The shocking problem that could prevent you from getting the coronavirus vaccine

A shortage of supply chain-based vaccines could make the coronavirus vaccine difficult.

While no one can know for some when thecoronavirus pandemic Will be finished for good, many people hope that a coronavirus vaccine will help the stem of new infections. However, even after a vaccine is available - with researchers from Biotech Company Moderna alreadytester a vaccine On a small sample of human subjects, there is always a major obstacle that can prevent the widespread distribution of the vaccine. The biggest problem standing between people wishing immunity to the virus and suddenly in the arm? A shortage of potentially catastrophic coronavirus vaccine.

According toGypsynamber of spirit, Doctorate, andDavid Dowdy, MD, epidemiology teachers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, between 70 and 90% of the population must become safe from a virus to reachHerd immunity, which protects the two people who are personally immunized and those who are not, attenuating the risk that others will infect the latter group.

However, even the most ambitious vaccine production figures barely encounter this higher threshold.Gary DECROUS, Acting Director of the Biomedical Research and Development Authority (BARDA) - Quhat is provided nearly $ 500 million in Johnson & Johnson atDevelop a coronavirus vaccine This will be theoretically available this winter-says that the company will produce 300 million doses of coronavirus vaccine at the US each year, sufficiently enough for about 90% of the country's population.

Johnson & Johnson leaders, on the other hand, will not confirm that these figures are accurate. And although BARDA also finances vaccinia tests using other companies, there is also little information on when they are available to the public - or how these vaccines will be produced.

In fact, it is the specific details of the production of vaccines that can do things with regard to the widespread distribution of a coronavirus vaccine. According to a report by Panieco, theThe glass vials necessary for the packaging of the vaccines are already in briefThe plugs for these flasks are only produced by a small number of companies and tools for vaccine administration and storage are extremely limited. This means that even after a coronavirus vaccine turned out safe and effective, there could still be a serious shortage that would prevent people from being vaccinated.

Alert launcherShiny rick, PhD, former director of Barda, had a sinister perspective on the situation during the testimony before the congress in mid-May. "We do not have (a vaccine plan) yet, and it's an important concern," Bright said, who also expressed concerns about thelack of adequate supply chain To obtain the vaccines produced, packaged and in the hands of the doctors.

For the moment, all this remains a theoretical problem because a coronavirus vaccine has not yet been fully tested. In the meantime, the increased availability of coronavirus tests and antibodies can be a comfort measurement for some, but without much clarity regarding when a vaccine will become available - and how it will be produced in sufficient quantities - many still feel Anxiety on a potentialsecond wave of coronavirus this autumn. And to make sure you stay safe, it'sThe 7 most dangerous spots you can catch coronavirus.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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