It could be the "Achilles' heel" coronavirus, say researchers

Here's why we can fight Covid with drugs already on the market.

Every day, scientists doNew discoveries About Coronavirus who could change the price of the pandemic, but so far, no discovery has had the potential to end it. This is why this study of the Quantitative Institute of Biosciences of the UCSF is so exciting: if it is proved true, their conclusions could mean an end of the reign of the terror virus. They claim that they found Covid's "Achilles Heel" and that it may be possible to stop spreading in the body using existing drugs already on the market.

The study, which was published last week in the magazineCell, reveals that when Covid infects human cells, he rests on a family ofEnzymes called Kinases In order to promote its ownshed. By attaching "tiny chemical labels to proteins", coronavirus is capable of diverting these cells and reprogram with the singular goal of multiplication.

The most alarming, a kinase called CK2, normally discovered in Ebola, can cause normal cell growth to come out tentacles that serve as "molecular highways" to infect neighboring cells. This allows the virus to quickly exceed cells,Sending a health of a patient in a break And sometimes cause a serious immune response that can be as dangerous as the coronavirus itself.

Fortunately, the creation of these new molecular paths is a phenomenon that scientists are familiar with, in particular cancer researchers, who have been developing solutions to an abnormal Kinase activity for decades. Currently, there are "dozens" ofDrugs and therapies Designed to stop this diversion in its tracks, which means that researchers have a roadmap for how to manage dependent kinase diseases and a shortcut to identify safe treatments that can be approved for generalized use.

Although researchers have not yet tested their theory among human subjects, they have been "encouraged" by their conclusions that kinase inhibitors were effective in combating the spread of coronavirus in cell cultures. As they are shared in a press release, these treatments "Exposed a staining antiviral activity Without being toxic to cells, suggesting that a combination of "cocktail" of these drugs may be an effective way to treat Covid-19. "

While the pandemic will not really be "on" until an effective vaccine is available for generalized use, it would be an innovative realization that couldsave innumerable lives. Until then, we will all have to do our part to stop spread by social distancing, wash your hands frequently and carry masks in public. And discover how you could extend Covid, even without any symptoms:How many coronaviruses you could spread without knowing.

Categories: Health
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