172 Agreement studies You must do this to fight against coronavirus

After a ton of research, there is finally an agreement on this aspect of the propagation of COVID-19.

Wear a face mask has become a controversial subject in some circles. And as the coronavirus epidemic began in the United States at the end of winter, scientists and medical experts have conducted research on the quantityFace masks can help stop the propagation of coronavirus. Now the debate is also close to settled than ever, if you look at science. According to a new review of the research published in the British Medical JournalThe lancet, Data from 172 separate observation studies prove that wearing facial masks reduces the risk of coronavirus infection. The journal, funded by the World Health Organization (WHO), is the widest to date onFace Masks and Covid-19.

"Our results suggest, in several ways, that theThe use of masks is very protective In health care and community care facilities, "Authority NoticeHolger Schünemann, aEpidemiologist and doctor At McMaster University in Ontario, saidThe Washington Post.

senior couple Couple wear surgical masks and smiling at each other

Jeffrey Shaman, aEpidemiologist at Columbia University, agreed, adding, "anecdering, it seems that the use of FACI-MASK mask is a significant control against several SARS-COV-2 transmission modes." He pointed out countries like South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam who "had better overwriting the virus and keep their savings" because of theirHigh levels of use of the facial mask mask early in the pandemic.

The most dangerous way by which the pathogens of Covid-19 are extended by expiry and inhalation ofAerosolized droplets Via sneezing, cough or even breathing exercise or speaking loudly. Although the mask port does not completely prevent propagation, protective protection on the mouth and nose considerably reduce the spread of contagion.

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While face masks have become a political football in the middle of the pandemic, if there is one thing that almost everyone can agree in this divided time is that weall Would like to return to a kind of pre-pandemic normality. But what has not agreed isHow? 'Or' What End the spread of potentially mortal CVID-19 contagion - until the latter report. And for more face masks, check10 myths on the face masks you need to know.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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