7 things you will not be able to do this summer thanks to the coronavirus

There will be a moment before you have a pool party or a backyard barbecue.

The ocean waves breaks. Congratulations at a baseball stadium. Happy Shrieks of a carnival journey. Let's look at it, the coronavirus pandemic means that the summer 2020 will seem to look very different. So many of our favorite hot weather have been removed indefinitely: the beaches are ropes, the status lounges are closed and the main baseball league has announced thatThe opening day was postponed. But anticipate these changes can make closures accept - and find alternatives - a little easier. In this spirit, check what summer activities you will have to jump because of the coronavirus. And for more information on places that pose the highest risk for your health, see the7 most dangerous locations you can catch coronavirus.

To go to the beach

young black family walking on beach
Shutterstock / Lightfield Studios

When the lakes and oceans are congested in high season, it is almost impossible to maintain appropriate social distancing. And these beach concessions andpublic toilets are definitely not cleaned as often as they should be. Although some people are likely to find ways to glue their toes into the sand this summer, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) still indicates that everyone stays at home. And for more dangerous beach behavior, see the5 errors that you can not afford to do at the beach.

Visit a state show

Couple at State Summer Fair

With its carnival games, its fries, tractor tractions and strong sensations walks, the state fair is a magical place for children and adults. Unfortunately, many states and counties cancel their fairs in the middle of the coronavirus. (So ​​far, state salons in New York, Wisconsin, Ohio, Alaska, North Dakota, Oregon and Minnesota, which drawsTwo million annual visitors Only - have been called.) And it's easy to see why. Most carnival rides, like spinning tea cups or bumper cars, characterize "high keys" surfaces such as steering wheels or challenging seat belts to clean up quickly. For the same reason, carnival games such as ring races and water pistleum will also be out of bounds.

Pool pool

young multi ethnic friends having pool party
Shutterstock / Oneinchpunch

Even the pre-pandemic, the pools were a bit raw. In fact, from 1978 to 2012, the CDC reported650 epidemics of disease associated with swimming facilities. For this reason, when swimming pools reopen, they will have to adhere to strict guidelines to protect swimmers. Disinfectants like chlorine and bromine can kill the virus in the water, according to the CDC, but it is easier to keep a clean private pool compared to a community pool. Even in this case, you should avoid having barbecue in the background and pool parties during the coronavirus. And for those who are wondering:Can you get coronavirus from a pool? Experts weigh in.

Welcome a barbecue for back yard

Dad barbecuing with daughter

Who does not like good food? This summer floor is one of the most fun ways to bring your friends and family together for an afternoon outside, entering American classics like Baby Côtes, corn on COB And the cabbage of cabbage. But for the moment, your grill days are over. It is not wise to invite a group when social distancing measures are still in place. This is especially true when it involves food and dishes that is affected by many hands.

See a baseball game

people at baseball game cheering
Shutterstock / Joyce Vincent

Take me to the ball game! Let me go with the crowd. These entire lyrics seem a little different in this post-pandemic world. Currently, the main league baseball and the association of players negotiate whatThe modified season could look like If it started in early July and flew in late October. And if the stages and arena reopen, it is questionable if the fans will even be admitted. Consider the challenges of arms disinfectant in arms between sleeves or the perils of high fantasy after a Homer. The stages could decide to complete a seat in three to ensure appropriate social distancing. Or rather, the teams could play in completely empty stages.

Take a holiday

parents and daughter in golf cart taking photos on safari vacation
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

Many American families save their holidays and money for the summer when children are out of school. But Covid-19 has launched a monkey key in these plans.Hotels can pose various risks, with their surfaces affected as door handles, gym equipment, elevator buttons and televisions. And short-term rentals may or will not be safe, depending on the cleanliness of the host or the previous guest. The flight is also risky, despite the airlines leaving medium seats open to social distancing and the increase of cleaning crews. If you have the fever of the cab (which does not do it?), Check these6 easy escapades that you can safely take this summer.

Have a cinema night

young black couple in movie theater laughing while watching a movie
Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

Leann Poston, MD, ofMedical vibifier , says the cinemas could possibly open if the six feet of social distancing can be maintained. The only problem is that it would require theaters to keep each empty row, affecting their lower result. This, the more cost of hiring additional personnel for disinfecting could be prohibitive, especially for independent film theaters. But the good news is that you can always do popcorn and look at these 10 new movies that you can broadcast early at home .

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