These places in your house are more difficult than your toilet

Comparatively, it's really clean enough.

Fewer things are more raw than thinking about the bathroom. But in all the reality, when it comes to germs, the toilet seats should be theless your concerns. Although they seem incredibly dirty, previous searches have found toilet seats contain only 50 bacteria per square inch. Now granted it might seem a lot. But just wait for you how many people are hiding on other common household items. You can never eat at home again.

Cooking sponge

Dirty dish sponge

If you do not already disinfect your kitchen sponge on the regular, get ready to change your ways. Due to food, dirt and dirt, they get caught daily, sponges contain about 10 million bacteria per square inch. Yes it's200,000 times more covered with germ than a toilet seat,according to Professor of Microbiology Chuck Gerba, PhD. You are not even safe with tea tades, which are 20,000 times more dirty.

Your phone

save money on clothing

It is not surprising that the articleyou touch the most during the day happens to be one of the most germs, especially because it is hardly cleaned. So, if you do not dare to put your cheek on a toilet seat, do not bring your phone to your face, whether it is a disinfection: theUniversity of Arizona I found that it is covered with 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

Kitchen sink

washing glass in a sink

Your cooking sink is not covered withquiteSo many germs as your sponge, but it's pretty close. According toNational Sanitation Foundation (NSF)He has the second largest bacteria concentration on any object of your home and must be disinfected once or twice a week.

Cutting board

onions on a wodder cutting baord going into a pot

The next time you have finished using your cutting board, especially after dealing with raw meat, give it a strong scrub. "Usually, there are about 200 times more fecal bacteria on the average cutting board than on a toilet seat", Gerbasaid. Yes, your kitchen is much more disgusting than your bathroom will ever.

Remote controls

Remote Control Home Cleaning

YouClean your coffee table, During your shelves' carpets and dust - but when you pay particular attention to your remote controls? Although it is used daily, they are rarely disinfected and Gerba says it's what makes them more gross than a toilet seat. Take loyal clorox wipes, as soon as possible!

Toothbrush holder

Toothbrush holder in the bathroom

Yes hereis An article loaded with bacteria in the bathroom, but it's not your toilet seat: it's your toothbrush holder. The NSF found that this is the third most covered place of germs at home, so clean it once a week to make sure you do not broadcast this bacteria.

Computer keyboard

woman at computer Never Say to a Teacher

If you do not wash your hands regularly, all you touched all day goes directly to your keyboard. According toCBT nuggets, computer keyboards are packed with bacteria and germs: they contain3.5 million Colonial training units (CFU) of bacteria per square inch.

Socket bowls

cat licking lips after eating out of a food bowl

Most people do not often clean their company bowls. In fact, however, the NSF found that it is the fourth most managed article in your home. Like your own food spaces - like the cutting board and the dietary spaces of the aforementioned cuisine sink can be full of all kinds of wicked actors, including Salmonella and E. coli.

Washing machine

woman putting laundry in a washing machine

You would think that your washing machine would be clean enough; He is still being Sunsd with soap and water, after all. According to Arizona University, however, this is not the case. "If you wash a sufficient load of the underwear, there will be about 100 million E. coli in the washing water and they can be transmitted to the next load of the laundry," Gerbanoted. "There is about a tenth of coca gram in the average underwear pair."


shiny knobs on a stove

Imagine how many times you have turned on and off these buttons on the stove while cooking dinner. That's probably a lot. But how many times have you cleaned as you clean the rest of the stove? The NSF found that they are the huge ninth of the house because of the ease of hiding place for bacteria.

Reusable shopping bags

woman pulling meat out of a reusable shopping bag

Reusable shopping bags are perfect for saving the environment, but not so much for the direction of germs.Previous research The bacteria found in 99% of the bags tested, half of which contained coliform bacteria and 8% of those contained E.Coli. But do not return plastic. Instead, make sure you wash them often.

Coffee maker

coffee maker

Sorry for doing yourJoe's morning cutRound a little less appetizing, but a privileged location for bacteria that you may not have thought yet, it's other than your coffee machine. In fact, according to the NSF, it is the fifth sprouted throughout the house due to a dark and wet location that helps bacteria to flourish.

Faucet handles

sink with hot and cold water signs

The door buttons can be covered with germs, but not as much as the faucet handles of your home. According to the NSF, those of the kitchen and bathroom contained so much bacteria, including coliform bacteria, that E.Coli is a species of it, it was ranked the sixth most managed place of the house. The next time you wash your hands, also wash your tap handles. And for more ways of genius to keep your toilets without stain, fly these 20 amazing tricks to clean your bathroom.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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