5 states that "lose control" of coronavirus, says doctor

Things look huge in these states as case numbers and hospital beds are short.

As the country's states are continuing with their reopening plans, some areas fall under the decline in CVIV-19 cases. Even in New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic, announced that it entered the second phase of its reopening plan next week. But other states do not know such a success. Some seeHigh levels of coronavirus, and according to experts, five states in particular are on the disaster.

"They are about toLose control of these epidemics ... The question is "Can we keep this out of control",Scott Gottlieb, MD, former commissioner for food and drugs, told CNBCSafe. "These states always have a week or two to take action to get things under control." According to recent figures, it is the Gottlieb states and other experts are afraid to slip into coronavirus chaos. And for more information on the hot spots of COVID-19, check6 states where the numbers of coronavirus are glitches.


texas geographical map

Star Star State was one of the first to start reopening businesses with minimum requirements for health guidelines. He also reported a high number of record hospitalizations at the beginning of this week, advocating their previous number of highest forThe sixth time in seven days, CNBC reports.

Unfortunately, the numbers are moving only from there: the most recent figures showHospitalizations have once again broken records Wednesday, June 18, jumping 11% in one day. And it does not just affect the people you could expect, or as: as Gottlieb told CNBC, "a quarter of all hospitalizations [Texas] between 20 and 29 years old. In the counties around Austin, a majority of the same methods diagnosed are under 30 years old. "And for more on this subject, checkThe surprising group of people behind a large number of new cases of COVID-19.


arkansas geographical map

Last week, the CNBC reported thatArkansas had posted their only highest daily jump Cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic with a jump of 6.8%. But despite these recorded figures, GOV.Asa hutchinson Said at a press conference that it would not promulgate or apply to any of the disease control and guidelines recommended by the prevention of diseases (CDC), such asFacial mask mandates For citizens. "I do not see what we do does not work. We may not do it enough. I think theThe strategy is the right strategy, "Says Hutchinson. And for more than one place that has succeeded against the pandemic, checkHow the state with the first main epidemic contained coronavirus.


arizona geographical map

Whatever the way you look at the numbers, coronavirus is on the rise in Arizona. After seeing aMassive skill last weekThe state recorded its highest level of a single day of COVID-19 business on Thursday, June 18, with 2,519 new diagnoses reported. But unlike Arkansas, Gov.Doug Ducey decide toAllow local governments to make bore masks mandatory, inviting the mayors of Tucson, Phoenix and other cities to declare that they would quickly allow such requirements. And for more mask rules, checkThe 10 states with the strict laws of the facial mask.


alabama geographical map

According toDon Williamson, MD, the head of the Alabama State Hospital Association, Alabamahas not seen 14 consecutive days of falling case figures. As a result, he told ABC News that he still "to see" any indication of the health situation in the state improves. "I am very concerned about what it means to move forward," he said. "Unless something changes, we are very likely to seeTransmission in progress throughout the summer. "

Williamson reported that state hospitals now strike their worst "trifecta" since the beginning of the pandemic: they saw 1) the highest number of new hospitalizations in one day, 2) the total number of patients hospitalized most high and 3) theCapacity of the lowest ICU to date. In Montgomery County, which was struck the worst, "ICUs are complete, patients die and part of the staff who work normally is sick," said Williamson. Although some hospitals can temporarily convert some of their beds into ICU units, he has always warned that a single major epidemic could potentially "overwhelm the system". And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


florida geographical map

Things do not seem very sunny in the state of the sun when it comes to coronavirus. After raising cases of COVID-19put the reopening of Miami waiting earlier in the week, record diagnoses and hospitalization numbers have experts saying that Florida has "all brands ofThe next big epicenter of coronavirus transmission, "According to CNN. The output indicates that the state is at risk of becoming the" worst that has ever been ".

As a result, New York Gov.Andrew Cuomo is evenConsidering approximate about 14 days For all travelers arriving at the Florida Empire State. And for more places not progressing reopening,These 5 states are directed to another lockdown..

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