I am an infectious doctor disease. Here's how I decide what is sure to do and what is not.

This doctor wonders these six questions before making a decision that could affect his health.

As the country starts atPhase reoper And people are starting to venture out, we all make decisions that could affect our health every day. Many of us lower our choices on a combination of press reports and intuition. But how does an infectious disease decide what is safe to do and what is not in the coronavirus era? We talked withThomas Russo, MD,Head of Infectious Disease Division At the University of Buffalo, to learn what it takes into account when the pandemic rage. Continue reading to know the six questions he poses before doing anything. And to help you choose where you go wisely, check7 "sure" locations where you could catch coronavirus.

Is it an external or inner activity?

Girl riding bike with a mask on

At present, you probably have read that you are a lotmore likely to contract the coronavirus inside than to go out. In fact, a study conducted by JapanNational Institute of Infectious Diseases, which has not yet been examined by peers, determined that "the chances that a main case transmitted Covid-19 in a closed environment was 18.7 times higher than that of an outdoor environment".

Thus, for Russo, an activity to be outside or not compared to a confined space where the volume of air is finished is an important factor that it takes into consideration in a scenario in which other people would be present. . "When you are dealing with people [and], you're not sure whether they could be infected or non-new individuals, not that people in your home - outside always attenuate inside He says. If you're looking for safety stains to enjoy, discover5 neglected places, you can actually go during the coronavirus.

How many people will be there?

People wearing masks social distance hang out

The virus is widely known forSpread directly from the person to the personSo Russo still considers how many people are likely to be in a close environment and concentration. "Fewer people are better than more people," he says. "Every time you can increase the distance and decrease interactions, they are positive scenarios." For things, you should avoid immediately, discover7 things you should absolutely do with friends right now.

Are they people I know?

Outdoor restaurant people wearing masks

Russo says he would consider bringing together a socially distant gathering in your own court or a friend an acceptable risk risk. When you are dealing with people with people you know and you are confident, will follow guidelines, you can establish space tables, you can create a power table where people come up individually and you can Maintain all these security measures, "says. But with public places, Russo emphasizes: "You are at the caprice of who happens to be there and how they behave for the moment."

Will people wear masks?

Whole Foods line for groceries

Indeed, how other people behave many numbers in the calculation of Russo. He is a great supporter ofmasksAnd he does plans after considering whether other people will wear them or are likely to tremble all the idea.

"The use of masks is always better than not using masks," he says. "This is when you enter situations with narrow contacts with individuals for more than one transitional period that your risk will increase, especially if individuals demonstrate bad behavior and do not wear masks." Learn which mask to avoid, checkThis is the facial mask the CDC does not want you to wear.

How much do I control on the situation?

Girl wearing mask in movie theater seat

When Russo weighs the plans involving himself and his family, he prefers to enter into situations in which he has the most control possible on these important variables, so that it is not surprised by a sudden dangerous environment.

"If you go to a workout movie, you can control that. You are in your car. Even if you want to venture to the bathroom with a mask, it would probably be safe," he says. "Or If you want to take a VR through the country, it's like a moving house with known entities that you are traveling, then you can choose sites that are less congested or maintaining distance. Some things are unpredictable and you can 'control them. Others are more controllable. "He chooses the latter whenever possible.

What is the risk in relation to the reward?

People on a hike

It is not possible for everyone to isolate inside forever or even until there is a coronavirus vaccine. But when Russo decides to expose themselves to any potential risk, he did it after considering how important it is to his quality of life. For example: Is it an ordinary grooming appointment or a milestone once in life? And it suggests that others also weigh their personal vulnerabilities, such as existing age and health conditions - against potential risks.

"In any case I am advocating that we should isolate ourselves. I think going out is good, but try to do it in circumstances where you have an idea of ​​what you are entering and how people will behave, "says. "I am a big fan of going out safely." If you are looking for creative ways to enjoy your summer, check19 summer hobbies that you can always do during the quarantine.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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