How to get rid of bedbugs the simplest possible way

Do not let the bed bug bite - or even enter your home in the first place.

"Sleeping tight and do not let the bite of bed bugs" was once a bit more popular than parents told their children before putting them at night. Today, it's more warning, and if you wonder how to get rid of bed bugs, maybe it will be something you wantyourself before you fall asleep.

According to a review of the research conducted at theUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Bed bug infestations have increased steadily since 2004, while researchers from theSchool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of London Discover that bed punching complaints increased by almost 25% between 2000 and 2006 only.

And while most people think that bed bugs as mainly a nuisance, their damage extends well beyond the unpleasant bites they inflict and the infested rooms and the infested areas they support. In addition to thousands of dollars, it can take to get rid of it, research suggests that bedbug infestations can haveSerious psychological consequences Both during periods of infestation and after.

So, if you are worried about these pests that take the residence at home or that you have already spotted a boost, read it to discover these ways of genius to eliminate bed bugs forever. And when you want to keep all your impeccable home, give the20 tips of cleaning the genius house that will blow you A whirlwind.


being lazy can lead to cluttered work spaces how to get rid of bed bugs

The first step towards the reduction of your room bug or find out where they are hiding in an infested area consists in keeping your home as clean and without clutter as possible. Keeping things organized and keep laundry stacks, mail or other stacking junkies around your home will give bed bugs less places to hide and make them easier to spot if they sneak.

Encase your mattress and pillows

Mattress bed how to get rid of bed bugs

Make more difficulty for bed bugs to take residence at your home by getting shipments for your mattress, your box body and pillows. These pillow-shaped zipper protectors can be used as a deterrent of a bed bug and can help you preserve your expensive bed, even if your home is infested. Just make sure your envelopes have no holes of them and zippers meet so that no bug can sneak. And when you want to make your whole home safer, start by identifying the50 most murderers of your home!

Dry your clothes over high heat

Clothes dryer

When you bring new clothes to the store house, as far as possible, wash them and dry them over high heat before putting them away. The high heat of the dryer can kill bed bugs in your clothes and significantly costs less fumigation from your home. I do not know how to start?This is the best way to load a washing machine.

Seal your doors

White bedroom door how to get rid of bed bugs

Although bed bugs are small enough to slip through virtually any tiny hole, ensuring that your doors are properly sealed, especially if you live in a building, can also help keep pests. Get strong plastic adhesive print loops for the bottom of your doors can help eliminate an entry point, potentially keeping your home a little safer from these pests. And for bigger tips at home, here's20 ways to create more fun tasks.

Caulk Craces

Man caulking crack how to get rid of bed bugs

Considering that bed bugs are smaller than your average apple seed, they can take the residence almost anywhere. If you have gaps in your baseboards, windows or points of sale, or if you have cracks in your walls, seal them with the Silicone Caulk and you will eliminate a place where bed bugs could hide.

Inspect washing machines before using them

save 40 percent of your paycheck how to get rid of bed bugs

Public whiten can be a necessary evil, but they can also contribute to the spread of bed bugs. Before using the installations of your local whiteness, be sure to have checked them thoroughly with a flashlight or phone to make sure there is no crawly-crawlies that are left on previous users.

Use a hairdryer to attract bugs

Blow Dryer how to get rid of bed bugs

Do you want to coax existing bed bugs in your home out of their cache spots? Your hairdryer can help you. Using aHair dryer During a low setting, target the heat to your baseboards or any other place that you suspect that bed bugs could be hidden and they might simply appear. And for DIY tips,This is how to make your own spray spray at home!

Aspirate your space regularly

commonly misspelled words how to get rid of bed bugs

Although the vacuum is probably not enough to completely eliminate a bed bug infestation, it can help reduce the number of bed bugs raising in your home. Aspire all areas of your home or piece of furniture that could be hosting bed bugs and be sure to throw the bag from your vacuum cleaner in two layers of garbage bags after, seal them easily and throwing them into a trash can outdoors. For vacuum cleaners without bag, empty the emptiness outside using the same procedure and thoroughly clean the inside after, I have all the towels you used to clean it with the outside.

