This thing could stop the propagation of coronavirus without vaccine

Two large technology companies have joined the forces to create a tool that can change everything.

While the world is waiting for a Covid-19 vaccine to be created and disseminated, other forms of slowing the propagation of coronaviruses are in practice. There are those who are at the height of individuals, such as hand washing, social distancing and the port of masks in public, but some of the most important and powerful technology companies in the world also seek to do their share. and to take some responsibility of our hands.Google and Apple collaborated On tools to help governments create telephone applications for discrete contact tracing. Without using users, but download it, this application can help stop coronavirus spread by automating a proven effective strategy.

Contact Tracing Can also be done the old fashioned way: essentially, when someone tests positive for coronaviruses, they mentally deny their steps and form a list of whom they have come into contact with a given period. These people would then be notified, encouraged to take precautions against someone else's infection and possibly tested. Contact tracing slows down the rate of infection because fewer people are unavoiding the disease unconsciously.

Of course, contact tracing without the help of technology takes a lot of time. It is also about limiting because it relies on memory; and chances are that infected people came into contact with people theynotKnowledge and are not unable to alert. The information on the program that Apple and Google use the uses of Bluetooth technology on your phone (how it can communicate with other devices in a short range, such as when you connect your phone to a Bluetooth compatible speaker. Playing music) to record the interactions. over a period of two weeks. So, not only will the application have a registration of the friend you sit in the park with, he will also have the clerk at the grocery crate that handed you your bags - as long as they also the application and their phones near them.

This information will help health leaders to follow more likely cases. Say that you had to test positive. An alert would inform all your connected interactions so that they can isolate and monitor the symptoms or even be tested.

CAUTION IS THE USE. Scientists from the University of Oxford who consulted the application of tracing of the U.K.56% of a population must use the application For this form of contact tracing to be effective. Whether or not they are feasible remains to see, especially when privacy and surveillance concerns are involved. For this purpose, Apple and Google have made privacy a priority. Users will be identified by a code, not by name. Alerts to people infected with infected users will be anonymous. Certainly, these efforts may not be enough to those who prefer to be out of the grid as much as possible.

However, the wheels are moving and many governments have started the process of building their own applications. CNET indicated that companies announced last week that several US states and 22 countries already haveAccess asked to the tools created. By ZDNet, the first application using these tools has already went live in Switzerland.Swisscovid is in the steps of the pilots and be tested by employees of two universities; The plan is for it to be available for the public next month. So, look at your state potentially deploy a coronavirus tracking tool in the coming weeks. And for more on the near future,Here's when the second wave of coronavirus arrives, doctors warn.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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