There is a shortage of this prescription swivel medicine, thanks to COVID-19

Get your hands on this popular pill could be more difficult than ever - and probably just when you need it the most.

Let's face: with economic uncertainty, increased responsibilities such as home school and painful news flow, life during pandemic coronavirus has been adistort the mental health of each. Unfortunately, this stress has createdanother Strain on the offer of one of the most popular requirements used to facilitate this type of struggle: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recentlyAdding Zoloft Tablets on its list of drug shortages.

The popular antidepressant - used to treat conditions such as depression, the order of post-traumatic distress and obsessive-compulsive disorder - has been the victim of the strong demand created by theLiving in high stress of the last months, withBloomberg NOTTING The requirements are up 12%, compared to this period of last year.

Strong demand also crushed supplies ofThe popular generic version of Zoloft, Sertraline, with producers missing quantities required of active pharmaceutical ingredients to produce it. Experts predict drug backorders to last at least two months. But since many producers do not disclose where or how they acquire their ingredients, there is no way that those responsible for determining the duration of the shortage of the scarcity.

Zoloft is not the only weight of the generalized drug in popularity in the middle of coronavirus, which makes it more difficult to find. Other drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine of antimalarial drugs,have grown in supply After being perceived as a potential treatment of Covid-19 by the PresidentDonald Trump. While the drug has been demonstrated to beinefficient against the new coronavirus In studies, the shortage makes it more difficult to patients with lupus that require it for treatment to fulfill their orders as regularly as necessary. And for more ways to help face the difficulties of life during the coronavirus pandemic, check5 ways to manage the stress of "pandemic panic", according to a doctor.

Categories: Health
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