This type of facial mask is "unacceptable", warns the Mayo Clinic

You are not welcome on MAYO clinic land while wearing this type of mask.

With social distancing and frequent washing by hand,mask is one of our best defenses against Covid-19. But as the Mayo clinic warns, all masks are not created equal, and some can be downright dangerous. In a policy displayed on its website, the Mayo clinic describedWhat types of masks are welcome on the terrain of the clinic, and who are banned. Among their list of "Acceptable masks"Are homemade masks that cover the nose and mouth and surgical or procedural masks. The type of mask is explicitly described as" unacceptable "on the list of the Mayo Clinic?Any mask with vents.

Their reasoning is simple. Whileventilated masks Can help remove the carrier's particles away, "the masks with avoidance upsets or expiration valves make it possible to escape exhaled air-filtered air," they explain.

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) issued a similar warning and included ventilated masks ontheir own list of masks to avoid. The agency explains that "this type of mask may not prevent you from propagating CVID-19 to others. The hole in the material can allow your respiratory droplets to escape."

As it turns out, it puts it lightly. To illustratehow bad these masks are defective,Matthew Restmates, a research engineer with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has created a series ofVideos comparing ventilated and non-ventilated masks. The use of an imaging system that "causes differences in air density to appear at the camera as patterns of shadow and light", the videos demonstrate how large amounts of air ventilated masks filtered.

"When you compare the videos side by side, the difference is striking," said Reshmates. "These videos show how the valves allow the air to leave the mask without filtering, which defeats the goal of the mask."

In short, if your goal is to stop the propagation of COVID-19 and keep not only yourself, but the others are safe, it is time of Nix Nix masks with Valveilles of your PPE rotation. Read on for more types of masks that make you and other people at risk, and for more essential mask information, checkThe White House has just signed masks in these 5 places.

Masks with a layer

Man wearing a cloth mask

According to the CDC, any mask you choose should include two or three layers. Research has shown that monolayer masks fail to protect yourself and you around you. A study published in the medical reviewBmj found that "home-woven face masks are likely toNeed a minimum of two layers, andpreferably three, to prevent the dispersion of the viral droplets of the nose and the mouth associated with the propagation of COVID-19. And for more masks to avoid, discoverThe CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.

Knitted or loose woven masks

woman wearing a knitted mask

Choosing a mask made with a knitted material tricky is essential for safety, the CDC says. Not sure if your own mask makes the cup? The CDC suggests containing it up to a light source to see if a visible light passes through it. If this is the case, you should launch your mask for superior materials.

In the absence of quality medical protection equipment, such as a surgical mask, experts suggest using fabric masks that use a cotton, silk or even a layer of added nylon. "To minimize the chances of transmission, it is important to use masks made fromGood quality, tightly woven fabricas well as mask designs that provide a good seal along the edges without being uncomfortable "Siddhartha Verma, PhD, the main author on an influenceStudy of the efficiency of the mask, has recently told Healthline. And for more COVID updates regularly,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Scarves or ski masks

older wearing scarf as face covering

The CDC also warns against masks that are actually scarves, ski masks or balaclaves, which do not protect against Covid-19. "Scarves and other caisses such as ski masks and balaclaves used for heat are generally made of loose knitted tissues that areNot suitable for use as masks To prevent Covid-19 transmission, "says the health agency. Instead, the CDC recommends carrying these items for heat on a more protective mask. And for more essential mask information, checkThe FDA issued a warning against this type of facial mask.

Masks that do not fit correctly

woman wearing loose surgical mask

Finally, looking for a well-adapted mask is crucial to guarantee your safety, as well as the safety of others. According to the recommendations of the CDC, aMaskSuitable "perfectly around the nose and chin without great deficiencies around the sides of the face." Beyond the obvious disadvantages of a mask that leaves air gaps for droplets or aerosolized particles to browse, experts warn that poorly adjusted masks require more manual adjustments. The more you touch your face, the more likely you are to broadcast Covid via a contaminated touch. And for more information on ineffective face coatings, check This type of facial mask does not protect you from COVID, which warns .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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