Sprinkle with silica gel

Silica packet how to get rid of bed bugs

Get rid of bed bugs does not always mean hard chemical fumigation. In fact, the silica gel, which you find in tiny packets with new shoes and some food products, is an effective bed bug desiccant, according to research published in the journal.Insects.

Use a bed bug detector

Bed bug in petri dish how to get rid of bed bugs

The best way to prevent a full wife bedbug infestation is to catch these creatures at its debut of your home. Fortunately, there are many bed bug detection kits that you can buy that will alert you to all the parasites that hide in your home well before the detox of the whole house becomes your only option.

Use plastic bags to carry your laundry

Plastic bags how to get rid of bed bugs

Want to make sure you do not accidentally go to your home? Try to carry your laundry room into a sealed plastic bag, such as a vacuum sealing storage bag, for automatic laundromat, so that these creatures do not penetrate in your laundry room and your hitch hosting with you. Plastic bags can also help protect your clothes from becoming a place for bed bugs to camp if you end up with infestation at your home.

Clean your clothes at the bottom after a holiday

Woman doing laundry how to get rid of bed bugs

Hotels are often cited as a major source of bed bugs transfer. So when you come home with a vacation, make sure you do not put these clothes that were right in your hotel's wardrobe in your own. When you come home with your holidays, make sure to run all your clothes through the dryer on a high heat cycle before putting them away and completely inspect your suitcase to make sure you do not have not picked up.

Create a dry ice trap

Solid carbon dioxide how to get rid of bed bugs

Bed bug devices purchased in store are not the only ones to work. In fact, researchers at Rutgers University have discovered an effective way to attract and contain bed bugs using dry ice. Do you want to do your yours? To verifyHow? 'Or' What.

Steam bed bugs

Man steaming clothes how to get rid of bed bugs

A little steam can go very far when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. According to researchersDepartment of Virginia Tech Entomology, Steam is an effective way to caress bed bugs from their hiding stains and, at sufficiently high temperatures, can also kill them.

Sprinkle from diatomaceous earth around entry points

Bed bug treatment how to get rid of bed bugs

Think that only difficult chemical treatments can kill bed bugs? Still think. Researchers atUniversity of Sydney and Westmead Hospital Found that diatomaceous earth, which can be found online or at virtually any health food store, can also kill effectively.

Inspect hotel rooms before opening your suitcase

sanitizing your hotel room is a stress free travel secret how to get rid of bed bugs

Before broadcasting all your possessions on the bed of your hotel, make sure you have given once the room once. Inspect the seams of the mattress, check inside the drawers of nightboards and dressers and check under sofa cushions and along their seams for rust-colored points or black spots, the two indicators that bugs of bed are there.

Use tough luggage

Travel, travel toiletries how to get rid of bed bugs

Keep the bed bugs to hang a ride with you after your trips using hard luggage with zippers. While zipper closures on fabric luggage tend to relax slightly, hard luggage make it more difficult for bed bugs to enter and come home with you.

Buy a heating chamber

Bedbug close up how to get rid of bed bugs

If you have already received bed bugs in your home, a heating room can help you eradicate some of them. These devices, which can be purchased online, can help eliminate bed bugs of contaminated items from your home before full infestation.

Use an essential insecticide based on oil

Lavender oil how to get rid of bed bugs

Although many people assume that natural bed bug treatments can not be effective, it is hardly the case. In fact, the search for theEntomological society of America I found that two essential oil-based products, bed bug patrol and ecolair, killed 90% of bed bugs in a test.

Call an exterminator

Exterminator spraying pesticide how to get rid of bed bugs

If in doubt, call the benefits. An exterminator can help you evaluate your infestation, help you determine which, if any, the items in your home can not be recovered and will be able to get rid of all the parasites than what you could not be alone. And for more ways to keep your home safe, consult the 15 best ways to protect your home !

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Tags: cleaning / Home / How-To
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