businesses. That is why it is so important to disinfect our workout spaces, including carpets, weights or surfaces of any other exercise equipment that come into contact with our hands or perspirations. "We usually forget to clean these, but now that there is probably an increase in use, these surfaces must be cleaned," he says.


Man opening his microwave oven.

Do not forget the microwave! Sarin suggests to regularly wipe your microwave, especially the handle and buttons - with disinfectant wipes. Like many things at home, it is likely that you use it more frequently these days, and a fast speed of 10 seconds of cleaning could preserve unwanted germs and bacteria at the bay. And to make sure you keep your home in good shape,Here's how frequently you should clean all the pieces of your home.

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