How a letter to Steven Spielberg changed this <em> Jurassic Park </ em> the life of the fan

It is now writer on SNL with a career as a thriving actor.

It's been 25 years sinceSteven Spielberg1993 blockbuster,Jurassic Park, first struck theaters. The film, which won 1,038,812,584 world dollars, has become an instant classic, generated a franchise that continues to date and has inspired several generations of children to become obsessed with dinosaurs. (No word on paleontology as a proliferated career trajectory since, however.) But for SNL WriterAndrew Brideis, the film had an even greater impact; He put it on a career trajectory that had it where it is today.

This week, Briedis shared the story of why the film means so much to him (and why he has a baby tattoo Raptor on his leg)In a twitter thread inspiring it's okay:

"I was a child whenJurassic Park went out and I was a little a punk child who shouted a lot and hated to try new things, "he wrote." I had just left the sport, and my mother wanted to look literally interesting everything. had all this energy and nowhere to put it. "

Her mother asked her if he wanted to audition a play in the theater of youth and his answer was a non-resounding. Then he sawJurassic ParkAnd everything has changed.

"I'm like" why I'm not in this movie? "I could play the role of this kid, easy. I wanted it so much." He spent all this summer "crying my eyes and ruin our trip on the family" because he was so angry that he was Not in the movie.

He taught her an important lesson.

"Have you ever loved something so strong, you cry to sleep because you were not part of that? It was the first time I learned about it in life that people must deal with Like, forever. "

But it also made him understand what he wanted to make of his life.

"I sawJurassic Park In theaters, nine times this summer, which was really a lot because my family did not have much money. And I would stay at the end of the credits every time, imagining my name scroll on this screen. One day, I was hoping to see my name scroll on a screen. "

Tired of his complaint, his mother finally exasperated him, "Well, if you want to be inJurassic Park It's wrong, why not just write Steven Spielberg and ask him to be in the next one? "

Somehow, this mother hero found the production company of Spielberg and Address (Do not forget that this is before Google's time), and Briedis actually wrote the letter.

"I wrote Steven Spielberg, in a terrible writing of the child, a letter that explained how much I would like to be inJurassic Park 2 or 3, should there be one. And that my big uncle was better friend with Cary Grant and was in the movies in the 30s, then Hollywood was in my blood. "

Unemployed, a few weeks later, he received a response from the principal head of the company, thanking him for his enthusiasm and explaining how the casting process works. They advised him to find an agent and wanted him a great success in his future actor career.

"After reading it, I immediately went to my mother and I said," I would like to audition for the room now. "And that's how I entered the theater. Because someone important took the time to help a child."

Brideis has not appeared yet in theJurassic Park Movies, but he is a writer on the SNL and recently had a role in the Hit seriesThe Kimmy Schmidt unbreakableSo it is prudent to say that his career is on the rise, all thanks to the film and the subsequent letter he has received. And his dream of childhood has become reality.

"Jurassic Park Organize a series of events in my life that led me to play writing and 25 years later, I found myself in the final of the SNL season, where I have to see my name scroll on a screen for the first time. And Steven Spielberg was in the audience. "

To commemorate this moment conducive in his young life, Briedis had a tattoo on his leg of a raptor at the hatching of an egg, based onStan WinstonThe original art for the film.

The tattoo serves as a "a reminder of the first major lesson my mother taught me: if you want something wrong, go directly to the source. Do not waste your time wondering. Dreamger bigger than you can not 'to imagine."

This is not the first time a movie and a small act of kindness have led to a miracle of real life. For example, back in December, screenwriter Ed Solomon shared a comforting story about how Mark Hamill I went out of his way of making a terminal child dream come true.

And for more Wacky behind - the trivia, learn the 30 shocking behind the facts of your favorite movies.

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By: yuliia
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