The 7 most dangerous spots you can catch coronavirus

The curve can be flattened, but there are always high-risk locations where Covid are hiding.

Home stay guidelines likely to rise in some places, but a number of states still seeAn increase in cases of coronaviruses. Even if you wash your hands thoroughly, hold six feet away from others and rub your surfaces daily, the fact is that your risk of contracting Covid-19 is still important. There are several daily places thatpose a particularly high risk of contracting The potentially deadly virus. Here are the places that couldIncrease your chances of contracting Covid-19. And for more risks to avoid right now, check10 health risks that you can not afford to take in the middle of the coronavirus.

Inside an elevator

 Work colleagues stand waiting together in an elevator at their office

Covid-19 contagion can not onlyLiving on metal surfaces for three days, according to the search for theNational health institutesBut it can also live in aerosol for up to three hours. So badly ventilated, congested spaces, like lifts similar to these - are an outbreak of Covid-19 waiting to occur. Even if you areclimb in an empty elevatorYou are exposed to the air that could have been touched or sneezed by people infected right in front of you. This is why disease control and prevention centers (CDC)suggests that all individuals should wear masks Apart from their homes. And if you want to make your own mask, checkThe top 7 materials to make your own face mask, supported by science.


crowded grocery store checkout line
Shutterstock / Photobac

Grocery clerk are not only on the frontal lines of the battle against this pandemic, but many are actuallydie after contracting the virus, because of the frequent exposure. It turns out that the only place of the grocery store where people areThe most at risk of contracting COVID-19 is the cash desktop, according to a recent CNN report. So wear gloves and a grocery store and keep your distance between others, including staff.


a flight attendant walks down the aisle of a crowded airplane

As already mentioned earlier, the most conducive conditions for the propagation of Covid-19 are unverted and congested spaces. A recent study of Japan, the countryNational Institute of Infectious Diseases, found that the chances that a main CVIV-19 case was transmitted in a closed environment was almost 19 times greater than an outdoor environment. The research has not yet been examined by peers, but we can all agree that there is no more confined space than an airplane. Flying almost always worry to catch someone else's germs and the same concern is true for coronavirus. And for more air transportation evolves in the middle of the pandemic, check13 things you can never see about planes again after coronavirus.

Take metro and populated bus

crowded subway car full of people

Speaking of confined spaces and travels, mass transport systems lead the league of user-friendly variables to spread germs. In fact, a 2011 study published in the journalBMC Infectious Diseases showed that those who took the transit mass were six timesmore likely to contract a respiratory disease that those who did not do it. The wearing of masks and gloves will help you avoid contracting Covid-19 or any contagion, but if you canAvoid buses, metros and trains, Thanks.

Go to a public toilet

modern public toilet sign on the cement wall

If you venture outside your home, make sure you use your bathroom before starting the door. The public bathrooms are another place you want to avoid in the middle of the pandemic, see how Covid-19 can easily be broadcast viaOral-fecal transmission and some of the firstSymptoms of coronavirus seems to begastrointestinal.

Visit hospitals

hospital hallway supplement industry

Listen to us on this one. According to recent research published in theAnnals of internal medicine,theThe concentration of the coronavirus lends itself to it being more contagious. So, similar to the situation with grocery clerks, being exposed more often to Covid-19 increases your risk of getting it. The reason for health leaders warn the public to avoid hospitals unless it is absolutely necessary: ​​(1) it avoids overloading hospitals so that health workers are able to treat the Critically ill, and 2) it helps you avoid being infected if you do not have CIVID-19.

Staying too close to a family member with COVID-19

white woman looking uncomfortable while sharing coffee with white man on couch

A recent study in China, which has not yet been examined by peers, examined 318 epidemics of COVID-19 in the country in which there were three or more identified cases. The researchers found thatThe houses were "the dominant category",With 254 of the 318 epidemics arising from the houses. (The other categories were transport, food, entertainment, purchasing and "other".) So, if a roommate or family member of your home has symptoms of COVID-19 and / or positive tests, Make sure they are isolated from everyone else. And before more COVID-19 info to know, check 25 coronavir facts that you should know now .

Categories: Health
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