Your local costco could soon get this practical service

The tests are going well, according to an executive.

Costco A Pick Pick Pick Test Test Three locations in the New Mexico area and the new service can come to other stores, according to the Chief Financial Officer of Richard GALONI chain.

Since January, Albuquerque customers have had access toThe service of the same day Powered by Instacart on orders with a minimum of $ 100. Buyers can select a pickup window when ordering online for a$ 10 service charge. There are about 2,000 items for accessories if you place a pickup order and the prices reflect the cost of the warehouse cost at the time of purchase. (In touch:Grocery shortages to wait in 2021, according to experts)

"The pilot is fine. Our members answered that and basket sizes have actually exceeded our expectations, "," GALANTIapparently Said on the service on the edge of the Borbore on a call with investors last week. "Our goal, of course, how can we be more effective in determining whether this offer can become scalable and make an economic meaning for us."

Currently, Costco offersDelivery the same day Through INStacart on the same selection of fresh grocery store and shelf. A minimum order of $ 35 is required and there are also service and service fees.

It is far from the only change that comes to the warehouse. Fans are excited about the return ofA beloved bakery articleand at least five additional products are currentlyFlying Off Store Tablets.

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